• Dinesh Suggala 8
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  • Member since 2014

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I have a simple class and i have writen a test class for it.
Test coverage alwayw shows 0 %,
I dont understand where i am ggoing wrong
public with sharing class test{
    public String temp{get;set;}
     public test(){
             temp = ' ';

public class testtest{
    static testMethod void tesTttest () {
        test t= new test ();
        t.temp = '';

  • November 03, 2015
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I have used html tags & some css in visual force page. As it is looking in Chrome, its not looking in IE 11 & Firefox. Attaching the screenshots
I am pasting the Code below:
<apex:form > <apex:pageBlock title="Quote Line Items"> <h5> <p> Quote: <b> {!QuoteLineItem[0].quote.name} </b> </p> </h5> <p/> <head> <style> table th { width: 100px; white-space: normal; text-align: center; } .wrapper { text-align: center; } </style> </head> <table border="2" width="100%"> <td> <apex:outputPanel layout="block" style="overflow: auto;width:770px ;height: 590px;"> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse;border-color:#000000;" width="100%" id="table"> <thead> <tr> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">Item</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">Part/Number or other</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">Thickness</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">Width(")</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">Length(")</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">P And O or Black</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">Sheet/Plate Grade</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">Type of Material Needed</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">Short Tons of Sheet/Plate</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <apex:variable var="call" value="{!0}" /> <apex:repeat value="{!Quotelineitem}" var="quoteline"> <tr onmousemove="this.style.backgroundColor='#32F0FA'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor =''"> <td> <apex:variable var="call" value="{!call+1}" /> <apex:outputText value="{!call}" /> </td> <td bgcolor="#C3FDB8" > <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.Part_Number_Other__c}" /> </td> <td bgcolor="#C3FDB8"> <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.Thickness__c}" style="width:60px;"/> </td> <td bgcolor="#C3FDB8"> <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.Width__c}" style="width:50px;"/> </td> <td bgcolor="#C3FDB8"> <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.Length__c}" style="width:50px;"/> </td> <td bgcolor="#C3FDB8"> <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.P_O_or_Black__c}" /> </td> <td bgcolor="#C3FDB8"> <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.Sheet_Plate_Grade__c}" style="width:60px;"/> </td> <td bgcolor="#C3FDB8"> <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.Type_of_Material_Needed__c}" /> </td> <td bgcolor="#C3FDB8"> <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.Short_Tons_of_Sheet_Plate__c}" style="width:60px;"/> </td> </tr> </apex:repeat> </tbody> </table> </apex:outputPanel> </td> <td> <apex:outputPanel layout="block" style="overflow: auto; width:790px ;height: 590px;"> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse;border-color:#000000;" width="100%" id="table1"> <thead> <tr> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">Fob Mill Base</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">Gauge Extras</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">Width Extras</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">Grade Extras</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">P and O Charge</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">Total Inbound Freight</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">Cost FOB Cargill Plant</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">Edge Trim</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">Packaging</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">Theo. Min. Billing</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">Total Material Cost</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">Margin</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">Payment Terms</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">Discount</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">Sales Price FOB Cargill</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">Freight to Customer</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" style="height:60px;">Delivered Price to Customer</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <apex:repeat value="{!Quotelineitem}" var="quoteline"> <tr onmousemove="this.style.backgroundColor='#32F0FA'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor =''"> <td bgcolor="#FFF380"> <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.Fob_Mill_Base__c}" style="width:50px;"/> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFF380"> <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.Gauge_Extras__c}" style="width:50px;"/> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFF380"> <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.Width_Extras__c}" style="width:50px;"/> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFF380"> <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.Grade_Extras__c}" style="width:50px;"/> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFF380"> <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.P_O_Extra_Charge__c}" style="width:50px;"/> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFF380"> <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.Total_Inbound_Freight__c}" style="width:50px;"/> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFF380"> <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.Cost_FOB_Cargill_Plant__c}" /> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFF380"> <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.Edge_Trim__c}" style="width:50px;"/> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFF380"> <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.Packaging__c}" style="width:60px;"/> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFF380"> <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.Theo_Min_Billing__c}" style="width:50px;"/> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFF380"> <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.Total_Material_Cost__c}" /> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFF380"> <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.Margin__c}" style="width:50px;"/> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFF380"> <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.Payment_Terms__c}" style="width:50px;"/> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFF380"> <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.Discount__c}" style="width:50px;"/> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFF380"> <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.Sales_Price_FOB_Cargill__c}" /> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFF380"> <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.Freight_to_Customer__c}" style="width:50px;"/> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFF380"> <apex:inputField value="{!quoteline.Delievered_Price_to_Customer__c}" /> </td> </tr> </apex:repeat> </tbody> </table> </apex:outputPanel> </td> </table> <apex:pageBlockButtons > <div style="padding-left: 23%"> <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!Save}" /> <apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!Cancel}" /> </div> </apex:pageBlockButtons> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:form>

Need urgent help to fix the cross browser issue. You can see in IE middle scrolling is coming while chrome it is coming perfect. Chrome is looking perfect for us.
I have tried using overflow:hidden in first table.That time For first 4 rows its coming aligned while for rest of rows both tables are not aligned .
Need Help.
I have a requirement in which I need a DashBoard for every Single Account Record .
How can I achieve it?
Need Help.
I have a requirement in which I need a DashBoard for every Single Account Record .
How can I achieve it?
I have a Managed packaged installed in my development sandbox and testing environment both.I have changed the FLS & given the visibility to two profiles for the "Last Interacted With" field(Managed package) in development Sandbox and If I am moving the  two profiles in the Change Set?
Will the Changes which have done for the field in FLS level will move to testing Environement?
As we cannot move the Field in ChangeSet as the field is coming from Managed Package .We need to include in Manual Step?

Please let me know my above query.
I have 4 fields ranging in percentage and currency types (as shown below) that all will be required to contain a value prior to being saved. 

Can someone assist in creating the VR for this one? Thanks!

User-added image

I need to have a trigger to copy the value of a picklist from Account to its related Contacts (another custom picklist).
The requirement is only to be copied if in the Contact poage the picklist is empty.

I tried this trigger:
trigger UpdateContactRegione on Contact(before Insert, before Update) {

    for(Contact Cont: Trigger.new){

     Account acct = [select id,Regione__c from Account where Id=:Cont.AccountId];

       if(Cont.Regione__c == null)

          Cont.Regione__c= acct.Regione__c;



But it worksonly if I change the picklist in Contact and not viceversa.

Any suggestions?

Good afternoon,

I need help on how to disable a field of a standard screen that is not VisualForce. The action is conditional disable by default the field is enabled but I need to disable it in some conditions, it is the object Case Status field.

It is possible? if so, how?

Thank you.
Hello - I have tried few solutions ( trigger, process builder, lookup helper) based on what I have found online but no luck so far :/, so any help is appreciated. 

We have a custom object to enter  Incidents: c4g_Incident_Report__c
This object has a lookup field "Reporting Staff" that looks up in the "user" object: c4g_Reporting_Staff__c

Looking for a solution that will auto-populate, before insert, the lookup "Reporting Staff" field with the name of the current user creating the entry. 

User-added image
User-added image

I have a simple class and i have writen a test class for it.
Test coverage alwayw shows 0 %,
I dont understand where i am ggoing wrong
public with sharing class test{
    public String temp{get;set;}
     public test(){
             temp = ' ';

public class testtest{
    static testMethod void tesTttest () {
        test t= new test ();
        t.temp = '';

  • November 03, 2015
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