• Raja Bipin Chandra M B
  • 55 Points
  • Member since 2015

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I have a Excel sheet with many Product detail in them.
I want to create a new Price book which consist of these Products.

I have seen few links explaining the same..

I want to know more info for below things..
1) Automatically upload the Excel sheet in to Products or somewhere
2) Associate the specific products to the newly created pric book..

Thank you for suggestions !
  • January 21, 2016
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We have Account territory assignment rules based on a custom field. We had to change the territory as we had territory split. Now, after updating the new territory we are not able to create an opportunity for the new territory after moving the users to new territory.

However, we noticed that if the user is assigned to the old territory he can create the opportunity on that specific account.

So, looks like our Account Territory assignment is not functional (I guess). Need your support
Hello All, 

I am overriding standard Account layout with custom visual force page. I have used the following code for chatter in my code.

<apex:tab label="Chatter Feed" name="Chatter" id="Chatterfeed"><apex:outputPanel > 
      <chatter:feed entityId="{!$CurrentPage.parameters.Id}" /></apex:outputPanel>

I am facing an issue in chatter post and i am unable to post anything. i click the post link but nothing happens. Can you please help ? 


Hello Guru's,

I have a weird problem, I don't have any specific script in VF however, if i use  the below code and try to print i have a 'blue' border line coming along.My need is to get over it.
<apex:page sidebar="false" showHeader="false" >
  This is your new Page

I also tried debugging using the chome developer mode, i could see that following class are setting border in 'blue; colors.I tried to over-ride the class in my <Style> tag but did not work. Please help! 

Chrome Developer mode

Raja Bipin Chandra
Hello Folks,

I am trying to display previous approver comments in the Salesforce1 App . Is there any way i can display them before decision can be made by looking at the comments in Salesforce1 App? 

Hello Gurus,

I am trying to create Actions on Account object substituting with a Visualforce Page.  In the Visualforce page, i am trying to insert a record on Event object as my objective is to insert new event from Salesforce 1 App from Account object being standard controller.However, the "Save" button from Visual force page is not enabled for profiles who has only READ access to accounts.

Is there a way we can get over from this ? Can we try something using <apex:input type="button" />  Please suggest. 

Hello Friends,

I need to assign a value to a component ID based on certain condition during input.However, i tried so many solutions, nothing is working out so far.Please find the below screen shot i am trying but i feel there is another way to accomplish. Please  help

User-added image
Hello All,

I am using <apex:selectcheckboxes> with the below some of select options getting dynamically. along with "Select All' option. 

User-added image
I am using the following code for "Select All" Option and re-rendering the page.
public String[] chartYear {
			chartYear=new list<String>{'Qatar'};
		else if(chartYear!=null){
			for(String year:chartYear){
				if(year.Equals('Select All')){
					chartYear=new list<String>{'Qatar','Bahrain','Oman','Jordan','Lebanon','Syria','Select All'};
		return chartYear;
However, Once I uncheck "Select All" option, i need all the checkboxes to be unchecked. I am stuck in half-way. Appreciate your help.


Hello Gurus,

I am calling a controller method from VF page.And, i need to pass 'chartYear' parameter from the user input as a parameter to my controller method (loadOpps) from the script.  I am new to this and i believe there is something big i am missing. Request you please guide me.
<apex:page controller="GoogleChartsController" sidebar="false"> 
    <!-- Google API inclusion -->
    <apex:includeScript id="a" value="https://www.google.com/jsapi" />
    <apex:sectionHeader title="Google Charts + Javascript Remoting" subtitle="Demoing - Opportunities by Exepected Revenue"/>
    <apex:form id="form" html-oninput="out.value = document.getElementById('page:form:pbblk:sct2:range').value">
    <apex:selectcheckboxes value="{!chartYear}" >
                    <apex:selectOptions value="{!chartYearOptions}" />
                    <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" reRender="chartBlock"/>
            <apex:outputText value="Stage: "/>
    <!-- Google Charts will be drawn in this DIV -->
    <div id="chartBlock" style="width: 900px; height: 500px;" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
        // Load the Visualization API and the piechart package.
        google.load('visualization', '1.0', {'packages':['corechart']});
        // Set a callback to run when the Google Visualization API is loaded.
        function initCharts() {         
          // Following the usual Remoting syntax
          // [<namespace>.]<controller>.<method>([params...,] <callbackFunction>(result, event) {...}
          // controller : GoogleChartsController
          // method : loadOpps
                 function(result, event){  
                     // load Column chart
                     var visualization = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('chartBlock'));
                     // Prepare table model for chart with columns
                     var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
                     data.addColumn('string', 'Opportunity');
                     data.addColumn('number', 'Expected Revenue');
                     data.addColumn('number', 'Amount');    
                     // add rows from the remoting results
                     for(var i =0; i<result.length;i++){
                        var r = result[i];
                        data.addRow([r.Name, r.ExpectedRevenue, r.Amount]); 
                      var options = {
          title: 'Opportunity Details',
          legend : {position: 'top', textStyle: {color: 'blue', fontSize: 10}}, 
          is3D: true,
                    // all done, lets draw the chart with some options to make it look nice.
                   // visualization.draw(data, {legend : {position: 'top', textStyle: {color: 'blue', fontSize: 10}}, width:window.innerWidth,vAxis:{textStyle:{fontSize: 10}},hAxis:{textStyle:{fontSize: 10},showTextEvery:1,slantedText:false}});
                   visualization.draw(data,options );
              }, {escape:true});

