• Prathi
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   If a task is assigned to a role which is having only on user of that role. that task is not assigned to that user who is of that role but assigned to the person who triggerd it. I am aware if the fact that ' When a task is assigned to a role and the role is having more than one user, then the task will be defaultly assigned to the user who triggers it, irrespective of the user role.'

  But here I am assigning a task to role with only one user. Please give me some clarification on it.

Thanks in advance.
  • November 12, 2014
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     Is there any checkbox for Sending Email Notifiacation to the concerned rep when a 'Task is updated'..? 
  • October 27, 2014
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How can I track the Campaign Influence values?

Currently, SFDC only allows us to attribute one Campaign to an opportunity which is found under Campaign Influence but typically the opportunities are worked through multiple campaigns.I’d like to associate more than one Campaign to the Opportunity.I’d like to attribute the $$ amounts so that each campaign receives the appropriate credit.

Since an Opportunity can be associated to multiple Campaign and Campaign can be associated to multiple Opportunities, one of the possible approach is to maintain a junction object between Opportunity and Campaign and maintain the credit amount there.

However, the main problem here is tracking the Campaign Influence values.Currently Campaign Influence is not exposed in the API and hence I can not track insert/update/delete activities on Campaign Influence record

Please help me if any possible way is existing for this problem.

Thanks in Advance!
  • October 20, 2014
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Hi All..!

              I’m trying to setup a report that shows Lead Campaign History and Lead Activity History. I am trying to determine the total amount of interactions our leads have had with specific campaigns.

I’ve tried pulling the following reports to get to this data:

· Activities with Leads

· Activities with Campaigns

· Lead History

The problem is that none of the above reports allow me to select the Campaign / Activity History I would like to track. Here is what I would like to track:

Campaigns: All created this year

Activity History: any relating to LinkedIn, email etc.

Any help / clarification on how to get to this data would be great!

Thanks in advance!
  • October 07, 2014
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       I am novice to Salesforce. Please help me. I got a requirment from my client  as follows:
          " Is it possible for our (accounting) view, when we hit hierarchy to have a column that shows the customer ID which is a field on the main page?"
            Can we customize the View Hierarchy of Accounts? Please respond for this ASAP.

Thanks in advance!
  • September 30, 2014
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How can I track the Campaign Influence values?

Currently, SFDC only allows us to attribute one Campaign to an opportunity which is found under Campaign Influence but typically the opportunities are worked through multiple campaigns.I’d like to associate more than one Campaign to the Opportunity.I’d like to attribute the $$ amounts so that each campaign receives the appropriate credit.

Since an Opportunity can be associated to multiple Campaign and Campaign can be associated to multiple Opportunities, one of the possible approach is to maintain a junction object between Opportunity and Campaign and maintain the credit amount there.

However, the main problem here is tracking the Campaign Influence values.Currently Campaign Influence is not exposed in the API and hence I can not track insert/update/delete activities on Campaign Influence record

Please help me if any possible way is existing for this problem.

Thanks in Advance!
  • October 20, 2014
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Hi All..!

              I’m trying to setup a report that shows Lead Campaign History and Lead Activity History. I am trying to determine the total amount of interactions our leads have had with specific campaigns.

I’ve tried pulling the following reports to get to this data:

· Activities with Leads

· Activities with Campaigns

· Lead History

The problem is that none of the above reports allow me to select the Campaign / Activity History I would like to track. Here is what I would like to track:

Campaigns: All created this year

Activity History: any relating to LinkedIn, email etc.

Any help / clarification on how to get to this data would be great!

Thanks in advance!
  • October 07, 2014
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       I am novice to Salesforce. Please help me. I got a requirment from my client  as follows:
          " Is it possible for our (accounting) view, when we hit hierarchy to have a column that shows the customer ID which is a field on the main page?"
            Can we customize the View Hierarchy of Accounts? Please respond for this ASAP.

Thanks in advance!
  • September 30, 2014
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