• Karen Hanson
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  • Member since 2015
  • California, United States

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Is it possible in salesforce configuration to get field values of two different objects X, Y related to object Z ? and can I show it on page layout as a related list
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HI ,
I have a custom field called Create_Contact__c that is a data type "checkbox". in Account object and
I need to evaluate it in an apex trigger. and create new contact record when it is checked in account object .

Error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist: Create_Contact__c at line 3 column 6​
trigger CreateAccountContact on Account (after insert, after update){

  if(Create_Contact__c == True)  {

    List<Contact> ct = new List <Contact>();

    for(Account acc : trigger.new){
        Contact c = new Contact(LastName = acc.name,

    insert ct; 

i have a  requirement when only account field type update to Prospect the related opp stage name  update's Prospect ,but her whenever i chage any field in account . the opp stage names update's Prospect .
trigger updateopportunities on Account(after update) 
    Set<Id> accountIds = new Set<Id>(); //new set of IDs 
    for(Account ac : Trigger.new)     //bulklification 
            if(ac.Type!=trigger.oldMap.get(ac.Id).name)   // er

         if(ac.Type=='Prospect')        //if axcount if of prospect
         accountIds.add(ac.Id);         //add it to set values 

     List<Opportunity> oppsToUpdate = new List<Opportunity>();      //new list 

     for(Opportunity opp : [select id, StageName from Opportunity where AccountId in: accountIds]) //bulklification   query for stagename ,id from opportunity
          oppsToUpdate.add(opp);         //  adding to the list     

     update oppsToUpdate;               //update the opp

I do have a requirement in which two record type  A and b on opportunity I have created it !
“A”  record type  should have a button convert to “B” record type  which when clicked should display an alert ‘Click yes to Proceed’ if yes, then show a page where amount can be entered. while saving , ensure that it is greater than 10k usd and then redirect to B record type  page
Is it possible in salesforce configuration to get field values of two different objects X, Y related to object Z ? and can I show it on page layout as a related list
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