• hy.lim1.3897974166558203E12
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Hi, as title, how can I default an email template when click 'Reply' or 'Reply All' button on Case Feed item? Basically I would like to load a simple reply signature template when users click on  'Reply' or 'Reply All' button on Case Feed email feed item.

 I understand that the Smart Templates (Enable Default Email Templates) feature allows you to drive which template is pre-loaded from any apex logic you create, but that is for when you typing a new email. I would like to load a template when click on 'Reply' or 'Reply All' button and my template will be the top of the message and follow by my 'original message'

Is that possible?
Hi, i have created a visualforce page with page navigation. I am able to shows the records but when i click next nothing happen. below is my controller:

public class sampleOutput5Cases {
    private List<Case> ca;
    private Contact cntact;
    public ApexPages.StandardSetController setController{get; set;}
    public sampleOutput5Cases (ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
        this.cntact= (Contact)controller.getRecord();
    public List<Case> getCa()
    //public void getCa()
        ca = [Select id, CaseNumber, Origin, Status, Subject from Case where ContactId = :cntact.id];
        setController = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(ca); 
        renderTable = true;
        return (List<Case>)setController.getRecords();
        //return ca;
    public Boolean renderTable {
            if(renderTable == null)
                return false;
            return renderTable;
    public void Next()
    public void Previous()
    /*public ApexPages.StandardSetController setController
            if(cntact == null){
                List<Case> caseList = new List<Case>();
                return new ApexPages.StandardSetController(caseList);
            return setController;
    public Boolean getHasNext()
            return false;
        return setcontroller.getHasNext();
    public Boolean getHasPrevious()
            return false;       
        return setcontroller.getHasPrevious();
    public String getPageRangeText()
        if(setController == null)
            return '';
            Integer startP = ((setController.getPageNumber() - 1) * setController.getPageSize()) + 1;
            Integer endP;
            if(setController.getPageNumber()*setController.getPageSize() > setcontroller.getResultSize())
                endP = setcontroller.getResultSize();
                endP = setController.getPageNumber()*setController.getPageSize();
            return 'Showing Records : ' + startP + ' - ' + endP + ' of total ' + setcontroller.getResultSize();
    public Boolean getShowPageRangeText()
        if (setController==null)
            return false;       
        if(setcontroller.getResultSize() > 0)
            return true;
            return false;

and my VF page:

<apex:page standardController="Contact" extensions="sampleOutput5Cases">
    <apex:includeScript value="/support/console/29.0/integration.js"/>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        // Opens a subtab when a related Case Number is clicked
      function OpenNewCaseDetailTab(theId, name) {
       sforce.console.openPrimaryTab(null, '/' + theId, true, name );
  <apex:form >
  <apex:pageBlock >
  <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!ca}" var="oCase" >
          <apex:column headerValue="CaseNumber" >
              <a HREF="#" onClick="OpenNewCaseDetailTab('{!oCase.Id}','{!oCase.CaseNumber}')" >{!oCase.CaseNumber}</a>
              <!--apex:commandLink value="{!oCase.CaseNumber}" action="/{!oCase.Id}" target="_blank"/-->
              <!--apex:commandlink style="margin-left:0px;color:#000;font-size:11px;" onclick="openPrimaryTab();return false;" value="{!oCase.CaseNumber}" /-->
          <apex:column value="{!oCase.Subject}"/>
          <apex:column value="{!oCase.Origin}"/>      
         <apex:column value="{!oCase.Status}"/>      
 <apex:commandButton id="btnPrev" value="Prev" action="{!Previous}" rendered="{!HasPrevious}" />
    <apex:commandButton id="btnNext" value="Next" action="{!Next}" rendered="{!HasNext}" />
    <br />
    <br />
    <apex:outputLabel id="opPageRangeText" styleClass="brandTertiaryBgr pbSubheader tertiaryPalette" rendered="{!ShowPageRangeText}" value="{!PageRangeText}" />

Hi i have a simple table need to add to Contact object which will show top 5 cases from that contact sort by case number.

i need to create a visualforce page table to display 4 columns:

1) Case Number
2) Case Subject
3) Origin
4) Status

I wanted the Case Number to be clickable meaning if i click on the case number it will direct me to the case details

any suggestion?
Hi, i have follow guide here -> http://docs.releasenotes.salesforce.com/he-il/summer14/release-notes/rn_mobile_salesforce1_send_email_action.htm to setup my Send Email action for Salesforce1 mobile user. Now when I click on this Send Email action from my mobile, the HTML Body show only plain text, i do not have the option to Bold / Italic/ Underline my text. I don't see the option bar like what is shows inside the link

Any thoughts?

