• sfdc integrator.ax1790
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Hello Guys,

I am trying to integrate my application with salesforce CTI ( Computer Telephony Integration). 
I am reserching related articales for that. It will be greate help if anyone can post a best for this.

Also, Can anybody tell me it salesforce CTI works with only users having Service cloud licenses.


When i insert 10 records if any of the record is not equal to Utility.AccountRecordType then i need to remove the record from the trigger.new list. 

for(integer i=0;i<Trigger.new.size();i++){
        if(Trigger.new[i].RecordTypeId != Utility.AccountRecordType){

Suresh S



I need to query records[soql] which starts with non-alphabet characters.


Please help me.


Suresh S

Can anyone please help me how to display  AggregrateResult in Visualforce Page



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When i insert 10 records if any of the record is not equal to Utility.AccountRecordType then i need to remove the record from the trigger.new list. 

for(integer i=0;i<Trigger.new.size();i++){
        if(Trigger.new[i].RecordTypeId != Utility.AccountRecordType){

Suresh S
Hello Guys,

I am trying to integrate my application with salesforce CTI ( Computer Telephony Integration). 
I am reserching related articales for that. It will be greate help if anyone can post a best for this.

Also, Can anybody tell me it salesforce CTI works with only users having Service cloud licenses.

Hello All,

New coder in Apex here
Just need suggestions from the experienced people out there if my trigger is efficient and scalable? Many Thanks for you help in advance. Also if someone can suggest how to proceed for a test class for this trigger..i apppreciate your help

// This trigger counts all of the calls made for a particular record type and Event Type  in Event //Displays the count on Account Pagetrigger Activity_Count on Event (after insert, after update, after delete) {      Set<Id> eventIds = new Set<Id>();     Set<Id> accIds = new Set<Id>();     Map<Id,Account> accMap = new Map<Id,Account>();     List<Account> updateList = new List<Account>();      String accPrefix = Account.sObjectType.getDescribe().getKeyPrefix();     system.debug(accPrefix);     for (Event e : Trigger.isDelete ? Trigger.old : Trigger.new)         {            eventIds.add(e.Id);            String str = e.whatId;            if(str != null && str.startsWith(accPrefix)) // Task belongs to Account                    accIds.add(e.whatId);            }      integer countercalls = 0;      integer countermeetings = 0;      //system.debug('This is the list of the account Ids selected related to Task ----'+accIds);      if(accIds.size() > 0)          {          for(Account acc : [SELECT Id, Annual_Actuals_Calls__c,Annual_Actuals_Meetings__c FROM Account WHERE Id in :accIds]){             for(Event evt :[SELECT Id, RecordTypeId,Type FROM Event where WhatId = :acc.Id]){               If(evt.RecordTypeId == '01220000000YZcPAAW' && evt.Type == 'Sales Call')                 countercalls +=1;               If(evt.RecordTypeId == '01220000000YZcPAAW' && (evt.Type == 'Sales Visit' || evt.Type == 'New Client Visit'))                 countermeetings +=1;               }             acc.Annual_Actuals_Calls__c = countercalls;             acc.Annual_Actuals_Meetings__c = countermeetings;             updateList.add(acc);           }                 }       if(updateList.size() > 0)         {           //system.debug('The list to be updated contains these accounts :-----'+updateList);           upsert updateList;         }  }



I need to query records[soql] which starts with non-alphabet characters.


Please help me.


Suresh S



Can we have picklist from custom Settings in standrad page




How to select multiple contacts in lookup field. Is this possible?