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Hi all


I am trying to deploy my sandbox project to Developer edition from Ecilipse by using Force.com IDE, But the pbm is I am getting lots  error , in the debug log when we validate the deployment.


Do we need follow some rules before deployment to destination like Object should deploy frist, relation should go first . I did lots of thing in Sandbox for my project like created number of objects, define the realtion, use those relation in form of query in Apex code.. Now I am getting error specially in classes like this relation is not presten in this query like that . I am giving the example of error here ::


 Deploy Results:
   File Name:    objects/CampaignMember.object
   Full Name:  CampaignMember.LeadSource
   Action:  NO ACTION
   Result:  FAILED
   Problem: An unexpected error occurred. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support: 1343494669-6589 (21090395)


   File Name:    objects/CaseTypeTests__c.object
   Full Name:  CaseTypeTests__c.TestName__c
   Action:  NO ACTION
   Result:  FAILED
   Problem: Field TestName__c does not exist. Check spelling.

   File Name:    objects/Case_Accession__c.object
   Full Name:  Case_Accession__c
   Action:  NO ACTION
   Result:  FAILED
   Problem: casepopulate does not exist or is not a valid override for action Edit.

   File Name:    objects/Contact.object
   Full Name:  Contact.LeadSource
   Action:  NO ACTION
   Result:  FAILED

   Problem: An unexpected error occurred. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support: 1343494669-6590 (21090395)

   File Name:    objects/Lead.object

   Full Name:  Lead.LeadSource
   Action:  NO ACTION
   Result:  FAILED
   Problem: An unexpected error occurred. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support: 1343494669-6591 (21090395)

   File Name:    objects/Opportunity.object
   Full Name:  Opportunity.LeadSource
   Action:  NO ACTION
   Result:  FAILED
   Problem: An unexpected error occurred. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support: 1343494669-6592 (21090395)

   File Name:    objects/Opportunity.object
   Full Name:  Opportunity.SyncedQuoteId
   Action:  NO ACTION
   Result:  FAILED
   Problem: fullName must end with: __c or __kav or __x or __y

   File Name:    objects/Quote.object
   Full Name:  Quote
   Action:  NO ACTION
   Result:  FAILED
   Problem: Invalid fullName, must end in __c

   File Name:    objects/QuoteLineItem.object
   Full Name:  QuoteLineItem
   Action:  NO ACTION
   Result:  FAILED
   Problem: Invalid fullName, must end in __c

   File Name:    objects/Specimen__c.object
   Full Name:  Specimen__c
   Action:  NO ACTION
   Result:  FAILED
   Problem: The sharing model cannot be updated through the API.

   File Name:    objects/Test__c.object
   Full Name:  Test__c
   Action:  NO ACTION
   Result:  FAILED

   Problem: The sharing model cannot be updated through the API.


FYI all is working on Sandbox environment means I have teste my classes Application and object evrything is working fine there


 Please provide any suggestion for these kind of deployment.




Hi all,


When I am deploying my project from Ecilipse to destination production account I am getting this error :: 

 """"""'Unable to perform synchronize check with remote server
com.salesforce.ide.api.metadata.types.MetadataSiaxbAccessorF_fullName cannot be
cast to com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.Accessor

Your project may be out-of-sync. """"""""""""


 I am using Force.com IDE 27 plugin and eclipse-java-helios-SR1-win32  


I have tried with restarrt of ecilipse , tried to synchronize  the project from Force.com -> Synchronize option ,, but no help


Please anyone has any idea regarding this ?? Already I have spend lots of time to install the Force.com IDE 27.0 please  help

Thanks in advance!!




Hi all,


I am trying to install Force.com plugin 27.0 version not 28.0 in "eclipse-jee-juno-SR1-win32

 But i am getting this error

"Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
  Software being installed: Force.com IDE (com.salesforce.ide.feature.feature.group
  Missing requirement: Force.com IDE (com.salesforce.ide.feature.feature.group requires "


I tried everything installed the

org.eclipse.update.ui_3.2.300.v20100512 also in plugin folder but no help can anyone suggest me anything,, and how to install the   Force.com plugin 27.0 from the marketplace I amm not getting the option of  Force.com plugin 27.0 from marketplace install wizard.


I have already spend lots of time to dig this but no help Please tell me somthing usefull


Thanks in advance




Hi all,

I know that we can deploy all our data from SandBox to production account,But my requirment to deploy all my salesforce development  application like object, records, fields to another salesforce account. Suppose I have two different sales force account  of different orginization (I am not talking about production and sandbox) and I developed all my application to one account and want to deploy all the stuff to another one. Is it possible means any way so that we can do it ??

Thanks in advance !!