Hi, as I know to attach the content to an account you have 3 steps: 

1) contrivute content (upload files) from the content tab
2) go to the account and search for the content
3) attach the content to account

That is quite painful if we have multiple content and all need to be attached to an account. is there a way i can create the content directly from the Account and automatically attach to the Account record once done? That would save us alot of time.

Hi i have a trigger in my custom object and it hit governor limit due to select statment in my for loop. now i would like to move my statement out. can anyone help? here is my trigger:

trigger CalculateMorgage on Property__c (before insert) {
   for(Property__c pp: Trigger.new){        
        List <House_Type__c> ht = [SELECT ID, Property_Type__c  FROM House_Type__c WHERE Range__c =: pp.range__c and Quantity__c =: pp.p_quantity__c];

          for(House_Type__c htt:ht){
                 pp.type__c = htt.Property_Type__c ;


hi, I would like to know how can I change the default the font type in Case Feed email editor under the 'Answer Customer' section?

I believe the default font type is now Arial, i would like to change it to verdana. How can i do it?

Hi, I have community enanbled in my org. As you all know, once someone registered as a community user, Salesforce will create a Contact for it. Now I would like this community user to update certain fields in Contact.

I understand that it can be achieve by creating a visual force page then pull out the contact field so that the community user is able to update from there.

Now the problem is, we have restricted community users on Contact object, they have no 'Read' permission on Contact so certainly my visualforce page will show blank.

The reason why I want to restrict community user is because in our community site we also have the global search function, if I do not restrict community user on Contact object, the global search will return contact as well which is not comply to our security. We do not want each community user to see other's contact's profile. It's P&C.

So now i would like to know is there any way i can:

1) modify the global search function not to return contact results since it is a standard smart search
<iframe scrolling="yes" height="1000px" frameBorder="0" name="theIframe"  src="https://mycomp.force.com/search/SmartSearch?str={!$CurrentPage.parameters.msg}" width="1020px"></iframe>

2) a way for community user to update contact's field without 'Read' permission on Contact.

 Hi i have a very simple email publisher to replace the original one :->

<apex:page standardController="Case" >
  <apex:emailPublisher entityId="{!case.id}" 
So i remove the standard 'Answer Customer' action and add in my custom emailpublisher in. Now all my email message record feed doesn't have the 'Reply' & 'Reply to All' button. What have i missed out? Basically what I want to achieve is I want the sender to default as our support email instead of user's personal email.

With Answer Customer Action
User-added image

Without Answer Customer action (replaced with my custom email publisher)
User-added image

hi, i would like to know can i change the 'Reply' or 'Reply to all' button in case feed email? I understand that we can default a template when 'Answer Customer' but i also want to load a template when i clicking 'Reply' or 'Reply to All' on that email message in Case Feed.

Poosible to replace with a custom button?
can we change the case feed email editor? currently we are not able to insert table and when we press tab keyboard, it will jump to next section in the page instead of leaving a space. in normal text editor like notepad or word document, when we press tab keyboard it will leave a space for fomartting

is there any visualforce page can replace the case feed email editor? with fully WYSYWIG editor like screen below?

User-added image
Hi, I have case feed enabled in my org and I would like know how can I trigger the Close Case layout whenever I close the case from the 'Change Status' section?

Under the 'Change Status' section I am able to select the Close status but it did not prompt me the close case layout for me to select the closure reason while if I click Close button in detail view it will prompt me to close case layout for closure reason.
Hi I am trying to insert Contact from a .csv file using data loader and I found that the birthdate imported has the original birthdate - 1 day

In my csv file, the birthdate is 2009-09-10 but when imported to Salesforce, the birthdate become 2009-09-09 under the new contact. Any reason why?

Hi, I have a simple report and I would like to know how can I convert a number column into time format (hh:mm:ss)?

I have a column (number) that is calculated in mins and I would like to show as time format (hh:mm:ss) in my report instead of whole number.

For example,
- 45 will show 00:45:00,
- 65 will show 01:05:00

is there any formula rules in report can do this?

Hi, I have communities enabled in my org and every time someone registered at my communitiy it will create a contact in my org as well.

We have actually already imported customer data as a contact from our customer database so when same email address - user register as a community user again it will have duplicate contact.

