• Ray Kaushik
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I want to create a modal window where I can use input fields etc but all these should be in a modal like https://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/#/modal

I am currently facing issue same as http://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/97907/error-parsesyntax-syntax-error-token-is-an-unexpected-token-at-column

Is there a way by which we can use standard angular modal with SF input fields and then how can I control the pop up completion.



How can i get a dev org with Financial force PSA installed? Is there any option for same or other forum ?

I am writing an inbound email handler.

My situation is that whenever we get a reply from a client through email to salesforce, I only want to parse through the mail that was sent now and not the complete mail thread.

Any idea how I can do that?

I want to create a modal window where I can use input fields etc but all these should be in a modal like https://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/#/modal

I am currently facing issue same as http://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/97907/error-parsesyntax-syntax-error-token-is-an-unexpected-token-at-column

Is there a way by which we can use standard angular modal with SF input fields and then how can I control the pop up completion.


Hi all,

I got a question in interview like.. you have a list with 100 records how will you get records from 25 to 75 from that list?

Somehow I have wrote a code like,
trigger GetRecs on Opportunity (before insert,before update) 
  list<Opportunity> opps = new list<Opportunity>();
  list<Opportunity> opx = new list<Opportunity>();  
    opps=[select id,name from Opportunity where name!=null ORDER BY Name ASC LIMIT 100];
    //opx=[select id,name from Opportunity where ]
    map<integer,opportunity> mapx=new map<integer,opportunity>();
    for(integer i=0;i<101;i++)
    for(integer i=25; i<=76;i++)
      if(mapx.containsKey (i)==true)
        list<Opportunity> os=new list<Opportunity>();
What is the mistake here?

How to upload more than 10K records from CSV file to salesforce(Leads,Accounts..)using visualforce by giving mapping.
Please help on this .
public PageReference sendEmail(){

//Creating the Contact
        Contact tempContact  = new Contact();
            tempContact.LastName ='test';
            tempContact.firstName = 'testmerfantz';
            tempContact.email = 'noreply@salesforce.com';
            tempContact.Account = [select id, name from Account limit 1];
        Insert tempContact;
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
mail.setToAddresses(new String[] {emailTo});

PageReference ref = Page.PricelistFAEL;
Blob b = ref.getContentAsPDF();
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa1 = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
efa1.setFileName('Uplift Request.pdf');
mail.setFileAttachments(new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] {efa1});

mail.setTemplateId([select id, name from EmailTemplate where Name='Calculate Amount'].id);
Messaging.SendEmailResult[] resultMail = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });
if(resultMail[0].isSuccess()) {     
response = 'Your Mail Successfully sent!';
response = resultMail[0].getErrors().get(0).getMessage();
}catch(System.EmailException ex){
response = ex.getMessage();

// Delete the tempContact
       Delete tempContact; 
return null;

public PageReference SaveasPdf(){
 Attachment newAttach = new Attachment();
 PageReference ref = Page.PricelistFAEL;
 Blob b = ref.getContentAsPDF();
 newAttach.Name = 'Uplift Request';
 newAttach.ParentId = currentid;
 newAttach.Body = b;
 Insert newAttach;
 PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/'+currentid);
 return pageRef;

Hi, I want the test class for these two methods. If anyone know reply......

Salesforce Architect

My client is currently seeking a Salesforce Architect to provide end to end Salesforce solution implentation into large scale tier 1 clientelle. You will need to have strong technical skills, extensive Salesforce implementation experience and the ability to work alongside major stakeholders. For your services you will be rewarded with a competitive salary, challenging work, the opportunity to grow and the chance to add a global name to your resume. 

Essential skills and experience:

- 10 years IT experience, including 5+ years experience as an Architect
- MUST have 3+ years experience delivering end to end Salesforce solutions - please ensure this is fully outlined within your resume. 
- Strong APEX and Visualforce skills
- Salesforce Certifications - highly regarded
- Excellent stakeholder management skills
- Permanent Resident or Citizen of Australia
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills

Rates: $$ Open $$ - please indicate your requirements on your application
Start: 1-4 weeks, the sooner the better 
Location: Sydney CBD
Duration 6 months +

This position has only been opened recently and will not be available for long. My client is currently interviewing so secure your future in this award winning, organisation today!

To apply please click the APPLY NOW button below.

When someone takes the time/effort to repspond to your question, you should take the time/effort to either mark the question as "Solved", or post a Follow-Up with addtional information.  


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