Hi All,

Please look inot the below code:

I am trying to update the specimen data but its not updating, I am not getting any error nothing , I have higlihted the code,,, The record which I am updating from text box not updating in the object please look inot it, I placed only required code !! becuse of chr limit





 <apex:page standardController="Case_Accession__c"  extensions="GenerateCaseNumber" >
  <apex:form >
  <apex:pageblock title="Accessioning" >

         <apex:outputPanel id="detail1">
            <apex:pageBlockSection id="pageBlockProcessed" rendered="{!RenderedSpecimen}">
             <style type="text/css">
              .dateFormat{float:left; display:inline-block; clear:both}
              th{white-space: normal;}
              <table cellspacing="0">
              <th style="text-align:center"> Tissue Type </th>
               <th style="text-align:center"> Specimen Site</th>
               <th style="text-align:center"> Transport Container/ Medium</th>
              <th style="text-align:center">  Pieces Received </th>
              <th style="text-align:center">  Specimen Description/ Procedure </th>
              <th style="text-align:Center">  Collection Date</th>
              <th style="text-align:center">  Recieved Date</th>
              <th style="text-align:center">  Request Date</th>
              <th style="text-align:center">  Test </th>
              <apex:selectList multiselect="false" size="1" value="{!SelectedTissueType}"  >
              <apex:selectOptions value="{!TissueTypeOption }"/>


              <apex:selectList multiselect="false" size="1"  value="{!SelectedSpecimenSite}" >
              <apex:selectOptions value="{!SpecimenSiteOption }"/>
              <apex:selectList multiselect="false" size="1" value="{!SelectedTransportType}"  >
              <apex:selectOptions value="{!TransportTypeOption }"/>
            <apex:inputText id="txtPiecesRecieved" value="{!SpecimenPiecesRecieved}" />
            <apex:inputTextarea id="txtSpecimenDescription" value="{!SpecimenDescription}" />
            <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
            <apex:inputField value="{!objSpecimen.CollectedDate__c}"/>
              <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
            <apex:inputField value="{!objSpecimen.ReceivedDate__c}"/>
              <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
            <apex:inputField value="{!objSpecimen.RequestDate__c}"/>
              <apex:selectList multiselect="false" size="1" value="{!seletedTestValue}"  >
              <apex:selectOptions value="{!LoadTests }"/>

VF Code
public with sharing class GenerateCaseNumber
    public GenerateCaseNumber(ApexPages.StandardController controller)
         objPatient = new Patient__c();
         objAccession = new Case_Accession__c();
         objCaseType = new CaseType__c();
         objSpecimen = new Specimen__c();
         objApcase  = new ApCase__c();
         selectedValue ='testing';
         objComment = new Comment__c();
         objLabs = new Lab__c();
         objClients = new Client__c();
         objPhysician = new Physician__c();
         objFacility = new Facilty__c();
         objPatientList  = new List<Patient__c>();
         objSpecimenTestOrder = new Specimen_TestOrdered__c();
         var = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('field1');
         if (var ==null || var=='')
             TestEditAccession = 'No ID';
             TestEditAccession = var ;


    public void  Load_Lab_Client_Facility_Physician(string AccessionID)
            objAccession =  [select Lab__c,Facilty__c,Name,Client__c,Physician__c,RequisitionNo__c ,Patient__c from Case_Accession__c where id = :AccessionID];
            objPatient  = [select ID, FirstName__c,MiddleName__c,LastName__c,Address__c,Country__c,State__c,City__c,Gender__c ,DOB__c from Patient__c where id =:objAccession.Patient__c];
            objApcase = [select ID, Case_Accession__c,CaseNo__c,CaseType__c from Apcase__c where Case_Accession__c =:AccessionID];
            objSpecimen = [select id , ApCase__c,BodySite__c,Description__c,CollectedDate__c,PiecesReceived__c,ReceivedDate__c,RequestDate__c,SpecimenType__c,TransportType__c from Specimen__c where Apcase__c=:objApcase.ID];
            objSpecimenTestOrder  = [select id, Test__c from Specimen_TestOrdered__c where Specimen__c=:objSpecimen .id ];
             if([select ID,CommentName__c from Comment__c where Case_Accession__c =:AccessionID].Size()==1)
                objComment = [select ID,CommentName__c from Comment__c where Case_Accession__c =:AccessionID];
              seletedTestValue        = objSpecimenTestOrder.Test__c;
              SelectedSpecimenSite    = objSpecimen.BodySite__c;
              SpecimenDescription     = objSpecimen.Description__c;
              SpecimenPiecesRecieved  = String.Valueof(objSpecimen .PiecesReceived__c);
              SelectedTissueType      = objSpecimen.SpecimenType__c ;
              SelectedTransportType   = objSpecimen.TransportType__c;
              SpecimenID              = objSpecimen.ID;
              txtboxSpecimenID  = SpecimenID;
            selectedValue = objApcase.CaseType__c;
            CheckCaseType = false;
            TestFinalCaseNumber = objApcase.CaseNo__c;
            LabSelectedValue= objAccession.Lab__c;
            ClientselectedValue = objAccession.Client__c;
            Facilityselectedvalue = objAccession.Facilty__c;
            Physicianselectedvalue= objAccession.Physician__c;
            PatientID = objAccession.Patient__c;