How can i prevent this? Can i convert the existing contact(if found based on email address) to portal user upon user registration?  so it wont create another contact with same email address again.

Hi i have a Email-to-Salesforce enabled and will save attachment for every email in activity history. Now i would like query back the attachment but it return 0 result. My trigger as below: 

Trigger TestAtchfromTask on Task (after insert) {
    for(Task tk:Trigger.new){
        List<Attachment> atch = [select Id, Name, Body, BodyLength from Attachment where ParentId =: tk.id];
        System.debug('attachment >> ' + atch);

Hi, I have email-to-case & Auto Response rules setup in my org. I would like to know why the auto response rules always create an outgoing (sent) email record in my case? How can I disable that? Please refer below:

 User-added image


I have a visualforce page embeded in my Contact and why is it showing the editor instead of the page? Please refer screen shot below:

User-added image
Hi, I have a custom button which will send a SingleEmailMessage and below is my SingleEmailMessage code

Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
mail.setToAddresses(new string[] {'userA@support.com'});
mail.setCcAddresses(new string[] {'CC_User@support.com'});
mail.setSubject('Testing Subject');
mail.setPlainTextBody('Testing Body');
Messaging.SendEmailResult[] res = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });

Everything works fine but can I not to send this email to user under CcAddresses?

I wan userA to receive the email but not CC_User, so when userA pick up the email and reply, he will see reply To UserB@support.com and CC to CC_User@support.com

Hi, as title, how can I default an email template when click 'Reply' or 'Reply All' button on Case Feed item? Basically I would like to load a simple reply signature template when users click on  'Reply' or 'Reply All' button on Case Feed email feed item.

 I understand that the Smart Templates (Enable Default Email Templates) feature allows you to drive which template is pre-loaded from any apex logic you create, but that is for when you typing a new email. I would like to load a template when click on 'Reply' or 'Reply All' button and my template will be the top of the message and follow by my 'original message'

Is that possible?
hi, i would like to know can i change the 'Reply' or 'Reply to all' button in case feed email? I understand that we can default a template when 'Answer Customer' but i also want to load a template when i clicking 'Reply' or 'Reply to All' on that email message in Case Feed.

Poosible to replace with a custom button?

I have an entitlement process with Milestones and my one of my milestones criteria is Case Status not equal to Closed.

So every new cases will enter into this milestone automatically. Now when I use the Mass Close button in the Case List view (check multiple case), all checked cases status changed to 'Closed' but the case milestones still remains there.

By right it should be removed because my milestones criterial is Case Status not enqul to Closed and my case status is already Closed. Why it still remain there?
Hi i have communities enabled in my org and i would like to embed Chatter into it with a customize visualforce page.

so my communities member can join group/follow other people.

anyone can share on how to do it?
Hi i have an entitlement process with 2 milestone and the milestone criteria time is:

Milestone 1:
Time to complete = 30 mins
Case status = Open, Work In Progress
Warning Action = Email alert to case owner (10 mins before)
Violated Action = Email alert to Team Leader (1 min after)

Milestone 2:
Time to complete = 60 mins
Case status = Pending Customer
Warning Action = None
Violated Action = Email alert to contact's email

My scenario is, the case owner leave the case under status Open for more than 30 mins. During this period of time Milestone 1 is violated, case owner received an email sent from Warning Action and Team Leader receive an email from Violet Action which is correct.

Then later case owner change the status to Pending Customer, the case milestone immediately change to milestone2 and start count down towards target date which is correct too.

After that, case owner change the status from Pending Customer -> Work In Progress, it matches the MIlestone 1 criteria and case milestone change from Milestone2 to Milestone1. At this time, the Milestone 1 is actually violated already then imediately send out 2 emails to case owner (Warning Action) and to Team Leader (Violated Action) but it actually sent out already for the first time.

how can i prevent/stop it to send again if the milestone matches the criteria if it already sent once before?

