• Karl Tschaepe
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I have a batch job that typically fails due to governor limits. It is running in future state so the limit is often 10001 DML rows. The batch job is called from another scheduled batch job with the line:

System.scheduleBatch(new BatchReconciliation(year, email, false), 'Reconciliation Batch', 1, 200);

The result runs typically 40+ batches but has multiple failures. 

If I change the call to:

System.scheduleBatch(new BatchReconciliation(year, email, false), 'Reconciliation Batch', 1, 20);

it runs over 400 batches, but completes without errors. Is there any drawback to running the job in so many batches? The time for completion seems about the same, but am i flirting with other governor limits?

Thank you!
This makes absolutely no sense to me. I am trying to insert two OpportunityLineItems that are exactly the same but I get this exception. What good reason is there to stop the insertion of two Records that are the same?

I understand if this was an upsert operation as you can't insert and update and the same time but I am inserting two brand new OpportuntiyLineItem records.


Message Edited by TehNrd on 09-24-2008 04:48 PM
  • September 24, 2008
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