• Peter Forth
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According to the ISVForce quickstart guide ( https://na1.salesforce.com/help/pdfs/en/salesforce_packaging_guide.pdf
) the first steps to packaging and publishing an app require the use of Environment Hub within your partner account in order to create a dev org, test org and business org.

Our partner account doesn't seem to have Environment Hub enabled.  When we asked to enable it, SalesForce said:

"Environment hub should be enabled in the org where the majority of your users have access, in many cases SFDC recommends the Partner Business Org or your CRM environment. We do not recommend enabling this feature in a test/demo org or a customer trial org.
You can also have this feature enabled in a DE org if you would like to provide your developers with the ability to spin up Test / Developer Edition orgs without access to your main business org. However we cannot enable this in an org that contains a managed package as it may cause issues when pushing an upgrade to your customer or creating new package versions."

I'm confused as to why they say that the hub is attached to a "DE org"... in the pdf it seems more like it attaches to a partner account as a requirement to let them manage multiple orgs.  They also say not to use it for a test/demo org... but the pdf describes using it to create your dev and test orgs.  Are there different object types that they are using the word "org" to reference?

Finally it says that they can't enable the hub on an org that contains a managed package...  the entire reason that I want the hub is that I need to create a managed package and that is what the pdf is telling me to do.

In short the response that we got from Salesforce seems to directly contradict their documentation and I am unsure as to how to proceed to create our managed package for AppExchange distribution.