• Mike Slade
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I've gone live with an email publisher for a quick outbound email.  Everything is working well, except that when you click the lookup icon, it brings up the normal search pane, but doesn't let you push "Save" once you've selected the To and cc fields.  It works fine in the case feed but not in my page.  The only "funny" thing is that I don't have the id of the case set for my page because I create the case on page load.  


Is this dependent on using a page with the id set to the case id?  Has anyone else experienced this?


I'm trying to create a way to create a case and send an emails using the apex:EmailPublisher tag.  It's all working except a couple cosmetic things.


   <apex:emailPublisher autoCollapseBody="false"    onSubmitSuccess="redirectPage()" emailBodyFormat="HTML" emailBody="{!caseTag}" enableQuickText="true"  showAdditionalFields="true" entityId="{!caseId}" emailBodyHeight="30em" expandableHeader="false" sendButtonName="Send Email" bccVisibility="editable" ccVisibility="editableWithLookup" title="Compose Outgoing Email" width="70%"></apex:emailPublisher>


I need to add the case tag (which is a formula field based on ID) to the email so the email to case threads it to the same case, but I want to put a couple empty lines before it, so the users have room to compose.  Is there any way to add new line characters here.  I've tried both on the apex and VF side these two methods.  '\n\n' + caseTag  and '<html><br/><br/>' + caseTag + '</html>'. It looks like it just ignores any tagged text and prints the \n's.



I am able to integrate the live agent into my app, but it always pop up a new window. I am trying to make it display in an iframe within the page to avoid a pop up window. I have look into liveagent.startChatWithWindow(), but I couldn't get it to work when I pass the iframe id as parameter to the function. Is it possible to do that? Thanks!

I'm trying to create a way to create a case and send an emails using the apex:EmailPublisher tag.  It's all working except a couple cosmetic things.


   <apex:emailPublisher autoCollapseBody="false"    onSubmitSuccess="redirectPage()" emailBodyFormat="HTML" emailBody="{!caseTag}" enableQuickText="true"  showAdditionalFields="true" entityId="{!caseId}" emailBodyHeight="30em" expandableHeader="false" sendButtonName="Send Email" bccVisibility="editable" ccVisibility="editableWithLookup" title="Compose Outgoing Email" width="70%"></apex:emailPublisher>


I need to add the case tag (which is a formula field based on ID) to the email so the email to case threads it to the same case, but I want to put a couple empty lines before it, so the users have room to compose.  Is there any way to add new line characters here.  I've tried both on the apex and VF side these two methods.  '\n\n' + caseTag  and '<html><br/><br/>' + caseTag + '</html>'. It looks like it just ignores any tagged text and prints the \n's.



I have created a custom Email Publisher because I wanted to make the "To" field as Read- Only  . It works fine except -
  1. The original email conversations do not get included in the email Body when we Reply  to the email.
  2. The "Reply " and "Reply To " buttons under the emails under the All Updates section do not work
<apex:page standardController="Case" showHeader="true">
<apex:emailPublisher id="myEmailPublisher"
 entityId="{!case.id}"  width="500px" 
 title="Send an Email"
 expandableHeader="true"  autoCollapseBody="true"
 fromVisibility="selectable"  toVisibility="readOnly" toAddresses="{!case.contact.email}"
 bccVisibility="hidden"  ccVisibility="hidden"
 emailBody=""  emailBodyFormat="HTML"
 reRender="myEmailPublisher" subjectVisibility="editable" subject="Re:{!case.subject}"
 showSendButton="true" sendButtonName="Send Email"  /> 

Can someone help me on this urgently

Chhavi Vashist


  • December 18, 2012
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