• Zachary Singer
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Can someone help me in writing  a Formula Field  for getting First day (Monday) of the First Week of the Current Year

For Eg: for the current Year 2021, My formula field should return 12/28/2020
Hi Community, 
When I save the Support Settings in my org, I see an entry in the audit trail that says "Organization setup action: visibleInCssCheckboxOn has changed." It happens on every save. This seems related to the visibleInCssCheckbox setting mentioned here https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_meta.meta/api_meta/meta_casesettings.htm. 

The description is: "Sets the default visibility of a case as indicated by the Visible in CSS option on the case edit page. If false, the case is visible in CSS by default. If true, CSS visibility is off."

Is anyone familiar with a use case for this setting? Should I be concerned that a change is logged every time I save Support Settings? I can't find any further discussion, and SF Support directed me here. 

Hi everyone,,
We have VF pages with custom field labels that differ from the backend field labels. Trying to save the page with such a required field blank causes two error message to display: one using the custom label and the other the backend label. We have implemented VF pages in the same way in other orgs and do not have this issue. The VF page uses a controller which creates a map between the field API name and the label we want to show.  Because some of the custom labels are quite long, relabeling the backend fields is not an option. Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks!
Hi everyone hoping I can get some expert help on a validation rule I've been struggling with.

We have two stages in Salesforce ('Financial Review - LOI' and 'Financial Review - Lease') that only users with the Financial Review Committee permission set can move the opportunity out of (forwards or backwards). 
There are times when an opportunity is moved into these stages by mistake, in which case I would like all users to be able to move the opportunity back (to the preceding stage, but not the stage after). How should the validation rule be written?

Thank you so much in advance.
Here is the current syntax:
( ( ISPICKVAL ( PRIORVALUE ( StageName ), 'Financial Review - LOI' ) && !ISPICKVAL ( StageName, 'Financial Review - LOI' ) ) ||( ISPICKVAL ( PRIORVALUE ( StageName ), 'Financial Review - Lease' ) && !ISPICKVAL ( StageName, 'Financial Review - Lease' ) ) )&& !$Permission.Financial_Review_Committee

I have this string that I need to parse out values using a formula field. I have working examples from values 1 , 2 and 3 but I can't see the pattern within these to extend to values 4 , 5 and 6 in the string. Would appreciate any kind of guidance even if its just breaking down the code so I can modify it that is , explaining what's happening.
Article | Onsite | Sponsorship | Editorial | TFK Kid of the year | Standard
Value 1
TRIM(LEFT(AB2__ABMediaElementPath__c , FIND("|", AB2__ABMediaElementPath__c )-1))
Value 2
LEFT(RIGHT(AB2__ABMediaElementPath__c , LEN(AB2__ABMediaElementPath__c ) - FIND ("|", AB2__ABMediaElementPath__c )), FIND("|" , RIGHT(AB2__ABMediaElementPath__c , LEN(AB2__ABMediaElementPath__c ) - FIND ("|", AB2__ABMediaElementPath__c )))-1)
Value three
LEFT(RIGHT(AB2__ABMediaElementPath__c , LEN(RIGHT(AB2__ABMediaElementPath__c , LEN(AB2__ABMediaElementPath__c ) - FIND ("|", AB2__ABMediaElementPath__c ))) - FIND ("|", RIGHT(AB2__ABMediaElementPath__c , LEN(AB2__ABMediaElementPath__c ) - FIND ("|", AB2__ABMediaElementPath__c )))), FIND("|" , RIGHT(AB2__ABMediaElementPath__c , LEN(RIGHT(AB2__ABMediaElementPath__c , LEN(AB2__ABMediaElementPath__c ) - FIND ("|", AB2__ABMediaElementPath__c ))) - FIND ("|", RIGHT(AB2__ABMediaElementPath__c , LEN(AB2__ABMediaElementPath__c ) - FIND ("|", AB2__ABMediaElementPath__c )))))-1)
Hi guys! :)

I'm trying to create a flow that clone the opportunity for renewal.

I need a formula that identifies if in the name contains RNW. If is true, should just copy the name. If doesn't, copy the name and add RNW.

I did it like this, but doesn't function. 

User-added image

Any ideias?

Thank you :)
OK, So I have a datetime field that I would like to set a time stamp when another filed updates to a certain status.
  • I created a datetime field
  • Created a process that updates the date time field when the criterea is met
  • Used NOW() as the formula to set the field to
Here in is the problem. The field is getting updated with the correct date, just not the correct time. Now before anyone attempts to go down the conversation of timezone issues, it's not. It's literallay just setting the time to 5:00 pm every time. No minutes ever. Just 5:00 pm.

So I tested by creating a standard formula field, set the return type to datetime and set the formula to NOW() and sure enough, every time I refresh the page I get the accurate and updated time.  It's just when SF sets my datetime field via Process Builder, it only shows 5:00 pm. Even when the other formula field that uses the exact same formula shows the correct time. I'm sure it's just something small I'm missing. Thanks in advance for anay help! 
Hi, I have a formula field which displays correct value on the record but when I put in a Report or List view it displays #Error.