Hi, i have an entitlement process which its 'Case enters the process' = Based on a custom date/time field on the case: SLA Cont Time

and under this entitlement process i have a milestone it's Start time = 'Entitlement Process'

but whenever my case being assigned to to this entitlement, the milestone start time always show case created date. shouldn't it be my custom date/time field: SLA Cont Time?

ps: my SLA cont time is different from case created date
Hi, I have a EE org and i would like to know what is the maximum active entitlement process can i have? i checked through http://na10.salesforce.com/help/pdfs/en/salesforce_app_limits_cheatsheet.pdf and it mentioned 20 entitlement process but in my sandbox i am able to create 25 active entitlement process. so what is the actual maximum entitlement process can i have?
Hi, how can i default a dependent picklist value if there is only one value?

for example, i have controling picklist value of A,B,C and dependent picklist value of 1,2,3,6,7,8

A - 1,2,3
B - 6
C - 7,8

so when i select B my dependent picklist will automatically show 6 instead of None and need to choose again since there is only onle value there.
Hi i have case feed & email to case enabled  in my salesforce org. i have a situation where my customer send in email to my routing email and CC some other ppl.

In case feed, when i select answer customer the CC list member is gone, how can i remain the CC list from the original email?

And i have a email template which will load the message body -> {!EmailMessage.TextBody} but it wont load the body. any idea?
Hi, i have created a visualforce page with page navigation. I am able to shows the records but when i click next nothing happen. below is my controller:

public class sampleOutput5Cases {
    private List<Case> ca;
    private Contact cntact;
    public ApexPages.StandardSetController setController{get; set;}
    public sampleOutput5Cases (ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
        this.cntact= (Contact)controller.getRecord();
    public List<Case> getCa()
    //public void getCa()
        ca = [Select id, CaseNumber, Origin, Status, Subject from Case where ContactId = :cntact.id];
        setController = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(ca); 
        renderTable = true;
        return (List<Case>)setController.getRecords();
        //return ca;
    public Boolean renderTable {
            if(renderTable == null)
                return false;
            return renderTable;
    public void Next()
    public void Previous()
    /*public ApexPages.StandardSetController setController
            if(cntact == null){
                List<Case> caseList = new List<Case>();
                return new ApexPages.StandardSetController(caseList);
            return setController;
    public Boolean getHasNext()
            return false;
        return setcontroller.getHasNext();
    public Boolean getHasPrevious()
            return false;       
        return setcontroller.getHasPrevious();
    public String getPageRangeText()
        if(setController == null)
            return '';
            Integer startP = ((setController.getPageNumber() - 1) * setController.getPageSize()) + 1;
            Integer endP;
            if(setController.getPageNumber()*setController.getPageSize() > setcontroller.getResultSize())
                endP = setcontroller.getResultSize();
                endP = setController.getPageNumber()*setController.getPageSize();
            return 'Showing Records : ' + startP + ' - ' + endP + ' of total ' + setcontroller.getResultSize();
    public Boolean getShowPageRangeText()
        if (setController==null)
            return false;       
        if(setcontroller.getResultSize() > 0)
            return true;
            return false;

and my VF page:

<apex:page standardController="Contact" extensions="sampleOutput5Cases">
    <apex:includeScript value="/support/console/29.0/integration.js"/>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        // Opens a subtab when a related Case Number is clicked
      function OpenNewCaseDetailTab(theId, name) {
       sforce.console.openPrimaryTab(null, '/' + theId, true, name );
  <apex:form >
  <apex:pageBlock >
  <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!ca}" var="oCase" >
          <apex:column headerValue="CaseNumber" >
              <a HREF="#" onClick="OpenNewCaseDetailTab('{!oCase.Id}','{!oCase.CaseNumber}')" >{!oCase.CaseNumber}</a>
              <!--apex:commandLink value="{!oCase.CaseNumber}" action="/{!oCase.Id}" target="_blank"/-->
              <!--apex:commandlink style="margin-left:0px;color:#000;font-size:11px;" onclick="openPrimaryTab();return false;" value="{!oCase.CaseNumber}" /-->
          <apex:column value="{!oCase.Subject}"/>
          <apex:column value="{!oCase.Origin}"/>      
         <apex:column value="{!oCase.Status}"/>      
 <apex:commandButton id="btnPrev" value="Prev" action="{!Previous}" rendered="{!HasPrevious}" />
    <apex:commandButton id="btnNext" value="Next" action="{!Next}" rendered="{!HasNext}" />
    <br />
    <br />
    <apex:outputLabel id="opPageRangeText" styleClass="brandTertiaryBgr pbSubheader tertiaryPalette" rendered="{!ShowPageRangeText}" value="{!PageRangeText}" />

It seems like no matter where I put my System.debug statement, I cannot find it in my debug log. I have already set myself up to track debug logs, etc, but for some reason I can only see the debug log at the end of my Apex class.