    public GenerateCaseNumber ()
     public Patient__c objPatient {get;set;}
     Public List<Patient__C> objPatientList  {get; set;}
     public Case_Accession__c objAccession {get;set;}
     public CaseType__c objCaseType {get;set;}
     public Specimen__c objSpecimen {get;set;}
     public Specimen_TestOrdered__c objSpecimenTestOrder {get;set;}
     public CaseType__c  CaseSpecimenList {get; set;}
     public Comment__c objComment{get;set;}
     public string selectedValue{get;set;}
     public Apcase__c objApcase {get;set;}
     public string LabSelectedvalue {get;set;}
     public Lab__c objLabs {get;set;}
     public string ClientselectedValue{get;set;}
     public Client__c objClients {get;set;}
     public string Facilityselectedvalue{get;set;}
     public string Physicianselectedvalue{get;set;}
     public Facilty__c objFacility {get;set;}
     public Physician__c objPhysician{get;set;}
     Public String inputValue {get; set;}
     public string SearchPatient{get;set;}
     public string PatientID{get;set;}
     public string SpecimenID = '';
     public string testPatientid{get;set;}
     public string returnPatientID ;
     public string TestFinalCaseNumber{get;set;}  
     public string TestCaseNumber {get;set;}
     public  string CaseNumber;
     public string SpecimenDescription{get;set;}
     public string SpecimenPiecesRecieved {get;set;}
     public string SelectedTissueType {get;set;}
     public string SelectedSpecimenSite{get;set;}
     public string SelectedTransportType {get;set;}
     public string seletedTestValue {get;set;}
     public List<Test__c> TestList;
     public string txtboxSpecimenID {get;set;}
       public PageReference save()
             objLabs = [select ID  from Lab__c where ID=:LabSelectedvalue];
             objClients = [select id  from Client__c where ID=:ClientselectedValue];
             objFacility = [select id  from Facilty__c where ID=:Facilityselectedvalue];
             objPhysician= [select id from Physician__c where ID=:Physicianselectedvalue ];
             upsert objPatient;
            objAccession.Patient__c = objPatient.id;
             objAccession.Lab__c = objLabs.id;
             objAccession.Client__c = objClients.id;
             objAccession.Facilty__c = objFacility.id;
             objAccession.Physician__c = objPhysician.id;
             if (var ==null || var=='')
             Insert objAccession;
                 objAccession.id = var;
                 update objAccession;
             objComment.Case_Accession__c = objAccession.id;
             Insert objComment;
             objApcase  = new ApCase__c();
             objApcase.Case_Accession__c =  objAccession.id;
             objApcase.CaseType__c = selectedValue;
             objApcase.CaseNo__c = TestFinalCaseNumber;
             insert objApcase;
             objSpecimen.Description__c = SpecimenDescription;
             objSpecimen.PiecesReceived__c =  Decimal.Valueof(SpecimenPiecesRecieved) ;
             objSpecimen.BodySite__c = SelectedSpecimenSite;
             objSpecimen.TransportType__c = SelectedTransportType;
             objSpecimen.SpecimenType__c = SelectedTissueType ;

             if(SpecimenID!= '')
              objSpecimen.Apcase__c = objApcase.id;
              objSpecimen.ID = SpecimenID ;
             upsert objSpecimen;
             objSpecimenTestOrder.Specimen__c =  objSpecimen.id;
             objSpecimenTestOrder.Test__c = seletedTestValue;
             insert objSpecimenTestOrder;
         catch(Exception ex)
             System.debug('\n\nException ='+ex.getMessage()+'\n\n');
                 return Null;
         public  List<selectOption> TransportTypeOption
             string casetypeId = selectedValue;
             List<CaseTypeSpecimenTransport__c> CaseTypeSpecimenTransportList =  [select  TransportType__c from CaseTypeSpecimenTransport__c where CaseType__c =:casetypeId ];
             List<selectOption> TrasnportTypeName =new List<selectOption>();
             TrasnportTypeName .add(new selectOption('None', 'None'));
             for(integer i = 0 ; i<CaseTypeSpecimenTransportList.Size();i++)

              TransportTypeList= [select  ID , SpecimenTransportName__c from TransportType__c where id=:CaseTypeSpecimenTransportList[i].TransportType__c];
             for (TransportType__c ttn:TransportTypeList)
             TrasnportTypeName .add(new selectOption(ttn.ID, ttn.SpecimenTransportName__c));
             return TrasnportTypeName ;
         private set;
           public  List<selectOption> LoadTests
             string casetypeId = selectedValue;
             List<CaseTypeTests__c> CaseTypeTestsList =  [select  Test__c from CaseTypeTests__c where CaseType__c =:casetypeId ];
             List<selectOption> TestsName =new List<selectOption>();
             TestsName.add(new selectOption('None', 'None'));
             for(integer i = 0 ; i<CaseTypeTestsList.Size();i++)
              TestList= [select  ID , TestName__c from Test__c where id=:CaseTypeTestsList [i].Test__c];
             for (Test__c ttn: TestList)
             TestsName.add(new selectOption(ttn.ID, ttn.TestName__c));
             return TestsName;
         private set;


Hi All,


I am opening one VF page on click of edit fo lis view of particular object. Now I want to get the id of that particular record which I edited. I am writing this code but its throwing this error.


