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I have had a IT specialist with knowledge of Salesforce in he spent two days and really did not provide much value. I am looking to pay someone to configure my salesforce so my team can work solely from there. I need 100% intergration with Microsoft office so all calendars, emails are synced. I need a calendar on my salesforce for everyone to share and use. I need the ability to attach my emails to leads, clients and opportunities, I need some detailed configuration of client and opportunity pages. My company is set to grow big and this could turn into a fulltime placement. feel free to email me charles at empire hyphen consulting dot com dot br not sure if you can post your contact info here but sure you can work that out. The br stands for brazil like dot co dot uk for uk
Ihave a Group Edition of Salesforce and would like to export all of my account infomration into one Excel spareadsheet. I tried to do this but it put each type of information in seperate csv files; e.g. account name, contact, etc.
if you go to  Opportunity, Select an opportunity, click on the quote at the end of the page there is a quote line Item section , if you click on edit by any Items in that area it will take you to a page with few different options, I need to modify and remove some of those fields. I am not sure how to access the area. its not any of those mini layout thing , i tried those in quote Line item page layout edit
Hi all,
List<List<Integer>> listOfListInt = new List<Integer> { {0, 1, 2, 3}, {3, 2, 1, 0}, {3, 5, 6, 1}, {3, 8, 3, 4} };  After executeig the code in developer console i am getting follwing error
Line: 1, Column: 56
expecting right curly bracket, found '{'
Please help me fix error

From Salesforce I am trying  to make restful api call to a CPQ system.

1. I am able to make a login (POST request)
2. I am able to query the Account object & retrieve the id & fields on the Account object in the external system through (GET request)
3. Now I need to update the Account record with a value from Salesforce

Example: I have written the JSON Generator code to update Account name on the external system using the Id of the Account retrieved.

        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
        HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse();
        Http http = new Http();
        JSONGenerator gen = JSON.createGenerator(true);
        gen.writeStringField('Id', '0ca0000f8pxds72r');
        gen.writeStringField('Name', 'TEST12345');
        String jsonOrders1 = gen.getAsString();
        System.debug('jsonOrders: ' + jsonOrders1 );

        req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
        res = http.send(req);
        Status code = 400;
        Message: content was not a valid JSON object
        I tested the same Post request using the Postman plugin in Chrome and it successfully updated the Account on the external system.
        Below is the JSON Body which I used in the Postman; when I print my json request in Salesforce, I am getting the similar JSON response.
        Can anyone help in trouble shooting this issue. What am I doing wrong in creating the JSON request.
        JSON used in Postman:
        JSON when I print in debug logs in Salesforce:
         [ { "Id" : "0ca0000f8pxds72r",  "Name" : "TEST12345"} ]
        I was referring their api documentation. Look under the CPQ OnDemand Web Services API Calls (RESTful) header (Create/Update object)
I'm attempting to work with Kixie (VOIP phone service which plugs in to SF) to log calls automatically. Kixie support says I need to access Field Accessibility/Events in order to enable the links to the call recordings to be logged. Problem is, there's no menu called "Field Accessibility" under my security settings. How can I gain access? 
In my current scenario there is three object

1 Quote
2 Sales_order  (here in Quote is looup)
3 Sales_order_line_item (here Quote is lookup and Salesorder is master)

in Sales_order_line_item object there is one field name  Import_Lending_Price__c that i want to display on Quote Object .in Quote Object  Filed i have created Lending_Price__c  this price should Sales_order_line_item object Import_Lending_Price__c 

Please check my trigger and tell me is it correct or not

trigger ParentQuoteupdate on Sales_Order_Line_Item__c (after insert, after update,before insert) {


Map<ID, Quote> parentQuote = new Map<ID, Quote>(); 

List<Id> listIds = new List<Id>();

  for (Sales_Order_Line_Item__c childObj : Trigger.new) 
  parentQuote = new Map<Id, Quote> ([SELECT ID,(SELECT ID,Quote__c,Import_Landing_Price__c FROM Sales_Order_Line_Item__r) FROM Quote WHERE ID IN :listIds]);
  for (Sales_Order_Line_Item__c  SOLI: Trigger:new){
     Quote myParentQuote = parentQuote.get(SOLI.Quote__c);
     myParentQuote.Landing_Price__c = SOLI.Import_Landing_Price__c ;
  update parentQuote.values(); 


Error:- I am getting
Error: Compile Error: Didn't understand relationship 'Sales_Order_Line_Item__r' in FROM part of query call. If you are attempting to use a custom relationship, be sure to append the '__r' after the custom relationship name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names. at line 14 column 37

Please help me 

Thanks in advance
I can't seem to find any examples where I want to include fields in my query from the Lead table and the related Account table where the ConvertedAccountId matches.  I have tried writing queries but nothing is working.  Isn't this possible?  I can do two queries but I want to only do one and include some fields found in each table.
  • February 24, 2016
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when we execute test methods for one class (and only one class, no problem for others), we're getting this error:
Internal Salesforce Error: 20878693-139583 (-1872511937) (-1872511937)
Stack Trace: null
This error occurs only on production instance, not on sandbox. I don't know how to fix that, anyone can help?
I have had a IT specialist with knowledge of Salesforce in he spent two days and really did not provide much value. I am looking to pay someone to configure my salesforce so my team can work solely from there. I need 100% intergration with Microsoft office so all calendars, emails are synced. I need a calendar on my salesforce for everyone to share and use. I need the ability to attach my emails to leads, clients and opportunities, I need some detailed configuration of client and opportunity pages. My company is set to grow big and this could turn into a fulltime placement. feel free to email me charles at empire hyphen consulting dot com dot br not sure if you can post your contact info here but sure you can work that out. The br stands for brazil like dot co dot uk for uk
We have two Salesforce appexchange product for developers. We need sharp developers on a part-time basis. You will spend 3-4 hours everyday responding to customer requests.

It is okay to have another job.

We are looking for A players. If you are just starting out with Salesforce, please feel free to pass this offer.
Your main task will be:
1. Test our product
2. Respond to customer support requests.

You will not be responsible for development.

We need someone with the following qualities:
1. You are a fast learner.
2. You must have good communication skills.
3. You are great at Salesforce.
Earth Elements is developing Solution for the Construction Industry (Interior Finishes), we are looking for a U.S. based Certified Salesforce Developer with strong command of the English language to work on the development.

There is as much work as you can handle available based on short 40 – 60 hour modules, Work remotely from your home, you must be able to provide your own work environment, computer, telephone, and high speed internet, be able to join conference calls without distracting background noise, be a self starter who can be productive, manage your time, and accomplish your work in an unsupervised setting. There is almost no requirement for travel.
Project Requirements and Specifications are available during briefing meetings and via Confluence/Jira app. You will work within both Salesforce Production and Sandbox environments using the native Salesforce UI as well as a local development environment such as eclipse or other tools that you prefer.

The developmental work will include apex, visualforce development, triggers, sites pages, HTML, CSS, Mobile and working with the Salesforce API to integrate with other systems. You must be a problem solver and be able to think through the business requirements in order to ensure the code you are producing will satisfy those requirements. You should also have a strong understanding of the Salesforce system from an administrator's perspective.

Send resume to steve@skyeinvestments.com