• Tushar Mahadik
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I have master detail relationship with contact and custom object BroadBandCustomers .

So, i have used a subquery to fetch few details from custom object . i would like to know how to display sub query value in visualforce page . I am getting values .... tested in workbench. 

Here is my query:

SELECT Homeroom__c ,Phone  ,Number_of_calls__c ,

(SELECT id FROM BroadBandCustomers__r ORDER BY HSI_Stage_Date__c)

 FROM Contact  ORDER BY LastName, FirstName


In a visual force page, when i click one checkbox, i need to check all the other checkboxes in a page which are created by using select options.

<apex:inputCheckBox id="chkbox" onclick="var checkboxvalue=document.getElementById('{!$Component.Acctlist}').value;if(this.checked) checkboxvalue=true;"/>
<b><apex:outputlabel value="Check All the Accounts" style="font-weight:normal"></apex:outputlabel></b><br/><br/>        
    <apex:selectCheckboxes value="{!AccountsList}" id="Acctlist" layout="pageDirection">
                 <apex:selectOptions value="{!AccountList}"></apex:selectOptions>

This is the code which i tried. I assigned true value to the selectCheckboxes id.But it was working.

Please provide me the solution.