Cyclical server-side forwards detected: /apex/CasePopulate


VF Code

<apex:page standardController="Case_Accession__c" extensions="ExtentionController1" action="{!pageredir}"  >
    <apex:form >
    <apex:pageBlock >
     <!-- Begin Default Content REMOVE THIS -->
  This is your new Page
  <!-- End Default Content REMOVE THIS -->
 <apex:inputText value="{!TestEditSpecimenID }"/>


Apex Code


public class ExtentionController1
         public String var {get;set;}
         public string TestEditSpecimenID {get;set;}
     public ExtentionController1(ApexPages.StandardController controller)
     public Pagereference pageredir()
      var= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id');
             TestEditSpecimenID = var;
             Pagereference newpage = new Pagereference ('/apex/CasePopulate');
              //Pagereference newpage =Page.Accession;
            return newpage;
             //Pagereference newpage =Page.Accession;
             return null;



One more thing please I want to show the ID of reord into " <apex:inputText value="{!TestEditSpecimenID }"/> "


Thanks in advance



I am not geeting the Visual force page in to override with List of an Custom object. I  Changed my VF page like this


<apex:page standardController="Case_Accession__c"  extensions="ExtentionController">

...................My Code..............................



What I am doing wrong ??




Hi all, I don't know how to do this. Please suggest any idea, I have one Custom Object Accesioning , I  have created one visual force page to save the records into it. This Accesioning has Multiple relation with another object (all are child of this or look up relation). Now I want on the click of edit button of list view (Standard salesforce page) of accesioning . the same VF page should be  open with all the fileds already filled and I can update  the Accesioning object. Please help me in this any blog, any article or any idea.


One more thing. Can any one suggest me like If  the url of my page is https://c.cs15.visual.force.com/apex/Accession if I pass the id of particular accesioning as query string than it should show all the data of Accesioning  like  if I type this URL https://cs15.salesforce.com/a02e0000001eYCL


than detail page of particular accesioning is opening where ''a02e0000001eYCL" id id of a prticular Accesioning record.


Please suggest anything on any of the requirment




Hi all,


As I am new with SalesForce, I have implemented a VF page on that page I am doing lots of stuff like load of data in second object on the slection of first one , Creation of pick list, load of Pageblock on certain condition like that.  After all this I am able to save the records as my requirment. Now I want to edit that object, in which I saved this record, I know that we can do by the SalesForce Standard page but I want to edit by my VF page. So how to do that means  Just suppose the object which I want to edit is Acessioning, If I give the ID of particular accesioning in url by query string or click on edit button which we have on standard salesforce list view than my VF page should be open with all the loade fields of that object. and I would be able to update the records.


Please suggest any article or anything which can help me to do this.


