• Aditya312
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apex iframe is not showing anything. I am trying to open a standard dashboard in vf page using following code:

<apex:iframe id="iframeID" src="/dashboardId"/>
I need to create a approval process in following way:

Lets say there are some formula fields department1, department2, department3 ...... department20 which populates as YES/NO based on some logic.

According to these department fields, the approval process will execute in following way:

Step1 - department1
Step2 - department2
Step3 - department3
Step4 - department4
Step5(Parallel approval required) - department5, department6, department7, department8,.... department15
Step6 - department16
Step - department17
Step - department18
Step - department19
Step - department20

Now my problem is that, there are 10 departments to be included in Step5 but the condition is that only those departments approval is required whose respective formula field say 'YES'.

In that case I have to create 10*10 steps only for Step5 to meet all the combinations, like if (department5 & department8 is YES) or if (department6 & department7 & department9 is YES) and so on.

Is there any way to accomplish such a requirement without creating so many steps?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I have a requirement in approval process that I want dynamic approvers in UNANIMOUS approval based on some values. Suppose if condtion is "A" then I want UNANIMOUS approval of any 3 users and if condition is "B" then I want UNANIMOUS approval of any other 5 users.

the scenario is like, suppose for a step we require unanimous approval and the step is compulsory. But, a condition will decide that at this step how many approvers are required for unanimous approval. So suppose there are 3 approvers whose unanimous approval is required based on formula fields that populate YES/NO based on some condition. So for this I have to create about 2^3 steps for this.

These formula fields basically represents an approver. So if a field is YES then the respective approver is required in unanimous approval in the step otherwise not. 


Thanks in advance for any help...

Hello all,

We have written apex schedular job and which gets after every 1 minute.
However that job suddenly stopped working on 14th of January 2017.
We have rescheuled job again however we want to know why this happened?
Anyone has any idea about this?
If yes please help us in inderstanding.
Is there any way to notify administartor if job stops working?

Help is much approciated .
Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,
How to write Javascript for standard pagelayout .could you please tell me the inlinevf page?
this is my first post, I am a beginner on apex data loader and I try to do an insert into salesforce.
At the map creation step between columns of my CSV file and fields salesforce, I have a problem, the columns of my CSV file are grouped in one field and therefore it is impossible for me to do the mapping.

Here's a screenshot of what I have.
User-added image

someone can help me?
thank you in advance.

We have the below custom button on opportunities:

var eQuoteEndpoint = sforce.apex.execute("UAUpdate","GenerateEQ", 
//var eQuoteEndpoint =  //'URL REDACTED' + "token=//{!User.Quote_Token__c}" + "&opportunityId={!Opportunity.Id}";

Every so often it gives the below error:

A problem with the OnClick JavaScript for this button or link was encountered:

faultstring:'System.QueryException: LIst has no rows for assignment to SObject

Class.UAUpdate.GenerateEQ: line 9, column 1', }

As far as I can tell, it is referencing the below Apex class (only pasted until line 9 out of 184).

global class UAUpdate{
    public static boolean isApexTest = false;
    WebService static String GenerateEQ(String user_id, String opp_id){
      // Perform SOQLs to obtain relevant information.
      User user = [SELECT Id, Quote_Token__c FROM User WHERE Id = :user_id LIMIT 1];
      Opportunity opp = [SELECT Id, AccountId FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = :opp_id LIMIT 1];
      Account account = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Id = :opp.AccountId LIMIT 1];
      Contact contact = [SELECT Id, Email, FirstName, LastName, MailingCity, MailingPostalCode, MailingState, MailingStreet, Phone FROM Contact WHERE AccountId = :opp.AccountId LIMIT 1];

Is the class trying to reference a missing record/object? I can't tell what exactly it would be and how to fix it. Would appreciate any help.



We currently have two buttons on the Contact page layout, Activate and Deactivate. When the Deactivate button is pressed, a custom hidden field, Deactivated__c, is set to TRUE. When the Activate button is pressed, then the custom Deactivated__c field is set to FALSE. Upon clicking of either buttons, the user is redirected to a custom VisualForce (VF) page. Upon successful load of the VF page, the Deactivated__c field is to TRUE when user clicks on Deactivate and Deactivated__c field is set to FALSE when the user clicks on the Deactivate button.

Here is the caviot, regular users cannot see the field because it is not on the page layout. It is essentially a hidden field on the backend that is set.

The problem is that when the field is placed onto the page layouts, the users are able to click both buttons and the flag is set to TRUE and FALSE depending upon action. When the field is removed from the page layout (current situation), the users are not allowed to update that field even though I have provided them appropriate access to the VF page. 

I need help if figuring out how I can hide the field and still be able to set the Deactivated__c field to TRUE or FALSE depending upon which button is clicked. 
I need to create a approval process in following way:

Lets say there are some formula fields department1, department2, department3 ...... department20 which populates as YES/NO based on some logic.

According to these department fields, the approval process will execute in following way:

Step1 - department1
Step2 - department2
Step3 - department3
Step4 - department4
Step5(Parallel approval required) - department5, department6, department7, department8,.... department15
Step6 - department16
Step - department17
Step - department18
Step - department19
Step - department20

Now my problem is that, there are 10 departments to be included in Step5 but the condition is that only those departments approval is required whose respective formula field say 'YES'.

In that case I have to create 10*10 steps only for Step5 to meet all the combinations, like if (department5 & department8 is YES) or if (department6 & department7 & department9 is YES) and so on.

Is there any way to accomplish such a requirement without creating so many steps?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I have a requirement in approval process that I want dynamic approvers in UNANIMOUS approval based on some values. Suppose if condtion is "A" then I want UNANIMOUS approval of any 3 users and if condition is "B" then I want UNANIMOUS approval of any other 5 users.

the scenario is like, suppose for a step we require unanimous approval and the step is compulsory. But, a condition will decide that at this step how many approvers are required for unanimous approval. So suppose there are 3 approvers whose unanimous approval is required based on formula fields that populate YES/NO based on some condition. So for this I have to create about 2^3 steps for this.

These formula fields basically represents an approver. So if a field is YES then the respective approver is required in unanimous approval in the step otherwise not. 


Thanks in advance for any help...

I have a case where i need to select Approvers Dynamically where every one has to Approve the record (Unanimous  )

should not be in Approval Levels .. 

I made a Queue adding Group members selected but this is taken 1 unit for Approval 


How do i acheive this Use case.


How to add users to Approvers in Approval process ...

Hi Friends, 

i need to display a message "create child record" on top of the detail page after user save the record.


please help me out its urgent....

  • April 16, 2012
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