• Julio Cesar Lui
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I've built an elaborate flow with some sub flows that seems to work great.  There are however some issuess that I'm having...

For this discussion, I'm primarily focused on combining two text fields into a single field and adding a space between the two values... The result will be used during a record create...

on a screen I have three fields [First Name] [Middle Name] [Last Name].  In most cases I want this value stored as three seperate fields which again works just fine. However, I have a scenario where I want to combine all 3 fields into a single variable called varFullName. When I use an assigment to set varFullName equals FirstName, varFullName add MiddleName, varFullName add LastName. I get the following result for David A. Greer (DavidA.Greer) notice their are no spaces between the three items...

So here is what I've tried (none have worked)

- created a text template with a space and added this twice to above assigment (FN SP MN SP LN) begin FN with "equal" others have "add" Still get (DavidA.Greer)

- created a text template with &nbsp; between KERNING="0">&nbsp;</Font>.... (same result at previous) <note, however I've been using this to create a space successfully in help/display text to for paragraph spacing, but dosn't work for creating SF records. meaning the result is
David<SPAN..............>&nbsp;</FONT>A.<DIV...........etc. (i cut down the 200+characters to protect the inocent) Clearly this didn't work.

- I created a contant with a space, which after saved appears to disaper, rendering (DavidA.Greer)

- I tried to add a space in the "from field" in the assigment, but during save this resulted in an error

- I tried adding " " to the from field, no error, but results in (David" "A." "Greer) Clearly incorrect as well...

So Can anyone help me under stand how to force a space between two(multiple) values. that are merged together into a variable...

PS. I have 2 address sections where I'm trying to combine Address Line 1 and Address line 2 into a single varAddressStreet to prevent users from entering the CR in the multiline address fields...

I also have some other cases to combine fields like this...  I hope their is a simple solution to this.