• Shivani Jain
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I want to update a field on account based on the list of tasks that are remaining after deleting a task from Account. The value is being populated from Task or list of task which is remained on account after deleting a task. How to achieve it because trigger.new doesnt work on delete operation and trigger.old will include the value of that task also , which i want to delete. Please help.

Thanks in advance

I have a requirement where user can match diffrent say A's to B's in a pageBlockTable with a button , I just want to highlight which Match was selected .
Currently it does that but when u make a different selection that to gets highlighted , I want original one to return in previous color.
not working guyzz pls help
code is :

.selectedDataRow {
    background-color: skyblue;
function updateRowColor(row) {
    if(row.className.indexOf(' selectedDataRow') < 0) {
        row.className = row.className + ' selectedDataRow'
    } else {
        classes = row.className.split(' ')
        for(var x in classes) {
            if(classes[x] == 'selectedDataRow') {
                classes[x] = classes[0]
        row.className = classes.join(' ')


<apex:pageBlock title="Care Receivers">
       <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!ReceiverAvail}" var="cr" border="1" onRowClick="updateRowColor(this)">
           <apex:column value="{!cr.Name}" />
           <apex:column value="{!cr.Phone}"/>
           <apex:column value="{!cr.PersonEmail}"/>
           <apex:column value="{!cr.Primary_Services_Needed__c}"/>
           <apex:column value="{!cr.Secondary_Services_Needed__c}"/>
           <apex:column value="{!cr.CR_Family_smokes_inside_the_home__c}"/>
           <apex:column value="{!cr.CR_has_pet__c}"/>
           <apex:column >
               <apex:commandButton value="Match" reRender="myPageBlockPanel,assignPanel,volAssignPb" action="{!match}">
               <apex:param name="crId" assignTo="{!crId}" value="{!cr.Id}" />
I am calling a controller function from actionFunction. In that function i am checking some field validation and then printing an alert message from javascript . But the function in the controller is not being called . Can anyone suggest some better solution if I want to check wether a field in a list of records is empty or not in controller ?

Thanks in advance :)
I have a controller on account object . I am displaying records after some searching criteria with checkboxes infront each row . I want to send mass email to all the selected checkboxes and want to apply some validation in which i have to check wether the email field of each selected record is null or not . I am getting the ids of the selected records through jQuery and passing this ids to controller through ActionFunction.  But in controller the ids value is not fetching . Can any one tell some alternative solution or solution to this problem how to implement it .

Thanks in advance :)
I am calling a controller function from actionFunction. In that function i am checking some field validation and then printing an alert message from javascript . But the function in the controller is not being called . Can anyone suggest some better solution if I want to check wether a field in a list of records is empty or not in controller ?

Thanks in advance :)
I have a controller on account object . I am displaying records after some searching criteria with checkboxes infront each row . I want to send mass email to all the selected checkboxes and want to apply some validation in which i have to check wether the email field of each selected record is null or not . I am getting the ids of the selected records through jQuery and passing this ids to controller through ActionFunction.  But in controller the ids value is not fetching . Can any one tell some alternative solution or solution to this problem how to implement it .

Thanks in advance :)



My Issue is like this i am displaying accounts and when ever i click on that account that entire ROW background color has to be set green. It is working fine but when i click on the 2nd Row the 1st Row background color should vanish.


But it displaying background color to all rows which ever i selected.Please fix it.

I am pasting the code here.


<apex:page standardController="Account" recordSetVar="act" sidebar="true" showHeader="false" wizard="false" tabStyle="Inv1__tab">
<apex:form id="accForm">
    <apex:pageBlock title="All Acounts" >
        <apex:pageMessage summary="Click on the account name" severity="info" strength="2"/>   
            <apex:pageBlockTable id="accTable" value="{!act}" var="a" onrowClick="show(this);">
                <apex:column headerValue="Account Name"><a href="#">{!a.Name}</a></apex:column>    
                <apex:column headerValue="Phone" >{!a.phone}</apex:column>
                <apex:column headerValue="Billing State/Province" >{!a.BillingState}</apex:column>
                <apex:column headerValue="Website" >{!a.Website}</apex:column>
.selectedDataRow {
    background-color: #ccffbb;
        function show(rowVar){               





  • June 07, 2012
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