What reasons would there be for not being able to see the system.debug statements in a debug log? I already have the appropriate setting and can see the debug log, but it does not contain the debug statements I need. Please advise
  • August 11, 2014
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Hi i have a simple table need to add to Contact object which will show top 5 cases from that contact sort by case number.

i need to create a visualforce page table to display 4 columns:

1) Case Number
2) Case Subject
3) Origin
4) Status

I wanted the Case Number to be clickable meaning if i click on the case number it will direct me to the case details

any suggestion?
Hi i have a trigger in my custom object and it hit governor limit due to select statment in my for loop. now i would like to move my statement out. can anyone help? here is my trigger:

trigger CalculateMorgage on Property__c (before insert) {
   for(Property__c pp: Trigger.new){        
        List <House_Type__c> ht = [SELECT ID, Property_Type__c  FROM House_Type__c WHERE Range__c =: pp.range__c and Quantity__c =: pp.p_quantity__c];

          for(House_Type__c htt:ht){
                 pp.type__c = htt.Property_Type__c ;


 Hi i have a very simple email publisher to replace the original one :->

<apex:page standardController="Case" >
  <apex:emailPublisher entityId="{!case.id}" 
So i remove the standard 'Answer Customer' action and add in my custom emailpublisher in. Now all my email message record feed doesn't have the 'Reply' & 'Reply to All' button. What have i missed out? Basically what I want to achieve is I want the sender to default as our support email instead of user's personal email.

With Answer Customer Action
User-added image

Without Answer Customer action (replaced with my custom email publisher)
User-added image

Hi I am trying to insert Contact from a .csv file using data loader and I found that the birthdate imported has the original birthdate - 1 day

In my csv file, the birthdate is 2009-09-10 but when imported to Salesforce, the birthdate become 2009-09-09 under the new contact. Any reason why?

Hi, I have a simple report and I would like to know how can I convert a number column into time format (hh:mm:ss)?

I have a column (number) that is calculated in mins and I would like to show as time format (hh:mm:ss) in my report instead of whole number.

For example,
- 45 will show 00:45:00,
- 65 will show 01:05:00

is there any formula rules in report can do this?

Hi i have a Email-to-Salesforce enabled and will save attachment for every email in activity history. Now i would like query back the attachment but it return 0 result. My trigger as below: 

Trigger TestAtchfromTask on Task (after insert) {
    for(Task tk:Trigger.new){
        List<Attachment> atch = [select Id, Name, Body, BodyLength from Attachment where ParentId =: tk.id];
        System.debug('attachment >> ' + atch);

Hi, I have a custom button which will send a SingleEmailMessage and below is my SingleEmailMessage code

Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
mail.setToAddresses(new string[] {'userA@support.com'});
mail.setCcAddresses(new string[] {'CC_User@support.com'});
mail.setSubject('Testing Subject');
mail.setPlainTextBody('Testing Body');
Messaging.SendEmailResult[] res = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });

Everything works fine but can I not to send this email to user under CcAddresses?

I wan userA to receive the email but not CC_User, so when userA pick up the email and reply, he will see reply To UserB@support.com and CC to CC_User@support.com

Hi I have a custom report (Activities with Case) created like this ->

User-added image

Now I would like to add an additional column and value would be 'Email - Received' - 'Email - Sent'. Possible to do that? 
Hi, according to statement here ->

"If you use a company-provided or third-party email account, you can use Email to Salesforce to assign emails to leads, contacts, opportunities, and other records in Salesforce."

Now I would like to add email from Outlook to Case record instead of Contact/Lead/Opportunity. How can I do that?

I BCC the email address generated by Salesforce but it didn't work.

How can I add the email to Case?
Hi, I would like to know how can I migrate/mimic one org to another org?

Says I have 1 org (org A) with some custom fields on cases and the page layout was edited and I have another new org (org B) which is all standard, never edit before. Now I want the org B to have the same case layout & field from my org A.

I tried use Eclipse -Salesforce IDE to migrate and it give me errors something like -> 'Booking value is missing'. In my org A I have additional value for Case Type field, 'Booking' is one of it.

When I migrate from org A to org B, wouldn't it auto insert those new value for me? I have to ensure all value in org A is present in org B then only I can migrate from org A to org B?

