• Jun Liu
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  • Member since 2015

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Recently I follow https://help.salesforce.com/HTViewHelpDoc?id=sso_provider_facebook.htm&language=en_US to set up a facebook auth.provider, and put the callback URL in my facebook app. and the provider is using a custom handler as below.

after the user login using facebook credentials, and in the handler I always get null value for access token using Auth.AuthToken.getAccessToken('my auth.provider id in org', 'Facebook');

I even tried using Salesforce facebook app instead of mine, but still no luck. Can some one tell me if there is something specific i need to pay attention to to get access token? 


public class FacebookHandler implements Auth.RegistrationHandler{
    public User createUser(Id portalId, Auth.UserData data){
        User[] users = [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE Email = :data.email];

        if (users.size() == 0) {

          String accessToken = Auth.AuthToken.getAccessToken('0SO28000000XXXXXX', 'Facebook');
           System.debug('access token: ' + accessToken);
           return null;

        else if (users.size() == 1)
           User u = users[0];
           System.debug('User Id: ' + u.Id);

           String accessToken = Auth.AuthToken.getAccessToken('0SO28000000XXXXXX', 'Facebook');
           System.debug('access token: ' + accessToken);

           //return the user to login as
           return u;

Many thanks in advance,

Jun Liu

        return null;    

Recently I follow https://help.salesforce.com/HTViewHelpDoc?id=sso_provider_facebook.htm&language=en_US to set up a facebook auth.provider, and put the callback URL in my facebook app. and the provider is using a custom handler as below.

after the user login using facebook credentials, and in the handler I always get null value for access token using Auth.AuthToken.getAccessToken('my auth.provider id in org', 'Facebook');

I even tried using Salesforce facebook app instead of mine, but still no luck. Can some one tell me if there is something specific i need to pay attention to to get access token? 


public class FacebookHandler implements Auth.RegistrationHandler{
    public User createUser(Id portalId, Auth.UserData data){
        User[] users = [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE Email = :data.email];

        if (users.size() == 0) {

          String accessToken = Auth.AuthToken.getAccessToken('0SO28000000XXXXXX', 'Facebook');
           System.debug('access token: ' + accessToken);
           return null;

        else if (users.size() == 1)
           User u = users[0];
           System.debug('User Id: ' + u.Id);

           String accessToken = Auth.AuthToken.getAccessToken('0SO28000000XXXXXX', 'Facebook');
           System.debug('access token: ' + accessToken);

           //return the user to login as
           return u;

Many thanks in advance,

Jun Liu

        return null;    
I am using the pre-chat api with live agent. I can't get the api to populate a new record if it doesn't find a matching record

I am following the instructions in chapter 5 of the live agent developer's guide: http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/live_agent_dev/live_agent_dev_guide.pdf

Has anyone been able to get this to work correctly?  Any suggestions are welcome.  My code is below
<apex:page showHeader="false"> 
<!-- This script takes the endpoint URL parameter passed from the deployment 
  page and makes it the action for the form -->
<script type="text/javascript">
     (function() { 
     function handlePageLoad() {
       var endpointMatcher = new RegExp("[\\?\\&]endpoint=([^&#]*)");
     } if (window.addEventListener) {
              window.addEventListener('load', handlePageLoad, false);
   } else { window.attachEvent('onload', handlePageLoad, false);
<form method='post' id='prechatForm' class="elegant-aero"> 

<h1>Welcome! <span>Before we begin, please enter the information below</span></h1>
      First name: <input type='text' name='liveagent.prechat:FirstNameDetail'
        id='customField1' /><br />
      Last name: <input type='text' name='liveagent.prechat:LastNameDetail'
        id='customField2' /><br />
      Email address: <input type='text' name='liveagent.prechat:EmailDetail'
        id='customField3' /><br />
      <!-- Department: <select name="liveagent.prechat.buttons">
           Values are LiveChatButton IDs. 
          <option value="573a00000000001">Customer Service</option> 
          <option value="573a00000000002">Technical Support</option> 
          <option value="573a00000000001,573a00000000002">Customer Service if online, 
          otherwise Technical Support</option> 
      </select> --><br /> 

      <!-- Map liveagent.prechat:FirstNameDetail and liveagent.prechat:LastNameDetail
        custom detail to Lead's field FirstName and LastName -->
      <input type="hidden" name="liveagent.prechat.findorcreate.map:Lead"
        value="FirstName,FirstNameDetail;LastName,LastNameDetail;Email,EmailDetail" />
      <!-- Specify query for to match lead email address to existing record -->
      <input type="hidden" name="liveagent.prechat.findorcreate.map.doFind:Lead"
        value="Email,true" />

      <!-- Return results only if there is an exact match of email address-->
      <input type="hidden" name="liveagent.prechat.findorcreate.map.isExactMatch:Lead"
        value="Email,true" />

      <!-- If no match in search, create a new Lead record with the mapped value
        of firstname and last name and email-->
      <input type="hidden" name="liveagent.prechat.findorcreate.map.doCreate:Lead"
        value="FirstName,true;" />

      <!-- If a new Lead record has been created, open it as a subtab -->
      <input type="hidden" name="liveagent.prechat.findorcreate.showOnCreate:Lead"
        value="true" />

      <!-- Save the Lead id to transcript's field LeadId -->
      <input type="hidden" name="liveagent.prechat.findorcreate.saveToTranscript:Lead"
        value="LeadId" />
      <!-- save the name and email address to the transcript for insurance -->
      <input type="hidden" name="liveagent.prechat.save:email"  value="Email__c" />  

      <input type='submit' value='Request Chat' id='prechat_submit'/> 
<style type="text/css"> 
/* Elegant Aero */
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    font: 24px "Open Sans",sans-serif;
    max-width: 500px;
    background: #99cc66;
    padding: 20px 20px 20px 20px;
    font: 12px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    color: #fff;
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    font: 24px "Open Sans",sans-serif;
    padding: 10px 10px 10px 20px;
    display: block;
    background: #339933;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #B8DDFF;
    margin: -20px -20px 15px;
    color: #fff;
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    display: block;
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    color: #888;
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