MY VF page code is this


<apex:page Controller="ExtentionController"  >
    <apex:form >
    <apex:actionFunction name="validatedAction" action="{!SearchPatient}" />
        <apex:pageblock title="Accessioning" >
          <apex:pageBlockSection >
                <apex:selectList required="true" multiselect="false" size="1" label="Labs" value="{!LabSelectedvalue }"  style="align:left">
                <apex:selectOptions value="{!LabOption}"/>
           <apex:selectList required="true" multiselect="false" size="1" label="Clients"  style="align:left" value="{!ClientselectedValue}" >
                      <apex:selectOption itemvalue="" itemLabel="--None--" />
                      <apex:selectOptions value="{!Clientoption}"/>
                      <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!GetPhysicianNameByClient}"  reRender="detailsPhysician"/>
            <apex:pageBlockSection id="detailsPhysician" >
                  <apex:selectList multiselect="false" size="1" label="Facility"  style="align:left" value="{!Facilityselectedvalue}">
                     <apex:selectOption itemvalue="" itemLabel="--None--" />
                     <apex:selectOptions value="{!FacilityOption}" />
                 <apex:selectList multiselect="false" size="1" label="Physician"  style="align:left" value="{!Physicianselectedvalue}">
                     <apex:selectOption itemvalue="" itemLabel="--None--" />
                     <apex:selectOptions value="{!PhysicianOption}" />
             <apex:pageBlockSection >
                 <apex:inputField value="{!objAccession.RequisitionNo__c}"/>
             <div style= "width: 40%; float: left;">
              <table cellspacing="20px" align="center">
                 <label style="color:#4A4A56"> Search Patient </label>
              <apex:inputtext value="{!SearchPatient}" id="txtSearchPatient" /> </td>
                 <apex:commandButton value="Search"   reRender="thePanel" onclick="abcd('{!$Component.txtSearchPatient}')" /></td>
             <div style= "float: right; width: 40%;">
             <apex:outputPanel id="thePanel">
              <apex:pageBlockSection id="pageBlockProcessed" rendered="{!Rendered}">
                  <apex:dataTable id="dtPatientRecords"  value="{!objPatientList}" var="pt"  cellspacing="16%" >
                   <apex:column headerValue="FirstName">
                   <apex:commandLink action="{!PopulateFields}" value="{!pt.FirstName__c}"  >
                   <apex:param name="PatientID" assignTo="{!PatientID}" value="{!pt.id}"/>
                    <apex:param name="testFirstName" assignTo="{!objPatient.FirstName__c}" value="{!pt.FirstName__c}" /> 
                   <apex:param name="testMiddleName" assignTo="{!objPatient.MiddleName__c}" value="{!pt.MiddleName__c}"/>
                   <apex:param name="testLastName" assignTo="{!objPatient.LastName__c}" value="{!pt.LastName__c}"/>
                   <apex:param name="testAddress" assignTo="{!objPatient.Address__c}" value="{!pt.Address__c}"/>
                   <apex:param name="testCountry" assignTo="{!objPatient.Country__c}" value="{!pt.Country__c}"/>
                   <apex:param name="testState" assignTo="{!objPatient.State__c}" value="{!pt.State__c}"/>
                   <apex:param name="testCity" assignTo="{!objPatient.City__c}" value="{!pt.City__c}"/>
                   <apex:param name="testGender" assignTo="{!objPatient.Gender__c}" value="{!pt.Gender__c}"/>
                   <apex:column headerValue="Middle Name" >
                   <apex:outputField value="{!pt.MiddleName__c}" />
                   <apex:column headerValue="Last Name" >
                   <apex:outputField value="{!pt.LastName__c}" />
             <div style = "clear:both;"></div>
                <apex:pageBlockSection title="Patient">
                    <apex:inputField value="{!objPatient.FirstName__c}" />
                  <apex:inputField value="{!objPatient.MiddleName__c}" />
                  <apex:inputField value="{!objPatient.LastName__c}" />
                 <apex:inputField value="{!objPatient.Address__c}"/>
                 <apex:inputField value="{!objPatient.Country__c}"/>
                 <apex:inputField value="{!objPatient.State__c}"/>
                 <apex:inputField value="{!objPatient.City__c}"/>
                 <apex:inputField value="{!objPatient.Gender__c}"/>
                 <apex:inputField value="{!objPatient.DOB__c}"/>
                 <apex:inputHidden value="{!PatientID}"/>
             <apex:pageBlockSection title="Case Information" >
                <apex:selectList required="true" multiselect="false" size="1" label="Case(s)"  value="{!selectedValue}"  >
       <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!GenerateCaseNumber}" reRender="detail"/>
       <apex:selectOptions value="{!CaseTypeOption }"/>
             <apex:outputPanel id="detail"  >
             <apex:outputLabel value="{!TestFinalCaseNumber}"></apex:outputLabel>
              <apex:commandButton Value="Add Specimen"   reRender="detail1"  rendered="{!IF(TestFinalCaseNumber !=null  &&  TestFinalCaseNumber!='',true,false)}">
             <!--<apex:commandButton Value="Add Specimen"  action="{!AddSpecimen}" reRender="detail1" >
             <apex:outputPanel id="detail1">
            <apex:pageBlockSection id="pageBlockProcessed" rendered="{!RenderedSpecimen}">
            <!-- <apex:dataTable id="calldataTable" value="{!objSpecimen}" var="spec" cellspacing="16%">
             <apex:column headerValue="Tissue Type">
             <apex:selectList multiselect="false" size="1" >
              <apex:selectOptions value="{!TissueTypeOption }"/>
               <apex:column headerValue="Description">
               <apex:outputLabel value="{!spec.Description__c}"></apex:outputLabel>
             </apex:dataTable> -->
              <style type="text/css">
              .dateFormat{float:left; display:inline-block; clear:both}
              th{white-space: normal;}
              <table cellspacing="0">
                 <th style="text-align:center"> Tissue Type </th>
               <th style="text-align:center"> Specimen Site</th>
               <th style="text-align:center"> Transport Container/ Medium</th>
              <th style="text-align:center">  Pieces Received </th>
              <th style="text-align:center">  Specimen Description/ Procedure </th>
              <th style="text-align:Center">  Collection Date</th>
              <th style="text-align:center">  Recieved Date</th>
              <th style="text-align:center">  Request Date</th>
              <th style="text-align:center">  Test </th>
              <apex:selectList multiselect="false" size="1" value="{!SelectedTissueType}"  >
              <apex:selectOptions value="{!TissueTypeOption }"/>
              <apex:selectList multiselect="false" size="1"  value="{!SelectedSpecimenSite}" >
              <apex:selectOptions value="{!SpecimenSiteOption }"/>
              <apex:selectList multiselect="false" size="1" value="{!SelectedTransportType}"  >
              <apex:selectOptions value="{!TransportTypeOption }"/>
            <apex:inputText id="txtPiecesRecieved" value="{!SpecimenPiecesRecieved}" />
            <apex:inputTextarea id="txtSpecimenDescription" value="{!SpecimenDescription}" />
            <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
            <apex:inputField value="{!objSpecimen.CollectedDate__c}"/>
              <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
            <apex:inputField value="{!objSpecimen.ReceivedDate__c}"/>
              <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
            <apex:inputField value="{!objSpecimen.RequestDate__c}"/>
              <apex:selectList multiselect="false" size="1" value="{!seletedTestValue}"  >
              <apex:selectOptions value="{!LoadTests }"/>
            <apex:pageBlockSection title="Comments" >
                   <apex:inputField value="{!objComment.Comment__c}" style="width:75%"/>
            <apex:pageBlockButtons >
                  <apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="Done"/>
  <script type="text/javascript">
   function abcd(id)
       var temp=document.getElementById(id).value;
         alert("Please enter any of the Patient Information");
         return false;





Hi All,


I have one special requirment just Suppos I have three objects, Specimen, Tests and  SpecimenTest, now On VF page I am  getting specimen Fields and on the Selection of any other object I am getting mulitple tests means more than 1. No if I click on save than  in SpecimenTest  object Multiple tests which I got should be save with Single specimenID  ( where Specimen and Test object has relation as look up relation in SpecimenTest object ).