This is the formula field:
FLOOR((DATETIMEVALUE(TEXT(SVMX_PS_Customer_End_Date__c )&" "& TEXT(SVMX_PS_Customer_End_Time__c ))-
DATETIMEVALUE(TEXT(SVMX_PS_Customer_Start_Date__c )&" "& TEXT(SVMX_PS_Customer_Start_Time__c )))*24)


Basically it substracts End Date+ End Time - Start Date + Start Time and display it in hours

User-added image

Can someone make me understand why I see #Error on list view+ report but in record I see the value. I already checked a documentation from Salesforce: https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=000331331&language=en_US&type=1  But i'm still lost...

Team,  new to this area and may not be using the correct terminology.  Need help w/ formula for adding picklist values. I've been know for going around my elbow to get to my thumb so I'm sure there is an easier way. 

Formula I am using is:
VALUE(BLANKVALUE(TEXT(Equipment_Time__c), '0'))/60 +
VALUE(BLANKVALUE(TEXT(Inventory_Time__c), '0'))/60 +
VALUE(BLANKVALUE(TEXT(Lab_Time__c), '0'))/60

This works. 

Here's my problem.
They have requested me to add two more rows -  (Equipment_Time_2_c), (Equipment_Time_3_c).  I tried this formula (got no sytax error) but numbers are adding up correctly.   Can you help direct me please? Please Help! 

VALUE(BLANKVALUE(TEXT(Equipment_Time__c) + (TEXT(Equipment_Time_2__c) +(TEXT(Equipment_Time_3__c ))), '0'))/60 +
VALUE(BLANKVALUE(TEXT(Inventory_Time__c) + (TEXT(Inventory_Time_2__c) + (TEXT(Inventory_Time_3__c ))), '0'))/60 +
VALUE(BLANKVALUE(TEXT(Lab_Time__c) + (TEXT(Lab_Time_2__c) + (TEXT(Lab_Time_3__c ))), '0'))/60

Service Number formula
Total Hours formula that rolls up from child to parent
Showing decimal numbers in picklist value added work with single line entries
API values I am using to get time values
I have a Checkbox in the opportunity object, and I am not sure on what basis it is getting checked. The default option is "Unchecked." What are the different ways in which I can trigger a checkbox?
I am trying to set up an End of Year formula that runs every year on December 31st. This would be a financial calculation that I would like to run. Any help, tips, or guidance would be greatly appreciated! 

I am working on a case assignment rule. I have a picklist country field which has all the countries. I have created a Queue for "EMEA" Geo. What I want is.. IF country is selected as France or Nordic or DACH or Spain or any other EMEA countries, case should get assigned to EMEA queue. Can you please guide me how can I write case assignment formula for this? Thanks 

We are trying to create a simple lead grading score using a custom formula that returns a  percentage number based on the input of certain fields.

Unfortunately, we keep getting the following error message when checking the syntax.

Error: Syntax error. Extra ')'

The code is pasted below for reference.

CASE( Industry, "Legal Services", 5,0, "Financial Services", 5,0)
CASE( City, "London", 5, 0)
CASE( NumberOfEmployees, "1000+", 1, "251-1000", 2, "51-250", 3, "11-50", 4, "1-10", 5, 0)
IF(CONTAINS( Street, "1 Finsbury Market"), 10,
IF(CONTAINS( Street, "20 Old Bailey"), 10,0)))

Does anyone have any idea's how to correct this?

I am running into issues on a hyperlink formula field that will provide a link to the related task.

I have a custom object and field that should store a link to the task but I am running into errors in my formula.

Can this be done?

HYPERLINK("https://XXXXXXXXX.lightning.force.com/lightning/r/Task/"&ID&"/view", Task_Link__)c)
Hi.  I have the following formula.  It works but it doesn't calculate if the "VMS Fee Does Not Apply" is TRUE.  I've tried to re-write the formula using an or statement but I can't get it to execute.  If "VMS Fee Does Not Apply" = True, I want to use 0 in formula.  Appreciate any help!  Thanks

((Simulation_Bill_Rate__c *(1- CASE( RecordTypeId , '012j0000000GUEx',
IF(VMS_Fee_Does_Not_Apply__c=False, Consulting_VMS_Percent__c, NULL),