Hello All,

I have a Visual force page,where users can input Sales Price. As per the requirement the Customer Price should be defaulted to sales price "On Key up" event synchrnously. And, there should also be an option for user to update Customer Price.

I used some java script on Key up event and tried to display using <div id=" " > tags. However, when i display it outputs in the Read-Only format.So, user cannot be able to edit it again. Can you please suggest alternatives that i should follow?

User-added image

Hello Folks,

I am finding hard to write a test method for the below code, Can somebody give me a headstart ? 
public with sharing class Opportunitymanager {
    public String body { get; set; }
    public Opportunity opp;
    public User usr;
    Id oid;
    public Opportunitymanager(ApexPages.StandardController stdController) {
        opp = (Opportunity)stdController.getRecord(); 
        oid = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('ownerid');
        usr = [select id,FirstName,LastName,Email,Manager.Id,Manager.Manager.Id,Manager.Manager.FirstName,Manager.Manager.LastName,Manager.FirstName,Manager.LastName,Manager.Email from User where Id= :oid];  

    public User  getuser() {
        return usr;
      public PageReference submit() {
    ConnectAPI.ChatterMessages.sendMessage('Related to Opportunity: '+opp.Name+'\n'+'Link: https://emea.salesforce.com/'+opp.id+'\n'+body,usr.id+','+usr.Manager.Id+','+opp.Territory_Manager__c);
    PageReference returnPage = new ApexPages.StandardController(opp).view();
     ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.Info, 'Message successfully sent'));
    return new PageReference('javascript:window.close()');
    //return returnPage;


Hello All,

I am joining objects to get the Approval comments, actor for the specific target object id. However, i need to know how to fetch the data from the result list of data.Please help!
processinstance = [SELECT Id,TargetObjectid, Status,(select id,actor.name from Workitems),(SELECT Id,StepStatus, Comments,Actor.Name,ActorId FROM Steps) FROM ProcessInstance where TargetObjectId=:setOfQuoteId];
	for(ProcessInstance pi:processinstance){
      ActorId.add(pi.ProcessInstanceStep.ActorId); // Error is here

Hello Gurus,

I am trying to utilise the REST API Chatter services within my salesforce Oragnisation. I am new to Salesforce and i am not sure how to access the function defined and send parameters to those Chatter services using REST request.  I blindly tried couple of steps using RESTful HTTP request from Salesforce but i am getting an error. Need your assistance on how to start and tackle this.

Thanks for your help! 

I am calling a batch in trigger where I a, getting 'System.UnexpectedException: commits are not allowed because someone called setCommitAllowed(false), justification: doWorkAndCommit' error while bulk update. In debug logs the error is indicated for line no underlined below.
if ([SELECT count() FROM AsyncApexJob WHERE JobType='BatchApex' AND (Status = 'Processing' OR Status = 'Preparing' OR Status = 'Queued')] < 5){
    ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(new batchClass(contactsId),100);
} else{
        ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(new batchClass(contactsId),100);
        Boolean isSuccess = System.FlexQueue.moveJobToFront(batchprocessid);
        system.debug('---batchprocessid: '+batchprocessid+' & movedToFront: '+isSuccess);

Can anyone lead me to the reason for this exception?
I have a custom lightning page with custom lightning component that related to the Account object.
I need to open this page by button in the same window.
How I can do it? 
I can set this component to VisualForce page, but maybe there is another option?
Hello All, 

I am overriding standard Account layout with custom visual force page. I have used the following code for chatter in my code.

