• sivasankar.k
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Hi All,

Contact and Asset have a direct relationship with the field ContactId (Standard) in Asset. Let's assume Asset has one more relationship with Contact with the field (Ex) Contact_Asset__c (lookup to Contact).

Now I want to create a report between Contact and Asset by using Contact_Asset__c field.

So, how can I get the child object value Asset by using the relationship Asset.Contact_Asset__c ? instead of Asset.ContactID.

Now I've the Asset records Asset linked to the Contact via Asset.Contact_Asset__c the ContactID is blank.

Created the report with Contact with Assets and Contact fields are populating the values in report but Asset fields are not populating the values.

I assume that the report is trying to get the Asset values with the relationship Asset.ContactID ? Am I right? 
If so, how can I get the Asset values by using Asset.Contact_Asset__c?
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually, this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: JVFGUUZN

Please advise
Hi All,

Is there any option to increase heap size for an organization. As we are receiving Apex Heap Size is too large error, we have followed the best practices to handle the heap size even though we are not able to handle it. As our report generating 800 pages PDF with data.

Please guide me with any solution for this as it is urgent..

We are facing below issue while deploying apex classes from developer sandbox to full sandbox.
The total size of apex code in this application after removing comments exceeds the maxiumum character size of 300000

We have salesforce support team to increase the limit to 6 MB but still we are getting below error. We have tried deploying through both eclipse and change sets but of no use.
The total size of apex code in this application after removing comments exceeds the maxiumum character size of 600000

Any kind of help will be really appreciated.

Hi Folks,

I have a scenario that downloading the phots from remote server based on URL by using http callouts in batch apex(implementing Database.AllowCallouts). All records are processing fine but for one record we got "Remote host closed connection during handshake Record Link", please suggest why did we get this error and share any references.

Quick answers would be highly appreciate.
Hi All,
I would like to receive and store the data in salesforce from .net application. Can anyone guide me to do this activity. Please....Using Apex classes.
Could not retrieve the username after successful auth code exchange. Due to: The REST API is not enabled for this Organization.  This is most likely not an error with the Salesforce CLI. Please ensure all information is accurate and try again.  Getting this error how to solve this in my local and I am using trial developer credentials
we are wanting to do a lookup on a field on a form and then copying all of the fields values from that form to the another form.
I'm working for a client who wants to feed data from a legacy system to Salesforce.

They can export a CSV every week into their server and we have FTP access to it. I'm wondering how this CSV can be imported to Salesforce. The client has Enterprise edition. What tools are available to transfer the CSV to Salesforce?



I am trying to make HTTP POST request with multipart/form-data, the problem is that the request is sent but without the body part. I was trying the solution: http://enreeco.blogspot.it/2013/01/salesforce-apex-post-mutipartform-data.html, but it doesn't worked for me. I think it is the same problem as: http://boards.developerforce.com/t5/Apex-Code-Development/Image-upload-using-multipart-form-data/m-p/243335/highlight/true#M42610. Will this issue be solved? Is there any alternative to HttpRequest?