• Shane Ross
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We have Pardot integrated with our Salesforce instance and just yesterday our automated builds to the CI sandbox started failing with the error:

Test Failures: [sf:deploy] 1. pi.EmailSearchEndpointTest.test_SalespackUserWithMultipleEmail -- System.QueryException: No such column 'LastReferencedDate' on entity 'Lead'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names. [sf:deploy] Stack trace: (System Code)

When I do a query in the Dev console I can find this column just fine... In Production, the CI sandbox and the development sandbox.
Documentation (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_objects_lead.htm#topic-title) from SF indicates it does indeed exist and did in the last version of the api as well.
I've refreshed the CI sandbox, tried building from the local copy of the dev sandbox using ant on my local machine, removed the lead object from source code control and a bunch of other ineffectual attempts to get it to deploy.

Source code control doesn't show any changes made to this object in the last couple of weeks.

Anyone got any hints?
I am running into a war with SOQL queries. We are required to calculate Price and Discount from custom tables and it needs to iterate through all the Quote Line Items.  If the line items are more than 15, I am getting SOQL error.
Can someone help me to refine my apex classes.

here is my main class:
public class QuoteRefresh1 {
   public List<QuoteLineItem> items = new List<QuoteLineItem>();
   public string QuoteRefresh1(Id sQuoteId){
       Quote NewQuote;
       NewQuote=[SELECT Currency_Code_of_Account__c,Pelco_Account_Name__c,Customer_Number__c, Discount FROM Quote where Id=:sQuoteId limit 1];
       //String sQuoteAccountId=[SELECT Pelco_Account_Name__c FROM Quote where Id=:sQuoteId LIMIT 10].Pelco_Account_Name__c;
       string sQuoteAccountId=NewQuote.Pelco_Account_Name__c;
       String CustomerNumber=NewQuote.Customer_Number__c;
       String sCurrency=NewQuote.Currency_Code_of_Account__c;
       double AccountDiscount=NewQuote.Discount;
       Account QAccount;
       QAccount=[SELECT Pricing_Scheme_Location__c,Currency_Code__c,Currency_Number__c,Ship_To_Territory__c from Account WHERE Id=:sQuoteAccountId];
       double shipToTerritory=QAccount.Ship_To_Territory__c;
       system.debug('Ship to Territory='+shipToTerritory);
        //getting pricing scheme location
        string priceSchemeLocation=QAccount.Pricing_Scheme_Location__c;
        system.debug('Pricing Scheme Location='+priceSchemeLocation);
        //getting Currency Code 
        string currencyCode=QAccount.Currency_Code__c;
        system.debug('Currency Code='+currencyCode);
         //getting Currency Number
        string currencyNumber=QAccount.Currency_Number__c;
       system.debug('Currency Number='+currencyNumber);
       //String CustomerNumber=sCustomerNumber;
       for(QuoteLineItem pi:[SELECT Discount_Code__c,CreatedById,CreatedDate,Description,Id,IsDeleted,LastModifiedById,LastModifiedDate,LineNumber,ListPrice,PricebookEntryId,Product2Id,Product2.Item__c,Quantity,QuoteId,SortOrder,Subtotal,SystemModstamp,TotalPrice,UnitPrice,Currency__c,Dealer_Price__c,Regular_Price__c,discount FROM QuoteLineItem  where QuoteId =:sQuoteId ])
           string sProduct2Id= pi.Product2Id;
           String ItemNumber= pi.Product2.Item__c ;
            //calculating prices, discounts and currency
           CalculatePelcoDiscount2 NewDiscount= new CalculatePelcoDiscount2();
           double PelcoDiscount=NewDiscount.CalculatePelcoDiscount2(sQuoteAccountId,ItemNumber,CustomerNumber,pi.Discount_Code__c,AccountDiscount);
           CalculatePelcoPrice2 newPrice=new CalculatePelcoPrice2();
           double pelcoPrice=newPrice.CalculatePelcoPrice2(ItemNumber,CustomerNumber,shipToTerritory, priceSchemeLocation,currencyCode,currencyNumber);
           //string pelcoCurrency=newPrice.CalculatePelcoCurrency(CustomerNumber);
           //pi.CCO_Standard_Cost__c=[Select CCO_Standard_Cost__c FROM Product2 WHERE Item__c =:ItemNumber LIMIT 1 ].CCO_Standard_Cost__c;
           //adding records to the list
       if(items.size() > 0 )
            update items;
           return ('Success');  
  }//end class