So result will be If SpecimenID = 00001 and TestIDs are 00001, 00002, 00003 than in SpecimenTest table records will be like


SpecimenTest  SpecimenID  TestID

00001                  00001              00001

00002                  00001              00002

00003                  00001              00003



Please help Me in this,, Thanks in Advance




How to show or hide  the label on selection of Dropdown list my code is this


<apex:page controller="GenerateCaseNumber" >
<apex:form >
   <apex:pageblock title="GenerateCaseNumber" >
         <apex:pageBlockSection showHeader="false" >
      <apex:selectList required="true" multiselect="false" size="1" label="Case(s)"  value="{!selectedValue}"  >
       <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!GenerateCaseNumber}" reRender="detail"/>
       <apex:selectOptions value="{!CaseTypeOption }"/>
             <apex:outputPanel id="detail" title="Cases">
              <apex:outputLabel title="Case Number" ></apex:outputLabel>
              <apex:outputLabel value="{!TestFinalCaseNumber}"></apex:outputLabel>




public with sharing class GenerateCaseNumber
    public string selectedvalue {get;set;}
    public CaseType__c objCaseType;
    public Apcase__c objApcase;
    public string TestFinalCaseNumber{get;set;}   
    public string TestCaseNumber {get;set;}
    string CaseNumber = null;
    public GenerateCaseNumber ()
       objcaseType = new CaseType__c ();
       objApcase= new Apcase__c();
    public  List<selectOption> CaseTypeOption
             List<selectOption> CaseTypeName =new List<selectOption>();
             CaseTypeName.add(new selectOption('None', 'None'));
             for (CaseType__c cn :[select  Name , CaseTypeName__c from CaseType__c])
             CaseTypeName.add(new selectOption(cn.ID, cn.CaseTypeName__c));
             return CaseTypeName;
         private set;
     public PageReference GenerateCaseNumber()
         string casetypeId = selectedValue;
         string DesignatorCode;
         objcaseType = [select  Name,DesignatorCode__c  from CaseType__c where ID =:casetypeId  ];
         DesignatorCode = objcaseType.DesignatorCode__c;
         Date objDate = Date.today(); //returns current date
         integer CurrentYear = objDate.Year(); // Returns year from the date (Return type integer)
        string trimyear =string.valueof(CurrentYear);  //Convert int to String
        string strtrimyear =  trimyear.substring(2, 4); // returns subtring from year
        string LikeDesignatorCode  = '';
        LikeDesignatorCode = DesignatorCode  + strtrimyear + '-';
        string LikeCondition = LikeDesignatorCode + '%';
        if([ SELECT Name,CaseNo__c FROM Apcase__c WHERE CaseNo__c  like :LikeCondition ORDER BY CaseNo__c  DESC LIMIT 1].Size()>0)
             objApcase = [ SELECT Name,CaseNo__c FROM Apcase__c WHERE CaseNo__c  like :LikeCondition ORDER BY CaseNo__c  DESC LIMIT 1];
             CaseNumber  = objApCase.CaseNo__c;
        string strOnlyCaseDigit = CaseNumber.RemoveStart(LikeDesignatorCode );
         string Combineconcatinate = '';

        for(integer i = 0 ; i<strOnlyCaseDigit.length();i++)
          string concatinate = strOnlyCaseDigit.substring(i,i+1);
          if( concatinate == '0')
            Combineconcatinate = concatinate + Combineconcatinate ;
        TestCaseNumber  = Combineconcatinate ;
        integer intOnlyCaseDigit = integer.Valueof(strOnlyCaseDigit);
        integer incrementCaseDigit = intOnlyCaseDigit +1;
        string strincrementCaseDigit  = string.valueof(incrementCaseDigit );
        TestFinalCaseNumber = DesignatorCode  + strtrimyear + '-'+Combineconcatinate  + strincrementCaseDigit; 
        TestFinalCaseNumber = LikeDesignatorCode +'000001';
         return null;



But pbm is on selection of any case type I am getting casNumber in label but not getting the title " Case Number :" by

  <apex:outputLabel title="Case Number" ></apex:outputLabel> this.


Please tell me how to achiev  this type of functionality.




Hi All !


