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I ahve a requirement where I need to give the user an ability to enter a free text multiple times. FOr eg; I have a field named PIN. I will create a button named 'add additional PINs'. On click of the button the field should be rendered multiple times on the page. User will enter the value and the values entered in each field  must be stored in a Long text area field seperated by commas. 

Can I achieve this in VF page? Any suggestions on the code please!!

Thank you in advance for the help!!

I have a Visualfore page on which I need to conditionally render a commandlink. 

<apex:commandLink value="CrowdGuides" onclick="window.open('/apex/cGuide__Guide_Viewer?id={!CrowdGuideid}&url=https%3A%2F%2Fcs10.salesforce.com%2F001%2Fo','_blank','width=700,height=700');return False;"/>

I have added a Query in the controller class to get the CrowdGuideId
Private final id CrowdGuideid = [SELECT ID FROM cGuide__Guide__c WHERE (cGuide__Object_Prefix__c = '001' and cGuide__Active__c = true) order by cGuide__Likes__c desc limit 1].id;

The controller runs in WIth Sharing mode and some of our users does not have access to the records on the Guide__c object. Hence, when they try to open the VF page, system is throwing the exception. 

1. How can I handle the scenario, when the query did not return any result?
2. How can I render the commandlink only when the Query returned result?

Thank You for the help in Advance!!

I have a check box field and an apex: inputfield on a visualforce page. The page should initally load with apex:inputfield as readonly (greyout) and as soon as the user ticks the checkbox the field should be available for entering text. How can I achieve this using Javascript?

Thank You.

I ahve a requirement where I need to give the user an ability to enter a free text multiple times. FOr eg; I have a field named PIN. I will create a button named 'add additional PINs'. On click of the button the field should be rendered multiple times on the page. User will enter the value and the values entered in each field  must be stored in a Long text area field seperated by commas. 

Can I achieve this in VF page? Any suggestions on the code please!!

Thank you in advance for the help!!

I ahve a requirement where I need to give the user an ability to enter a free text multiple times. FOr eg; I have a field named PIN. I will create a button named 'add additional PINs'. On click of the button the field should be rendered multiple times on the page. User will enter the value and the values entered in each field  must be stored in a Long text area field seperated by commas. 

Can I achieve this in VF page? Any suggestions on the code please!!

Thank you in advance for the help!!