This function is calling Two classes:
public class CalculatePelcoPrice2 {
	Public double pelcoPrice;
    Public string pelcoCurrency;
    public double CalculatePelcoPrice2( String itemNumber, string customerNumber,double shipToTerritory,string priceSchemeLocation,string currencyCode, string currencyNumber){
        integer pelcoPriceCountPSL=0;
        integer pelcoPriceCountTerritory=0;
        integer priceBookCount=0;
        //making sure that Account Exists
        Integer accountCount=[SELECT count() FROM Account WHERE AccountNumber =: customerNumber LIMIT 10];
         system.debug('Account Count='+accountCount);
        if (accountCount >0){
            //if Account exist creating a list to store the values returned by SOQL
            //List<Account> AccountList=[SELECT Pricing_Scheme_Location__c,Currency_Code__c,Currency_Number__c,Ship_To_Territory__c  FROM Account WHERE AccountNumber =: customerNumber LIMIT 1];
           /* Account Accountlist =new Account();
            AccountList=[SELECT Pricing_Scheme_Location__c,Currency_Code__c,Currency_Number__c,Ship_To_Territory__c  FROM Account WHERE AccountNumber =: customerNumber LIMIT 1];
            //initializing Pricing Scheme location
            //casting it to integer
            double shipToTerritory=AccountList.Ship_To_Territory__c;
             system.debug('Ship to Territory='+shipToTerritory);
            //getting pricing scheme location
            string priceSchemeLocation=AccountList.Pricing_Scheme_Location__c;
             system.debug('Pricing Scheme Location='+priceSchemeLocation);
            //getting Currency Code 
            string currencyCode=AccountList.Currency_Code__c;
            system.debug('Currency Code='+currencyCode);
            //getting Currency Number
            string currencyNumber=AccountList.Currency_Number__c;
            system.debug('Currency Number='+currencyNumber);
            if (priceSchemeLocation!=null){
                          if (currencyCode != 'USD'){
                                system.debug('Price Scheme Location is not null and currency code is not USD');
                                pelcoPriceCountPSL=[SELECT count() FROM Pelco_Price_Book__c WHERE Item__c=:itemNumber AND Currency_Number__c=:currencyNumber AND Currency_Code__c=:currencyCode AND Price_Scheme_Location__c =: priceSchemeLocation LIMIT 10];
                              	if (pelcoPriceCountPSL>0){
                                   pelcoPrice=[SELECT Dealer_Price__c FROM Pelco_Price_Book__c WHERE Item__c=:itemNumber AND Currency_Number__c=:currencyNumber AND Currency_Code__c=:currencyCode AND Price_Scheme_Location__c =: priceSchemeLocation LIMIT 1].Dealer_Price__c; 
                          if (currencyCode == 'USD'){
                              system.debug('Price Scheme Location is not null and currency code is USD');
                               pelcoPriceCountPSL=[SELECT count() FROM Pelco_Price_Book__c WHERE Item__c=:itemNumber AND Currency_Code__c=:currencyCode AND Price_Scheme_Location__c =: priceSchemeLocation LIMIT 10];
                              if (pelcoPriceCountPSL>0){
                                 pelcoPrice=[SELECT Dealer_Price__c FROM Pelco_Price_Book__c WHERE Item__c=:itemNumber AND Currency_Code__c=:currencyCode AND Price_Scheme_Location__c =: priceSchemeLocation LIMIT 1].Dealer_Price__c; 
            if (priceSchemeLocation==null){
                        if (shipToTerritory >0){
                                if (currencyCode != 'USD'){
                                    system.debug('Price Scheme Location is  null and currency code is not in USD');
                                     pelcoPriceCountTerritory=[SELECT count() FROM Pelco_Price_Book__c WHERE Item__c=:itemNumber AND Currency_Number__c=:currencyNumber AND Currency_Code__c=:currencyCode AND Territory__c =: shipToTerritory LIMIT 10];
                                    //pelcoPriceCountTerritory=[SELECT count() FROM Pelco_Price_Book__c WHERE  Currency_Number__c=:currencyNumber  ];
                                    system.debug('Currency Code#='+currencyCode);
                                    if (pelcoPriceCountTerritory>0){
                                      pelcoPrice=[SELECT Dealer_Price__c FROM Pelco_Price_Book__c WHERE Item__c=:itemNumber AND Currency_Number__c=:currencyNumber AND Currency_Code__c=:currencyCode AND Territory__c =: shipToTerritory LIMIT 1].Dealer_Price__c;  
                              if (currencyCode == 'USD'){
                                  system.debug('Price Scheme Location is null and currency code is in USD');
                                   pelcoPriceCountTerritory=[SELECT count() FROM Pelco_Price_Book__c WHERE Item__c=:itemNumber AND Currency_Code__c=:currencyCode AND Territory__c =: shipToTerritory LIMIT 10];
                                  	if (pelcoPriceCountTerritory>0){
                                        pelcoPrice=[SELECT Dealer_Price__c FROM Pelco_Price_Book__c WHERE Item__c=:itemNumber AND Currency_Code__c=:currencyCode AND Territory__c =: shipToTerritory LIMIT 1].Dealer_Price__c;
                          	}//if shipToTerritory is not null
                      	 } //if priceSchemeLocation is null
            if (pelcoPriceCountTerritory==0 && pelcoPriceCountPSL==0){
                    system.debug('Price was not found in REPITM');
                    priceBookCount=[SELECT count() FROM PricebookEntry WHERE Name =: itemNumber LIMIT 10];
                    system.debug('price book count='+priceBookCount);
                	if (priceBookCount>0){
                    		pelcoPrice=[SELECT UnitPrice FROM PricebookEntry WHERE Name =: itemNumber LIMIT 1].UnitPrice;
               }//end if price is not found in REPITM
    	}//end if Account exists
    }//end function
}//end class

