• Chait_SFDC
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I have a clickable (hyperlink) custom formula field on Salesforce standard event detail page. It does two things. 1 - Record type selection, 2 - Route to visualforce page.

Everything works great in normal salesforce but it fails in salesforce 1 because eventid is not being passed to apex. Here is my formula field on event detail page. Thid visualforce page is on some other custom object and basically copies certain information from event and does something on that custom object.

HYPERLINK("/setup/ui/recordtypeselect.jsp?ent=01If00000000ITh&&retURL=/a18/o&save_new_url=/apex/salescall?eventId="+ Id, "Click Here", "_parent")

When I display the current page url in Apex,

Full site gives : /apex/salescall?ent=01If00000000ITh&eventId=00Uf0000002sSjt&RecordType=012f00000000CQ1
Salesforce 1 gives : /apex/salescall?ent=01If00000000ITh&isdtp=p1&RecordType=012f00000000CQ1&sfdcIFrameHost=hybrid&sfdcIFrameOrigin=https%3A%2F%2Fcs16.salesforce.com

As you see there is no eventid when I click that link on salesforce 1. instead it is showing isdtp=p1..

Can someone give me any insight on this?

I knew about publisher actions but they can't be created on event object. I created a custom button with the same link but that custom button doesn't appear on event page in salesforce1.

Appreciate all your help.
We have a requirement with client where in we need to build Apex, VisualForce pages and my client is in Professional edition in production. I understood that we need to build Apex, Visualforce pages in a free developer edition and then install it via a package. So the question I have is how do I set up the custom objects, custom fields needed to build an Apex class in developer organization? Should it be manaul? OR is there a smarter way? The custom object probably has 200 fields and many relationships. Appreciate all your help.
I have a requirement where in when a user clicks on "Submit For Approval" I want 2 different steps to run so 2 different set of people can approve it. There are 2 ways I have tried and each has it's own problems.

Method 1:

Create 2 different approval processes : The problem with this is, only one approval process is firing. Let's say Manager approves the record, then my expectation was it has to check other active approval processes but it just stops. It only does another approval process if the user clicks "Submit for Approval" again.

Method 2:

I have created both the steps in the same approval process based on criteria. This time only one step is executing. After Approval in step1, it doesn't go to step 2 even though it satisfies.

Did any one encounter this issues? Suggestions please!
I have an Apex class that has "Site site = [select Id from Site limit 1];". I wrote a test class but my test class is failing because there are no sites defined in my sandbox organization. The question is, can we create a dummy site using a test class so it gets deleted automaitcally? If yes, can someone give me sample code on how to do that? Thanks in advance for all your help.

I have an Apex class that has "Site site = [select Id from Site limit 1];". I wrote a test class but my test class is failing because there are no sites defined in my sandbox organization. The question is, can we create a dummy site using a test class so it gets deleted automaitcally? If yes, can someone give me sample code on how to do that? Thanks in advance for all your help.




Here is a requirement to remove the button "Submit for Approval" from the Approval History related history list from a case page layout once the case is approved.


I didnt find any settings to remove  the button in the page layout properties.


Please share your ideas if  you had come across this requirement with any workarounds.


Thanks in advance,
