• Benjamin Kesner
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We have a Saleforce to Salesforce connection with very high volume.  With normal oauth login(password,client, client secret) we quickly overrun the 3600 login attempts in a hour limit.

To get around this with current code we cache the token returned and only refresh it when it expires.  
With named credentials, we can not get a token, and therfore can not cache it.  
Does named credentials handle this kind of situation?  or will we run into the limits again?   

Thank you
More detail and to pre-answer some questions. 

Can not easly test in a sandbox, the load is not there. 
Can not refactor the code beyond going to named credentials as nice as that might be.  

All the documentation talk about relative urls as does almost all of the examples.  Do anyone know how to use the Site.UrlRewriter to go to an absolute.  For example:

return new PageReference('http://my.example.com/example?pid=' + pid');

no problem doing it relative

return new PageReference(  "/example" + '?pid=' + pid);

Any ideas?  Is it even possible?   On another thread I notice that it does not like the ":" character.  Any way around that?  
All the documentation talk about relative urls as does almost all of the examples.  Do anyone know how to use the Site.UrlRewriter to go to an absolute.  For example:

return new PageReference('http://my.example.com/example?pid=' + pid');

no problem doing it relative

return new PageReference(  "/example" + '?pid=' + pid);

Any ideas?  Is it even possible?   On another thread I notice that it does not like the ":" character.  Any way around that?  
All the documentation talk about relative urls as does almost all of the examples.  Do anyone know how to use the Site.UrlRewriter to go to an absolute.  For example:

return new PageReference('http://my.example.com/example?pid=' + pid');

no problem doing it relative

return new PageReference(  "/example" + '?pid=' + pid);

Any ideas?  Is it even possible?   On another thread I notice that it does not like the ":" character.  Any way around that?  

I have Sites enabled to serve as the login for our Customer Portal, and have used CNAME to re-direct traffic from
http://<customdomain>.com to the Site, where the customer then logs in using their credentials. At the site level I have the "Custom Address" field configured to <customdomain>.com.


All works great, EXCEPT, once the customer logs in they, unfortunately see the https URL with "...force.com" in it e.g. https://na1.salesforce.com/a02/o This is not good, since I would like to mask the fact from the customer that they are in fact running on a SFDC instance!

Would really appreciate any expert help and precise guidance on how to overcome this. Do I need to roll my own URLRewriter class or what?