This is my code



-----------------------------------------------------VF Page----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

<apex:page controller="GenerateCaseNumber" >
<apex:form >
   <apex:pageblock title="GenerateCaseNumber" >
  <apex:pageBlockSection title="Case Information" >
                 <apex:selectList required="true" multiselect="false" size="1" label="Case(s)"  value="{!selectedValue}" style="align:left">
                      <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!GenerateCaseNumber}" reRender="detail"/>
                     <apex:selectOptions value="{!CaseTypeOption }"/>
             <apex:pageBlockSection id="detail">
              <apex:outputLabel value="{!TestFinalCaseNumber}"></apex:outputLabel>



public with sharing class GenerateCaseNumber
    public string selectedvalue {get;set;}
    public CaseType__c objCaseType;
    public Apcase__c objApcase;
    public string TestFinalCaseNumber{get;set;}   
    public string TestCaseNumber {get;set;}
    string CaseNumber = null;
    public GenerateCaseNumber ()
       objcaseType = new CaseType__c ();
       objApcase= new Apcase__c();
    public  List<selectOption> CaseTypeOption
             List<selectOption> CaseTypeName =new List<selectOption>();
             CaseTypeName.add(new selectOption('None', 'None'));
             for (CaseType__c cn :[select  Name , CaseTypeName__c from CaseType__c])
             CaseTypeName.add(new selectOption(cn.ID, cn.CaseTypeName__c));
             return CaseTypeName;
         private set;
     public PageReference GenerateCaseNumber()
         string casetypeId = selectedValue;
         string DesignatorCode;
         objcaseType = [select  Name,DesignatorCode__c  from CaseType__c where ID =:casetypeId  ];
         DesignatorCode = objcaseType.DesignatorCode__c;
         Date objDate = Date.today(); //returns currnt date
         integer CurrentYear = objDate.Year(); // Returns year from the date (Return type integer)
        string trimyear =string.valueof(CurrentYear);  //Convert int to String
        string strtrimyear =  trimyear.substring(2, 4); // returns subtring from year
        string LikeDesignatorCode  = '';
        LikeDesignatorCode = DesignatorCode  + strtrimyear + '-';
        string LikeCondition = LikeDesignatorCode + '%';
     objApcase = [ SELECT Name,CaseNo__c FROM Apcase__c WHERE CaseNo__c  like : LikeCondition ORDER BY CaseNo__c  DESC LIMIT 1];
       CaseNumber  = objApCase.CaseNo__c;
        if( CaseNumber != Null )
        string strOnlyCaseDigit = CaseNumber.RemoveStart(LikeDesignatorCode );
         string Combineconcatinate = '';

        for(integer i = 0 ; i<strOnlyCaseDigit.length();i++)
          string concatinate = strOnlyCaseDigit.substring(i,i+1);
          if( concatinate == '0')
            Combineconcatinate = concatinate + Combineconcatinate ;
        TestCaseNumber  = Combineconcatinate ;
        integer intOnlyCaseDigit = integer.Valueof(strOnlyCaseDigit);
        integer incrementCaseDigit = intOnlyCaseDigit +1;
        string strincrementCaseDigit  = string.valueof(incrementCaseDigit );
        TestFinalCaseNumber = DesignatorCode  + strtrimyear + '-'+Combineconcatinate  + strincrementCaseDigit; 
        TestFinalCaseNumber = LikeDesignatorCode +'000001';
         return null;



By this code I  am binding on drop down list, on the selection of this drop down I am gettting one autogenerated CaseNumber according to selection of CaseType. But problem is just supopose if I did not get the data according to where condition in

  objApcase = [ SELECT Name,CaseNo__c FROM Apcase__c WHERE CaseNo__c  like : LikeCondition ORDER BY CaseNo__c  DESC LIMIT 1];


than it throw an exception " List has no rows to assign the Sobject". I know that there is no data in table according to condition but how to solve this issue  if where condition did not satisfy. Please  tell me. Thanks in Advance !!





Hi all ,


My requirment is like when I select any value from picklist than a new page block should be generated evreytime like If I have 4 picklist values like A,B,C,D and I select A than new page block should be added now If I select again A than again new page block should be generated and so on............


I am able to load only one page block on the selection of one value from picklist but how to achieve this .


FYI. Picklist is an diffrent object A,b,c,d are the Custom field values of that object.







Hi all,

I have one requirement like suppose I have one Custom object Name CaseType, In this object I have one custom field CaseTypeName, I want to create one dropdown in VF page where if I select any caseTypeName than one specific CaseNumber should be shown in below grid like if CaseType name is Breast Cancer Prognostic, than one Casenumber will be generated like BCP13-00001 and again I select the same, the case number will be BCP13-0002 ....... like that and this case number should be save in another table means Custom object Apcase.

Please guide me how to achieve this requirement in SalesForce, Thanks in advance!!!



Hi all,


I have one Custom Object Patient__c.On VF page onclick of commandlink button I am filling all the correspondant fields of Patient like firstname, middle name like that. I am getting the particular id also. Now my requirment is this to insert the new patient if we did not get the id from SQL query else update the patient if we got the id. Suppose the variable name in which I am getting the id is PatientID on Apex page
Please tell me I got stuck here ??



Hi all,


I have one Custom Object Patient__c.On VF page onclick of commandlink button I am filling all the correspondant fields of Patient like firstname, middle name like that. I am getting the particular id also. Now my requirment is this to insert the new patient if we did not get the id from SQL query else update the patient if we got the id. Suppose the variable name in which I am getting the id is PatientID on Apex page

Please tell me I got stuck here ??