<apex:tab label="Chatter Feed" name="Chatter" id="Chatterfeed"><apex:outputPanel > 
      <chatter:feed entityId="{!$CurrentPage.parameters.Id}" /></apex:outputPanel>

I am facing an issue in chatter post and i am unable to post anything. i click the post link but nothing happens. Can you please help ? 


Hello Guru's,

I have a weird problem, I don't have any specific script in VF however, if i use  the below code and try to print i have a 'blue' border line coming along.My need is to get over it.
<apex:page sidebar="false" showHeader="false" >
  This is your new Page

I also tried debugging using the chome developer mode, i could see that following class are setting border in 'blue; colors.I tried to over-ride the class in my <Style> tag but did not work. Please help! 

Chrome Developer mode

Raja Bipin Chandra
Hello Folks,

I am trying to display previous approver comments in the Salesforce1 App . Is there any way i can display them before decision can be made by looking at the comments in Salesforce1 App? 

Hi Guys,
I used same functionality in another page its working fine. But i am using in another page its throwing an error msg when click on Del row button. Please help me out this problem very urgent. 

Apex Class:
 public void delrow(){
        deletestudentslist = new List<students>();
        Indexnum = Integer.valueof(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('index'));
        del = stdlist.remove(Indexnum);

VF Page: 
<apex:commandlink value="Delete Row" action="{!delrow}" rerender="d">
      <apex:param value="{!rownum}" name="index" />
User-added image

I have a Excel sheet with many Product detail in them.
I want to create a new Price book which consist of these Products.

I have seen few links explaining the same..

I want to know more info for below things..
1) Automatically upload the Excel sheet in to Products or somewhere
2) Associate the specific products to the newly created pric book..

Thank you for suggestions !
  • January 21, 2016
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Hello Gurus,

I am trying to create Actions on Account object substituting with a Visualforce Page.  In the Visualforce page, i am trying to insert a record on Event object as my objective is to insert new event from Salesforce 1 App from Account object being standard controller.However, the "Save" button from Visual force page is not enabled for profiles who has only READ access to accounts.

Is there a way we can get over from this ? Can we try something using <apex:input type="button" />  Please suggest. 

Hello Friends,

I need to assign a value to a component ID based on certain condition during input.However, i tried so many solutions, nothing is working out so far.Please find the below screen shot i am trying but i feel there is another way to accomplish. Please  help

User-added image
Hello All,

I am using <apex:selectcheckboxes> with the below some of select options getting dynamically. along with "Select All' option. 

User-added image
I am using the following code for "Select All" Option and re-rendering the page.
public String[] chartYear {
			chartYear=new list<String>{'Qatar'};
		else if(chartYear!=null){
			for(String year:chartYear){
				if(year.Equals('Select All')){
					chartYear=new list<String>{'Qatar','Bahrain','Oman','Jordan','Lebanon','Syria','Select All'};
		return chartYear;
However, Once I uncheck "Select All" option, i need all the checkboxes to be unchecked. I am stuck in half-way. Appreciate your help.


I have a flow where I tried to add the multiselect picklist values to a collection variable but this simply added all values as one value (e.g. "x;y;z" rather than "x";"y";"z". How do I add these as individual values to the collection so that I can use them in a loop? 
  • October 30, 2014
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I got a strange one... 


Until Yesterday, record of an activitiy on a custom object would also be displayed in the Activity History related list on the Account page. 


Example:  Custom Object: Visits. 

Log a task or activity on the Visit, which is related to an Account, and that activity would appear in the related list of the Account. 


However it has stopped working. 


Now when you add a task or activity and mark it completed on the custom object it displays on the custom object but never makes it up to the Account that custom object is associated with. 


Please Help!!!



  • November 05, 2012
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I am working on a visualforce page which will render as a pdf. I have to display the output values with underline. I am using style value text-decoration:underline for outputText tag. But it is not displaying with underline. Kindly let me know how can this required be achieved.





  • January 31, 2012
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i have installed SQL Server 2005  and visual web developer express 2005 .i want to get data from SQL say one table account-accountname and address  into salesforce.How we can connect sqL server to salesforce.Is it possible.Give me  a solution asap

  • January 28, 2011
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