'012j0000000fn6Y', IF(VMS_Fee_Does_Not_Apply__c=False, Interim_Temp_VMS_Fee__c, NULL), '012j00000015Cl5', IF(VMS_Fee_Does_Not_Apply__c=False, Collabrus_VMS_Fee__c, NULL),
'012j0000000fn6X', IF(VMS_Fee_Does_Not_Apply__c=False, Search_VMS_Fee__c, NULL), NULL))- (Simulation_Pay_Rate__c *(1+ts2__Burden_Pct__c)))/ (Simulation_Bill_Rate__c*(1- CASE( RecordTypeId , '012j0000000GUEx',
IF(VMS_Fee_Does_Not_Apply__c=False, Consulting_VMS_Percent__c, NULL),
'012j0000000fn6Y', IF(VMS_Fee_Does_Not_Apply__c=False, Interim_Temp_VMS_Fee__c,NULL), '012j00000015Cl5', IF(VMS_Fee_Does_Not_Apply__c=False, Collabrus_VMS_Fee__c, NULL),
'012j0000000fn6X', IF(VMS_Fee_Does_Not_Apply__c=False, Search_VMS_Fee__c,NULL), NULL))))
I’m trying to create a formula that will add two cells IF one falls within a certain date range and IF one is not blank OR IF the second one is not blank (and the date cell is not within the range) here’s where I’m at but getting errors. Thoughts?
IF( (Estimated_Ship_Date__c >=DATE(2022,1,1) &&  Estimated_Ship_Date__c <= DATE(2022,12,31),  Amount +  X2022_Projected_Revenue__c) , (Estimated_Ship_Date__c <= DATE(2023,1,1),  X2022_Projected_Revenue__c) , NULL)
So I am using an app exchange package named Record Clone which will clone the opportunity and its related List. So this is working fine. Now my requirement is After cloning the Opportunity stage should be Qualification and there is a checkbox field that should be true
So to achive this I am using Workflow Rule 
My Rule Criteria: If my Formula evaluates to true 
Then I am updating the stage as well as the checbox via a Field Update
Workflow Rule Critera

Updating stage and checkbox field

So this workflow rule is not working..Can someone please help me out.
Hi everyone,

I have this field that's populated via an API (OrderComments__c)

Here are two examples:


Now my question is, is it possible to write a formula that would extract JEFF from the first and second example. The second seems pretty straight forward, you would just have to find string between second and third |     

But the first example seems to be a lot harder, is there any logic that could be written into a formula to recognize JEFF without also bringing in Test 1?

I have a custom object 'Object1', there are two record types rec1 and rec2.
For rec1, the field1 should be editable for all the profiles. I have created a permission set(perm1) and provided access for the record type and the field.
For rec2, the field1 should be editable only for certain profiles. I have created a permission set (Perm2) and provided access to the record type and field.
There is a profile which has access to both the record types. The users with that profile should be able to edit the 'Field1' in rec1 but shouldn't be able to edit 'Field1' in rec2. The users in this profile has 'Perm1' assigned to them so they are able to edit 'Field1' in both the record types.
How can i restrict access to 'Field1' in rec2.
Is there any other way to restrict access other than using a validation rule?
Can someone help me in writing  a Formula Field  for getting First day (Monday) of the First Week of the Current Year

For Eg: for the current Year 2021, My formula field should return 12/28/2020
The following field formula says the syntax is correct, but the character limit is 5013, with a max at 5000. Any suggestions on how to truncate this formula would be appreciated.

(     AND(ISPICKVAL(Status, "Not Contacted"),  Days_in_Current_Status__c   > 2),"Past Due",
    IF( AND(ISPICKVAL(Status, "Contacted, but not reached"),  Days_Since_Last_Activity__c    > 10 ) ,"Past Due",
    IF( AND(ISPICKVAL(Status, "Contacted, reached, follow up needed"), Days_Since_Last_Activity__c    > 7) ,"Past Due",
        IF( AND(ISPICKVAL(Status, "Qualified"), Days_Since_Last_Activity__c    > 30),"Past Due",
    IF( AND(ISPICKVAL(Status, "Keeping Warm"), Days_Since_Last_Activity__c    > 30),"Past Due",
    IF( AND(ISPICKVAL(Status, "Attempting to Contact"), Days_in_Current_Status__c   > 2),"Past Due",
    IF( AND(ISPICKVAL(Status, "Contacted"), Days_Since_Last_Activity__c    > 7 ) ,"Past Due",
    IF( AND(ISPICKVAL(Status, "Nurturing"), Days_Since_Last_Activity__c    > 183 ) ,"Past Due",
    IF( AND( Days_Since_Last_Activity__c    = NULL ) ,"Past Due",
    IF( ISPICKVAL(Status, "Converted"),"Converted",
    IF( ISPICKVAL(Status, "Dead") , "Dead", "Open"))))))))))
Hi can anyone help on validation Rule:i have a field sales order number which is text,i want that field to be numeric  and when an RMA_outcome value is picked as credit only,sales order number cannot be Null:

i tired following,its not working..any help pls:
NOT(REGEX( Sales_Order_Number__c,"^[a-z A-Z]*$")))

ISPICKVAL(  RMA_Outcome__c , "Credit Only") &&
ISBLANK( Sales_Order_Number__c )