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How do I pass the record Id to the URL of the VF page from the class??


How can I get the record Id from the URL of the VF page into the class??


I have a batch class where in the execute method i will get a list of records. Now in final method i need to send a mail and attach the above list as an excel file. All the data in the list should be loaded into excel file. I tried but its not working. any sample code on how to convert a list data file into an excel sheet?

i have a requirement like if a user is deactived all his assigned activities like tasks events approvals everything should be transferred to a active user using apex class. how to achieve this.Any help?

Hi all, below is my code peice.


<apex:outputText value="{0, number, $###,###,###,###,###}" rendered="{!if(my field<>null,(if( my field< 0, '(' + text(abs(my field)) + ')',text(my field))),my field)}">

<apex:param value="{!my field}"/>



if my field value is = -20 expected output:($20) but i am getting as -$20.

Hi All,

i have a requirement like, i have a field which stores monthyear in the format as eg:122009. but i want to display it in my vf page as "Dec2009". I cant change anything in the field now since it is fixed. I want to change it in vf page while diaplaying.can any one please provide me the solution for this.

Hi I am getting  unexpected token: ':' error when i am using follwing query

 String CaseFiler =  ' + selectedCaseFiler + =:' + selectedFilterValue;         
            theQ = 'SELECT id,OwnerId,CaseNumber,Origin,Priority,Status,Account.Name,New_Owner__c  FROM Case WHERE OwnerId = :myId AND :CaseFiler  ';

In above query selectedCaseFiler and selectedFilterValue both are dynamic values

Can we only reference image and includeScript in Visualforce page ?


In the static resource called HelpDocuments if I upload a Document I don't see anything in the page, if i upload an image, i see that image.


<apex:page >
    <apex:image url="{!$Resource.HelpDocuments}"/ >


How can i show the document uploaded as a Document in the visualforce page?






A button is created in the custom object, is there any way to add the button to the page layout of any layout such as Account/Opportunity?
I had to add the button to the custom object because the force ide was not including the custom buttons and links created in the account customizations, and so wasnt able to deploy them. Is there any workaround for this?

hi im beginner , can u solve this problem , let you know reply through mail , anyone tell me  im learning thisfoce , can u anyone what  is the procedure for beginner 


Error: Compile Error: sObject type 'Item_c' is not supported. If you are attempting to use a custom object, be sure to append the '__c' after the entity name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names. at line 3 column 26


codins is -

trigger handledseatpriceChange on seat__c (after update) {
//update invoice items associated with open invoices
List<Item_c> openItems =[SELECT j.seat_price , j.seat_r.price_c FROM Item_c j
WHERE j.invoicestatemnt_r.Status_c = 'notavailable' AND j.seat_r.id IN :
Trigger.new FOR UPDATE ];

How do I pass the record Id to the URL of the VF page from the class??


How can I get the record Id from the URL of the VF page into the class??


i have activated new sf feature state and country picklist ..
how to add that picklist on vf page ???

  • May 15, 2013
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Hi all, below is my code peice.


<apex:outputText value="{0, number, $###,###,###,###,###}" rendered="{!if(my field<>null,(if( my field< 0, '(' + text(abs(my field)) + ')',text(my field))),my field)}">

<apex:param value="{!my field}"/>



if my field value is = -20 expected output:($20) but i am getting as -$20.

Hi All,

i have a requirement like, i have a field which stores monthyear in the format as eg:122009. but i want to display it in my vf page as "Dec2009". I cant change anything in the field now since it is fixed. I want to change it in vf page while diaplaying.can any one please provide me the solution for this.

Hi, everybody, My name is Valerij and I'm a beginning SF developer. This will be my first post, so... :)


We got a functionallyty in SF of emailing a document. If we go under documents, select a document and then click on "Email Document" we got a pretty emailing page.

The question is:

Can we reuse this page in opportunities->attachments. We have a requirement to email these. I would like to use the standard page, is it possible?

We've tried to put the ID of an attachment into the link of emailing the document, but then the attachment is empty.

Please, if I've missed some theory, just point me into the manual...


Thanks in advance!

I'm using VF page as PDF, and showing some data in tables.

The problem is that if text field that inside the table have no spaces than the column exapnd more than the width.


I create example that show the problem.

Is there any easy way to solve it?



I'm trying to create a way to create a case and send an emails using the apex:EmailPublisher tag.  It's all working except a couple cosmetic things.


   <apex:emailPublisher autoCollapseBody="false"    onSubmitSuccess="redirectPage()" emailBodyFormat="HTML" emailBody="{!caseTag}" enableQuickText="true"  showAdditionalFields="true" entityId="{!caseId}" emailBodyHeight="30em" expandableHeader="false" sendButtonName="Send Email" bccVisibility="editable" ccVisibility="editableWithLookup" title="Compose Outgoing Email" width="70%"></apex:emailPublisher>


I need to add the case tag (which is a formula field based on ID) to the email so the email to case threads it to the same case, but I want to put a couple empty lines before it, so the users have room to compose.  Is there any way to add new line characters here.  I've tried both on the apex and VF side these two methods.  '\n\n' + caseTag  and '<html><br/><br/>' + caseTag + '</html>'. It looks like it just ignores any tagged text and prints the \n's.



Hi I want to fire an event "onblur" of a inputField that is a picklist. But it is not firing. When I tried to fire at a inputField that is text then it was sucessfull.

Plz help me why it is so...

Thnx in advance for ur suggestions

  • February 13, 2013
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I'm trying to display some values in a data table and am getting the following error:  

Incorrect parameter for subscript. Expected java.lang.Class, received Text


The VF code is as follows: 

    <apex:datatable value="{!bom}" var="cmps" width="650px" border=".5px">
    <apex:column headerValue="Top Level Product" >
            <apex:outputField value="{!cmps.Top_Level_Product__c}"/>
        <apex:column headerValue="Top Level Product" >
            <apex:outputField value="{!cmps.Top_Level_Product__r.ProductCode}"/>
        <apex:column headerValue="Manufacturer's Part Number">
            <apex:outputField value="{!cmps.Component__r.Product_Code__c}"/>
        <apex:column headerValue="Quantity" style="text-align:center;">
            <apex:outputField value="{!pcQty[cmps.id]}"/> 
        <apex:column headerValue="Description">
            <apex:outputField value="{!cmps.Component__r.Component_Description__c}"/>

 I am not sure how to solve this so that the quantity value in my map is displayed instead. 


Thanks for your help.


Looking for a freelancer that can do a small visualforce and mobile job.

Must be able to submit an invoice for payment to a company in the US, and be set up as a vendor.