• Navita_007
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We need to authenticate users to Salesforce Community using internal app login which cannot support SAML or OpenID. Is there any other solution available? Is "custom authentication provider" the only way to accomplish this requirement?
Is "delegated authentication" only applicable for the users who are in Active directory?
I want a vf page to show up on a custom lightning component on a community public page. It is embedded as an iframe and loads/works perfectly if I’m logged in but without login I am getting this error in console “Refused to display <apex page> in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'deny'.” I am not sure if this is a salesforce limitation or I am missing some settings. Clickjack settings for vf page is turned off and the community guest profile has access to this vf page.
We need to authenticate users to Salesforce Community using internal app login which cannot support SAML or OpenID. Is there any other solution available? Is "custom authentication provider" the only way to accomplish this requirement?
Is "delegated authentication" only applicable for the users who are in Active directory?
I want a vf page to show up on a custom lightning component on a community public page. It is embedded as an iframe and loads/works perfectly if I’m logged in but without login I am getting this error in console “Refused to display <apex page> in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'deny'.” I am not sure if this is a salesforce limitation or I am missing some settings. Clickjack settings for vf page is turned off and the community guest profile has access to this vf page.
I've gone through every step successfully but am banging my head against the wall with step 8. I have more than adequate code coverage but continue to get this error message:
User-added image
I have gone back and rewritten OrderTests twice according to the requirements but can't get past this error. Anyone else had any luck with this?

Here's my code for reference:
@isTest (SeeAllData=false)
private class OrderTests {
    static void SetupTestData() {
    @isTest static void OrderExtension_UnitTest() {
        PageReference pageRef = Page.OrderEdit;
        ApexPages.StandardController stdcontroller = new ApexPages.StandardController(TestDataFactory.orders[0]);        
        OrderExtension ext = new OrderExtension(stdcontroller);        
       	System.assertEquals(Constants.DEFAULT_ROWS, ext.orderItemList.size());
        List<SelectOption> options = ext.GetFamilyOptions();
public static void OrderUpdate_UnitTest(){
    List<Order> orders = TestDataFactory.orders;
    for (Order o : orders){
        o.Status = Constants.ACTIVATED_ORDER_STATUS;
    List<Product2> oldProducts = TestDataFactory.products;
    Set<Id> productIds = new Set<Id>();
    for (Product2 oldProd : oldProducts){
    oldProducts = [SELECT Id, Quantity_Ordered__c FROM Product2 WHERE ID IN :productIds];
    Map<Id, Integer> quantities = new Map<Id, Integer>();
    for (OrderItem oi : TestDataFactory.orderItems){
        Integer quantity = 0;
        List<PricebookEntry> pricebookentries = TestDataFactory.pbes;
        for (PricebookEntry pbe : pricebookentries){
            if (oi.PricebookEntryId == pbe.Id){                
                if (quantities.containsKey(pbe.Product2Id)){
                    quantity = quantities.get(pbe.Product2Id);
                quantity += (Integer)oi.Quantity;
                quantities.put(pbe.Product2Id, quantity);
    update orders;
    Map<Id, Product2> currentProducts = new Map<Id, Product2>([Select Id, Quantity_Ordered__c FROM Product2 WHERE Id IN :productIds]);
    for (Product2 prod : oldProducts){
        TestDataFactory.VerifyQuantityOrdered(prod, currentProducts.get(prod.Id), quantities.get(prod.Id));

I have a Lightning Component and want to display a inside a VF page. I read that the solution is to use Iframe, but it is not working for me.
Result (empty)
User-added image 
<aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,force:hasRecordId" access="global">
    <fieldset class="slds-box slds-container--fluid">
        <header class="slds-card__header slds-grid">
          <div class="slds-media slds-media--center slds-has-flexi-truncate">
                <div class="slds-media__figure"> 
                    <span class="slds-icon__container slds-icon-standard-account">
                        <c:svg class="slds-icon" xlinkHref="/resource/SLDS202/assets/icons/custom-sprite/svg/symbols.svg#custom31" />
                        <span class="slds-assistive-text">Transaction Icon</span>
                <div class="slds-media__body slds-truncate">
                    <h2><span class="slds-section__title" style="font-weight: bold;">Policies and Transactions</span></h2>
        <iframe src="{!'https://ausurebroking--partials.cs57.visual.force.com/apex/PoliciesAndTransactions'}" width="100%" height="300px;" frameBorder="0"/>

What I am missing?
Thank you for your help.

I have created a lightning component and I wanted to display it in account tab in detail record page, so for that i created a tab just beside the account detail tab and drag an dropped the component there.
It workers fine in salesforce lighting but when i tried to login through salesforce 1 mobile app that tab itself is not visible and also the component is not visible.can anyone tell me why this is happenening ?
I have a flow embedded on a VF page and a lightning component with an iframe to the VF page. The VF page renders for me when I log into the community (Napili template), but not when I log in as an external user. I have ensured the external user has access to the VF page.

How can I expose this VF/flow to external users? Here's my lightning component:

<aura:component implements="forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global">
    <iframe src="https://xxx.salesforce.com/apex/my_vf_page" width="100%" height="1000px;" frameBorder="0"/>
I have a flow embedded on a VF page and a lightning component with an iframe to the VF page. The VF page renders for me when I log into the community (Napili template), but not when I log in as an external user. I have ensured the external user has access to the VF page.

How can I expose this VF/flow to external users? Here's my lightning component:

<aura:component implements="forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global">
    <iframe src="https://xxx.salesforce.com/apex/my_vf_page" width="100%" height="1000px;" frameBorder="0"/>