public class CalculatePelcoDiscount2 {
    public Double sDiscount=0;
    public double CalculatePelcoDiscount2(Id sQuoteAccountId,string itemNumber, string customerNumber, string sDiscountCode,double AccountDiscount ){
       // String sDiscountCode=null;
        //making sure that the item number exist in product2 table
        //Integer DiscountCodeCount=[SELECT count() FROM Product2 WHERE Item__c =: itemNumber LIMIT 10];
        system.debug('discount code='+sDiscountCode);
         //if (DiscountCodeCount>0){
                  // if item number exists, then geting the discount code from the product2 table
                 // sDiscountCode=[SELECT Discount_Code__c FROM Product2 WHERE Item__c =: itemNumber LIMIT 1].Discount_Code__c;
                 // system.debug('Discount code= '+sDiscountCode); 
               // } 

          if (sDiscountCode == 'A'){
              system.debug('Discount = 0 because Discount code is A'); 
              // return(sDiscount);
          if (sDiscountCode != 'A' && sDiscountCode!=null){
                  //checking if discount exist in special discount table
                  Integer DiscountCount=[SELECT count() FROM Special_Discount__c WHERE Name =:customerNumber AND Item__c =:itemNumber LIMIT 10];
                  system.debug('Discount Count= '+DiscountCount); 
                  if (DiscountCount>0){
                        //look up int he special discount table for specific item
                        sDiscount=[SELECT Discount__c FROM Special_Discount__c WHERE Name =:customerNumber AND Item__c =:itemNumber LIMIT 1].Discount__c;
                        system.debug('Discount code is not eqaul to A and is ='+sDiscountCode); 
                        system.debug('Discount when discount is not equal to A='+sDiscount);
                    //if there is no special discount for the customer then get the discount value from the customer data
                    if (DiscountCount==0 ){
                        sDiscount=[SELECT Discount__c FROM Account WHERE Id =:sQuoteAccountId].Discount__c;
                        system.debug('Discount code not found in special discount table'); 
                       // checking if the account exist with customer number
                       //Integer accountCount=[SELECT count() FROM Account WHERE AccountNumber =: customerNumber LIMIT 10];
                       //if (accountCount >0){
                           //string sAccountId=[SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE AccountNumber =: customerNumber LIMIT 1].Id;
                           //sDiscount=[SELECT Discount__c FROM Account WHERE Id =:sAccountId].Discount__c;
                           //}//end accountCount
                      }//end DiscountCount
				}// if discount is not equal to A
              system.debug('Final Discount='+sDiscount); 
    }//end of CalculatePelcoDiscount

I know, I am not proud of this... 
I would appreciate any suggestion
We have Pardot integrated with our Salesforce instance and just yesterday our automated builds to the CI sandbox started failing with the error:

Test Failures: [sf:deploy] 1. pi.EmailSearchEndpointTest.test_SalespackUserWithMultipleEmail -- System.QueryException: No such column 'LastReferencedDate' on entity 'Lead'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names. [sf:deploy] Stack trace: (System Code)

When I do a query in the Dev console I can find this column just fine... In Production, the CI sandbox and the development sandbox.
Documentation (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_objects_lead.htm#topic-title) from SF indicates it does indeed exist and did in the last version of the api as well.
I've refreshed the CI sandbox, tried building from the local copy of the dev sandbox using ant on my local machine, removed the lead object from source code control and a bunch of other ineffectual attempts to get it to deploy.

Source code control doesn't show any changes made to this object in the last couple of weeks.

Anyone got any hints?

Hello all,


I'm using Eclipse Kepler (4.3) and have successfully installed the Force.com plugin. I could even create a project and see all the components. However, everytime I try to access a piece of code or the schema browser, I get an error saying my password is wrong.


I check on my org, and my login lists multiple failed logins for 'Invalid Password'. In my project properties on Eclipse, the password and sec token fields are empty - no matter how many times I enter it, it forgets.


If it can't remember, I expect it to atleast prompt me each time. Can something be done?




  • July 24, 2013
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