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Hello, I am trying to sort accounts alphabetically but nont-english characters are placed at the end. 

Any idea on how to fix it? 

Characters are ç,ö,ü,ş,Ç, Ö, Ü, Ş


public class propinReferences {

    public list<Account> getReferenceaccounts() {
        return[SELECT Id, Name, Short_Name__c, Logo__c, Logo_URL__c, AccountNumber FROM Account where gecmis_musteri__c = :true order by Name asc ];



Hello, I am trying to create a visualforce page to show the companies we worked with. So I wrote this (basically this board wrote it for me)


<apex:page controller="propinReferences"  sidebar="false"   contentType="text/html" >
var arraddress= new Array();
var arrid= new Array();
var ref= new Array();
var name= new Array();
var i=0;
var j=0;
document.write('<table border="0px"><tr>');
<apex:form >
 <apex:repeat value="{!referenceaccounts}" var="acct">
    name[i]= '{! acct.short_name__c}'

   <!-- ref[i]='<apex:image url="{!acct.Logo_URL__c}" width="50px" height="50px"/>'-->
 document.write('<td><a align="center" valign="bottom" href="https://ap1.salesforce.com/'+arrid[i]+'">'+ ref[i]+'</a></td><td><br /><apex:outputText value="{! acct.name}"/></td>');

    if(j == 5)


 But Result makes two columns. I want to display logo and name just below it not nearby. 


How Can I achive this? 







I have an object called Middle_Brother__C that is parented by OPP__c and PRO__c.


PRO__c also has a related list of Detail__c. 


I want to make a visualforce email template  (relatedtotype= "OPP__c") displaying both


Middle_Brother__c and

Detail of Middle_Brother__c.PRO__c.


How can I go that deep? 



Hello to all. 

I have an object called ABC. 

This ABC has one child called BOOK__c

Also there is another object Pencil__c which has a lookup to ABC and has a related list of contacts. 

Whenever BOOK__c record is checked completed (BOOK.Completed__c = True), I want to send an email to all Contacts in related list of Pencil__c of BOOK__c's parent ABC. 

How can I figure this out?

I have a custom object (Property__c). Properties are owning another custom object (Property_Units__c). 
Property Units have lookup fields which are (Tenants__c) and (Landlord__c). 

A property owns about 40 units on average. So we have 40 different tenants. 

I want to display list of Tenants on a text field on Property upon each new update. Is there a way to do it? 



Hello we do have an integration with iContact (an email marketing service). So after each newsletter, when a contact clicks on a link within the letter, a new record is created(called iContact Clicked Link Detail: iContactforSF__iContact_Clicked_Link__c) This record has following details: 

http://www.............. (this is the name of the record created)
Unique Clicks
iContact Sent Message
Name of the newsletter
Link to contact
 Link to lead
Full Link
http://www.............. (as a text field) :iContactforSF__Full_Link__c
Last Click Time
04.01.2013 08:50
Name of the campaign
ID of the click 
 This field did not exist before, I created this relation: Property__c
Created B


So, in our website each Property has its on unique url. And these properties also recorded in object Property__c. 

My goal is to automatically fill the Property field above when "iContact Clicked Link Detail" is created. (  I will save the url of property from website to a certain field in Property record in SF: URL_on_Websites__c)


Can someone help me out of this? 


Ali Demir






Hello to all. 

I have an object called ABC. 

This ABC has one child called BOOK__c

Also there is another object Pencil__c which has a lookup to ABC and has a related list of contacts. 

Whenever BOOK__c record is checked completed (BOOK.Completed__c = True), I want to send an email to all Contacts in related list of Pencil__c of BOOK__c's parent ABC. 

How can I figure this out?


We are looking to use Flow embedded into a public SF site but would like to have the finish button say "Submit" instead of Next, or Finish.  This is to submit case information, but have the ability to control additional logic via Flow Designer.


Is this possible to do within VisualForce?



I'm trying to find a way to iterate over my content horizontally for three columns and once the three columns have been reached, the content moves to a new row.


I've tried using a panelGrid and repeat control and a combination or html markup and a repeat control, but I can't get the content to break into three separate columns.


Here is my VF page using html table and repeat control:


<apex:page standardController="Opportunity" extensions="SalesCoachActivityController">
	<apex:form >
		<apex:outputPanel layout="block" style="overflow:auto;height:190px;">
			<table cellpadding="10">
                	<apex:repeat value="{!Activities}" var="act">
                			<apex:outputLink value="{!act.Content_URL__c}" target="_blank">{!act.Name}</apex:outputLink>

 Is there a way to iterate over a list and display the content into three columns and then break into a new row once you reach the third column until all records have been displayed?