• Valerijs Prokudins
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While doing a project I stumbled upon a problem when using inline VF page in the standard page layout, standard hovers were cuted off.
Google did not help, so I thought if there is a possibility to create a fully custom page, that uses standard page layout as a part of the page. The idea is to let users customize fileds positions an so on.
Anybody did this before? is it possible?
While doing a project I stumbled upon a problem when using inline VF page in the standard page layout, standard hovers were cuted off.
Google did not help, so I thought if there is a possibility to create a fully custom page, that uses standard page layout as a part of the page. The idea is to let users customize fileds positions an so on.
Anybody did this before? is it possible?

I want the fields in the record page to be repeated in the same page on clicking the 'Add' button. Once clicked on save all the added field values should be displayed.

Below is what I need. Once I clicked on 'Add New ItemRequest', the fields should be repeated below to the existing one and once clicked on Save, all the requests should be saved under singlr Item Request Name.

User-added image


I am getting the above error in my code.  However, the code used to work, so I am wondering if Salesforce have changed something recently.

My code is in a Visualforce controller extension:

abstract global with sharing class BaseExtension {
	protected SObject m_Object;
	public BaseExtension (ApexPages.StandardController p_Controller) {
		m_Object = p_Controller.getRecord();
		if (m_Object!=null) {
			recordTypeId = (String)m_Object.get('RecordTypeId');
Now, field 'RecordTypeId' does exist in the object in question.

I think the problem is that this controller is defined in a managed package which I have installed in another org and then I try to use the controller on an object that was defined in this other org.

However, I can't see why this should be an issue.

Any thoughts?

  • May 28, 2014
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I have list of records displaying with repeat tag in visualforce page.I want intially to show 5 records and then on button click i want display next 5 records along with the current records in the same  page until i have records in the list.

I have https callouts so i want to implemt the above functionality using java script

how to set the repeat size value to 5 intially and incerment it further using javascript



I am currently implementing a VisualForce page within an iFrame and have outputFields that generate Hover upon rollover.


However these Hovers could have fields with links on them and clicking a link will render the page within the iFrame, is there a way apart from DOM traversing to set some sort of Target on the Hovers so the links will open in possibly the Parent, or a New (Tab/Window)?


Any help is much appreciated.