Or is there other best practice to do org migration?

i have a trigger that will update a custom date/time field in my case but it seems like not working

This is my trigger:

c.SLA_Cont_Time__c = System.now() - c.SLA_Days_mins__c;

c.SLA_Cont_Time__c is my custom date/time field and c.SLA_Days_mins__c is a numeric field that i need to minus it to get latest value. but my c.SLA_Cont_Time__c keep getting the System.now() value instead. why it will not take the after subtraction value?

anything wrong?
Hi, how can i default a dependent picklist value if there is only one value?

for example, i have controling picklist value of A,B,C and dependent picklist value of 1,2,3,6,7,8

A - 1,2,3
B - 6
C - 7,8

so when i select B my dependent picklist will automatically show 6 instead of None and need to choose again since there is only onle value there.
Hi, I have article knowledge enabled in my org and I would like to do some restriction that some users only able to see certain articles by category.

I have created a few category group and my 'Default Visibility Settings' set to None but my standard user still able to see published article.


I am trying to add a chatter component to a VF page, but am having some difficulties.  I have been able to successfully create a vf page that displays a Chatter Group feed, using the following:


<apex:page standardController="MyCustomObject__c" sidebar="false" showheader="false" >
  <Chatter:feed entityID="{!MyCustomObject__c.Group_ID__c}" / >


I would also like to render the follow/unfollow (join/leave) button for the group.  According to Salesforce's documentation, there is a <chatter:follow> component which should do this.  If I follow the same logic as my previous example (if group feed is simply a record feed, then group join would logically be the same as record follow).  When I try the following I am unable to get the button to render:


<apex:page standardController="MyCustomObject__c" sidebar="false" showheader="false" >
  <Chatter:follow entityID="{!MyCustomObject__c.Group_ID__c}" / >


However, if I replace "{!MyCustomObject__c.Group_ID__c}" with the ID of a users profile or record, the follow button appears.  So it seems that groups are only like records when it comes to feeds, not following or joinging.


Does anyone know how I can add the Join/Leave button for a Chatter Group (public) on a VF page, as I was able to add the group feed? 



One other option I was considering was to embed the Chatter Group Profile Page on the VF page, however this VF page is going to be included on the page layout of one of our custom objects.  When I try this, it includes the standard Salesforce header and top navigation in the iframe.  It also includes the left column of the group page which includes the group image and description and becomes quite busy.  Here is the coded I used


<apex:page standardController="MyCustomObject__c" showheader="false">
  <apex:iframe src="https://cs14.salesforce.com/_ui/core/chatter/groups/GroupProfilePage?g="{!MyCustomObject__c.Group_ID__c}" scrolling="true" id="theIframe"/>


I was able to remove the standard Salesforce header and top navigation by adding $isdtp-vw to the URL.  Here is the code: 

<apex:page standardController="MyCustomObject__c" showheader="false">
  <apex:iframe src="https://cs14.salesforce.com/_ui/core/chatter/groups/GroupProfilePage?g="{!MyCustomObject__c.Group_ID__c}&isdtp=vw" scrolling="true" id="theIframe"/>


Unfortunately, it seems that the isdtp UNSUPPORTED by Salesforce. I also have not been able to get the EntityID reference ({!MyCustomObject__c.Group_ID__C}) in the URL to pick up the ID from the record the VF page is displayed on.  It works if I have the exact ID included in the URL (not ideal, but workable in this situation)


I would really like a VF page that:

  • 1st choice: a VF page that inlcudes the group feed (including the bar where you can post/file/link/poll/share, as well as the button to join or leave the group.  (so basically the center column of the standard group profile page, plus the join/leave button, without the standard salesforce header)
  • 2nd choice: If neccessary, it would be acceptable to include the right column of the standard group profile page, which includes the join/leave button, members list and group files list. 
  • last choice: would be to include the entire group profile page, without the standard salesforce headers through a supported method.

This VF page would be added to the page layout of a custom object.  This custom object would have a field that would contain the ID of the group that should be displayed/reference in the VF page.  I would prefer the reference the Group ID on the custom object, versus having to have multiple VF pages for each group.


Any insights would be greatly appreciated


  • March 08, 2013
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I am trying to create a Date of Birth field. Whether you are using a VF page or a regular page layout, when you use the calendar in Salesforce, it only lets you pick from years going forward. So the calendar is useless for something like a Date of Birth since obviously the year is before this year. Obviously the user can type the date, but is there any other way to adjust how the calendar behaves.

I'm wondering if there is anything we can do to incorporate the attachment preview feature in Knowledge Articles. I want the article readers to have an option to preview the attachments before downloading them. This feature is available in Chatter.