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We can create Objects eg Album__c in developerforce.com and in Database.com as well...Whats the difference?

Hi all,


I have a workflow that sends out an email when the value changes on a support case when the field changes. The field that is set up for the workflow to look for is a formula to mirror the parent case field. TEXT(Parent.Engineering_Status_Update_c).


The workflow is set up with the evaluation criteria "When a record is created, or when a record is edited and did not previously meet the rule criteria." The Rule criteria is designated with the field name - contains - value with a filter logic of "or" between the 5 selections.


My problem is the workflow is not working lol... Everything is activated. My theory is that since the field is a formula and it's just mirroring the parent case, the case isn't actually updating. The last modified date doesn't change ect... 


Any suggestions?






what is the difference between "Trigger.New" and "Trigger.old"?

  • December 22, 2010
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