Hi all,


I want to chnage the layuout of Detailview in salesforce can anyone suggest me how to do that,, Means If I have look up relation of Object Clinet iot lab

than on click of particular client we gor the detail view, in this detail view I want some fields not all the fields. How to do that please suggest.




I have two objects has look up realtion to each other. I have created both has picklist on VF page now I want to load one picklist values on the selection of another picklist values. Like All Sate should come on the basis of country like that. Please help, thanks in advance

Hi all,


I have two custom object Labs and Company Company has lookup relation in lab. Company has thre fields Name as CompnayId whic auto-generated, CompanyName__c and CompanyDescription__c, when I click on Tab of lab I am able to see the Companyid onlt in the lsitview, how I can be able to see the Company by CompanyName__c field. thanks in advance




Hi all,

I have one Custom object CaseType__c which has some custom fields like CaseTypeName, CaseTypeDescription etc and one look up relation of another object Specimen__c which has also some fields like SpecimenName, SpeimentType, SpecimenDescription like that. On VF page I have loaded the CaeTypeName as picklist from CaseTypeObject by ApexCode.


Now my requirment is on the selection of particular CaseTypeName__c, all the fields of Specimen object like SpecimentName, SpecimenType SpecimenDescription should be come. Like If CaseTypeName -ABC has Specimen BCD than on the selection of CaseType-ABC all the fields of Specimen related to BCD record should display on VF page.


This is code but not working ,, please please help, I have ried much but did not get anything


<apex:page controller="ExtentionController"

    <apex:form >
          <apex:pageblock title="Hello {!$User.FirstName}!" >
              This is your Accession Page !!<p/>

 <apex:pageBlockSection title="Case Information" >
                   <apex:selectList value="{!objCaseType.CaseTypeName__c }" size="1" multiselect="false">
                    <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" reRender="details" action="{!readSpecimen}"/>
                        <apex:selectOptions Value="{!CaseTypeOption }">
                  <apex:pageBlockSection title="Specimen" id="details">
                        <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!SpecimenList}" var="spec"   border="red" width="500%"  >
                            <apex:column value="{!SpecimenList.Name}" width="100%"/>
                            <apex:column value="{!SpecimenList.SpecimenType__c}" width="100%"/>



Apex Code

public class CaseTypeExtention
        public CaseType__c objCaseType {get;set;}
        public Specimen__c SpecimenList  {get;set;}
        //public List<CaseType__c> caseList {get; set;}
        public CaseTypeExtention(ExtentionController controller)
                objCaseType = new CaseType__c();
                SpecimenList = new Specimen__c();
               // caseList  = new List<CaseType__c>();
        public List<selectOption> CaseTypeOption
                List<selectOption> CaseTypeName =new List<selectOption>();
                CaseTypeName.add(new selectOption('None', 'None'));
                for (CaseType__c cn :[select  Name , CaseTypeName__c from CaseType__c])
                CaseTypeName.add(new selectOption(cn.Name, cn.CaseTypeName__c));
                return CaseTypeName;
            private set;
        public PageReference readSpecimen()
            //caseList  = [Select  Specimen__c From CaseType__c Where name = '000002' limit 1 ];
            //string specimenId = caseList.Specimen__c;
            SpecimenList   = [select  name, SpecimenType__c from Specimen__c where id=:objCaseType.Specimen__c ];
            return null;

Hi all,


When I am deploying my project from Ecilipse to destination production account I am getting this error :: 

 """"""'Unable to perform synchronize check with remote server
com.salesforce.ide.api.metadata.types.MetadataSiaxbAccessorF_fullName cannot be
cast to com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.Accessor

Your project may be out-of-sync. """"""""""""


 I am using Force.com IDE 27 plugin and eclipse-java-helios-SR1-win32  


I have tried with restarrt of ecilipse , tried to synchronize  the project from Force.com -> Synchronize option ,, but no help


Please anyone has any idea regarding this ?? Already I have spend lots of time to install the Force.com IDE 27.0 please  help

Thanks in advance!!




Hi all,

I know that we can deploy all our data from SandBox to production account,But my requirment to deploy all my salesforce development  application like object, records, fields to another salesforce account. Suppose I have two different sales force account  of different orginization (I am not talking about production and sandbox) and I developed all my application to one account and want to deploy all the stuff to another one. Is it possible means any way so that we can do it ??

Thanks in advance !!


I am not geeting the Visual force page in to override with List of an Custom object. I  Changed my VF page like this


<apex:page standardController="Case_Accession__c"  extensions="ExtentionController">

...................My Code..............................



What I am doing wrong ??




Hi Everyone,

when I try to install Eclipse Juno 4.2 with the force.com IDE I get the following error message:


Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
  Software being installed: Force.com IDE (com.salesforce.ide.feature.feature.group
  Missing requirement: Force.com IDE (com.salesforce.ide.feature.feature.group requires 'org.eclipse.update.ui 0.0.0' but it could not be found

 Does anyone know how to fix this?


Kind regards,



  • July 02, 2012
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