• AK Vineeth
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Can send can send attachment(s) from Salesforce to and external system using WSDL or HTTP Callout? If yes, is there any limit of size of file can be sent?

From what I found out so far, it seems.. attachment (blob) can not be sent using WSDL call..

The following data types are only supported when used as call ins, that is, when an external Web service calls an Apex Web service method. These data types are not supported as callouts, that is, when an Apex Web service method calls an external Web service.
•             blob
•             decimal
•             enum

Can we use HTTPRequest method setBodyAsBlob (to an EndPoint URL) and set MIME type and send the file instead in case WSDL based callout does not support it?

Please suggest, would really appriciate any help/input, thanks in advance.

Hi All,

I need to manage a list of Accounts with Javascript, inside a Visualforce page.

I retrieved the accounts with a SOQL query and saved the result in a public List<Account>.
When I try to assign the list at a Javascript variable, the system retrieves this error message:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL

I just tried to assign the list in this way: var accounts = {!accns};

After this assignment, I need to read an information saved in a field for each account, but I don't know how I can access at that field.

Someone can help me about these issues?

Thanks in advance

I need to have the value of this html input text having id "amt" using javascript which is inside the apex: column. Please help

     <apex:form id="frm" >
      <apex:pageBlock title="Add Month target" id="p1">
          <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!monthWrapperList}" var="m" id="p2">
               <apex:column headerValue="Amount">
                    <input type="text" id="amt"/>

Is it like this?   :      document.getElementById('{!$Component.frm.p1.p2.amt}').value;

I have a cron expression which will schedule an apex class to run on every SUNDAY
The cron Expression for that is - 0 0 0 ? * SUN *

But i want to include a StartDate and EndDate to that cron expression.
Suppose the StartDate(dd/mm/yyyy) - 12/9/2014,  EndDate- 26/9/2014
The cron should only run on sundays between these two dates

Any ideas on how to do that?? 
Okay, I am having a bit of trouble finding a solution to this predicament I am in and am hoping you guys can help me. I am trying to create a SalesForce web service that will recieve a file in the form of a byte array. The service will pass in the following paramters. Product Code, file name, and a byte array containing the contents of the file being submitted.

So, how would i go about coding this solution? I know how to do this in both C# and Java, but can't seem to find any example on how to do this with APEX code. What I think the process should be is to convert the byte array back into a FileStream, then store the doucment to SalesForce using the Document object. But I have not seen a constructor for the Document object that will take in either a byte array or a Stream object.

Any ideas?

Can send can send attachment(s) from Salesforce to and external system using WSDL or HTTP Callout? If yes, is there any limit of size of file can be sent?

From what I found out so far, it seems.. attachment (blob) can not be sent using WSDL call..

The following data types are only supported when used as call ins, that is, when an external Web service calls an Apex Web service method. These data types are not supported as callouts, that is, when an Apex Web service method calls an external Web service.
•             blob
•             decimal
•             enum

Can we use HTTPRequest method setBodyAsBlob (to an EndPoint URL) and set MIME type and send the file instead in case WSDL based callout does not support it?

Please suggest, would really appriciate any help/input, thanks in advance.
