• tonybrasunas
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Is there a way to count the lines of code used in a site.com site? 

Also, does Site.com code count again Salesforce code limits?
Is there a way to count the lines of code used in a site.com site? 

Also, does Site.com code count again Salesforce code limits?


When you add a query string to a page, it loads as expected. However, when you add a query string to an address that is either a 301 redirect or an alias in Site.com, the page does not load. The examples below:

Normal Page:
Without Query String - http://www.example.com/test-folder/test-page (works)
With Query String - http://www.example/test-folder/test-page?mkto=abc (works)

301 Redirect:
Without Query String - http://www.example.com/test-folder/test-redirect (works)
With Query String - http://www.example.com/test-folder/test-redirect?mkto=abc (fails)

Without Query String - http://www.example.com/test-folder/test-alias (works)
With Query String - http://www.example.com/test-folder/test-alias?mkto=abc (fails)


- Anthony

Is there any wildcard or way to setup so it doesn't do an exact match.


I want to do a redirect anytime it hits a relative url like /detail/foo ... however if it has a querystring it ignores it  so this does nothing 



Tried a variety of different formats but no luck.  Not sure it is possible.



  • September 14, 2011
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I have a visualforce page that may need to run in an iFrame.  When a user hits a commandbutton, I need it to call an Apex method (to update some records) but then I'd like to be able to have the entire window (not just the iFrame) load the return URL.  Is this possible?


It doesn't look like there's any way to set a target on a pagereference, but what I want to do is something like:



public PageReference submitConfirmation() {

     PageReference pr = new PageReference('urlgoeshere.com');

     pr.setTarget('_top'); // this line is NOT real code - there is no such PageReference method

     return pr;




Any advice?


