• jprichter
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  • Liberty IT Solutions

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We want to use Salesforce DX. For this we need to enable DevHub. We can see the DevHub option in Production, but we cannot see it in our Sandboxes. Please help.
Does anybody know if it is possible to search for a trigger by it's name, either within SFDC or by using Workbench? 


Hello all,

I have been tasked with creating a way to monitor who is Creating or Modifing Listviews. I know I can view Listviews with SOQL however I would like to use VF.

Is it even possible to be notified when a Listview is Created or Modified? How?



Hi all,

My LWC is a button which changes the status to closed and is only visible/'not grey' when the status is anything but 'closed.

I place the LWC on the Lightning record page and get presented with the error:

User-added image

Here is my HTML:
            <template if:true={isSelectClosed}>
                <lightning-button class="slds-button slds-button_destructive" onclick={handleClick}>Close Open Ended Status</lightning-button>

and here is my JS:
import { LightningElement, api, wire } from 'lwc';
import { getPicklistValues } from 'lightning/uiObjectInfoApi';
import npe03__Open_Ended_Status__c from '@salesforce/schema/npe03__Recurring_Donation__c';

export default class OpenEndedCloseButton extends LightningElement {
    @api recordId;
    @api selectVal;
    @wire(getPicklistValues, { recordId: '$recordId', fields: npe03__Open_Ended_Status__c  })

        this.recordId.npe03__Open_Ended_Status__c = 'Closed';
    get isSelectedClosed(){
        return this.recordId.selectVal === 'Closed';



I have an app named "Lightning Knowledge" that is using the Console Naviation. Yet, I am still getting the following error:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The Lightning Knowledge app doesn't have the ability to view either or both: recently-visited primary tabs or subtabs.

I have tried deleting it and recreating it. Even tried creating a new org. Cannot get past this challenge. 

Any thing I could be missing?

We are working on some Lightning Components for a Salesforce Community. We are using our own template which is bare bones. 

Here's the code: 

<aura:component access="global" implements="forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes">
<ltng:require styles="/resource/slds2_0_2/assets/styles/salesforce-lightning-design-system.min.css" />
    <ui:inputDateTime label="Meeting Time" class="slds-input" displayDatePicker="true"/>

In our community, it looks like this:

User-added image

in LEX and in Napili it looks as expected and of course, we don't need the ltng:require tag in there.

Are there any workarounds to this issue?

Admin Advanced >  Advanced Formulas > Using Basic Logic in Checkbox Formulas

The formula I used is:
NOT(IsClosed) && (CloseDate <= (Today() - 1))
Also tried:
AND(NOT(IsClosed),(CloseDate <= (Today() - 1)))

The error code I get is:

"Hey McFly, unless you are planning to go back in time, please update your close date"

Trialhead is giving the error:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The validation rule does not reference the 'IsClosed' and 'CloseDate' fields correctly. Take a look at the requirements again.

When I test it out myself, it's working as expected. Any ideas on what it could be?
I am not able to create scratch org in DevHub using the following command:
sfdx force:org:create -s -f config/project-scratch-def.json -a lwc-recipes
Getting error -
The request to create a scratch org failed with error code: C-1033.
Hi All

Can you help me to explain about MAP on apex trigger , i have 2 object and i want to get value on the other object base on multiple key on the object. please find bellow :

i want to get CPD ID and add into contract product delivery base on Key (Prospect, Prospect_Product, Sub Item, SAP ID)

User-added image

Singgih Juniawan
Suppose test1 record is created by a user of profile A. When another user of profile B want to view that test1 record, I want different layout will come for him with some field label security changes.So that different user will se different layout of same record. How to achive that?
Hi All

How do I know what is the px or rem siez for slds element. For example if I am using <div class="slds-p-around_medium"/> and I know if will add some paddig around the div but I would like to know the exact size for top/left/right/bottom.

Lightning inspector stops working the way it was. It is not showing the component tree also not showing the component details. Anybody experiencing the same issue?
I am working with Lightning Web Components and have implemented the use of lightning-datatables in many places in the app which I am developing.
The requirements have just changed and I now need to change some of my fields to rich text.  As far as I can figure out, there is no way to do this.
I see in the documentation that there is the idea of Creating Custom Data Types, but can't figure it out.

Does anyone know how I can incorporate a rich text field in a lightning-datatable?  
We want to use Salesforce DX. For this we need to enable DevHub. We can see the DevHub option in Production, but we cannot see it in our Sandboxes. Please help.
Does anybody know if it is possible to search for a trigger by it's name, either within SFDC or by using Workbench? 


Hello all,

I have been tasked with creating a way to monitor who is Creating or Modifing Listviews. I know I can view Listviews with SOQL however I would like to use VF.

Is it even possible to be notified when a Listview is Created or Modified? How?



Hi all, 

I want to create a trigger which will update the name of a record:
trigger UpdateAssetWeek on Request__c (after update) {
    List<Asset_Weeks__c> a = new List<Asset_Weeks__c>();
    for (Request__c req : Trigger.new){
        if (req.Allocated_Week__c != NULL){
           Asset_Weeks__c asswk = new Asset_Weeks__c();
           asswk = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Asset_Weeks__c WHERE Week__c = 'Request__c.Allocated_Week__r.Asset_Week__c'];
           asswk.Name = asswk.Name + ' ' + req.Primary_Contact__c.Firstname + ' ' + req.Primary_Contact__c.Firstname;
    update a;

//Every time the related contact 'Primary Contact' is added to a Request:
//Change the name of the Asset_Weeks which is related to the Week__c and Asset__c of the Request

Every time the related contact 'Primary Contact' is added to a Request:
Change the name of the Asset_Weeks which is related to the Week__c and Asset__c of the Request

The schema fort a bit of conext is :

User-added image
Hi all,

My LWC is a button which changes the status to closed and is only visible/'not grey' when the status is anything but 'closed.

I place the LWC on the Lightning record page and get presented with the error:

User-added image

Here is my HTML:
            <template if:true={isSelectClosed}>
                <lightning-button class="slds-button slds-button_destructive" onclick={handleClick}>Close Open Ended Status</lightning-button>

and here is my JS:
import { LightningElement, api, wire } from 'lwc';
import { getPicklistValues } from 'lightning/uiObjectInfoApi';
import npe03__Open_Ended_Status__c from '@salesforce/schema/npe03__Recurring_Donation__c';

export default class OpenEndedCloseButton extends LightningElement {
    @api recordId;
    @api selectVal;
    @wire(getPicklistValues, { recordId: '$recordId', fields: npe03__Open_Ended_Status__c  })

        this.recordId.npe03__Open_Ended_Status__c = 'Closed';
    get isSelectedClosed(){
        return this.recordId.selectVal === 'Closed';


I wish to get the activity related to an Opportunity. However, looking at the Force.com REST API (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/api-explorer) I cannot find a way to do so.

The following entities may be related: Note, ChatterActivity and OpportunityFeed, however i can't find how they are linked to Opportunities. 

Help is appreciated!
I have a lightning component that uses the force:inputField element for a lookup.  The lookup field has a filter applied to it.  I have the filter field displayed on my component, but when I set the value and type into the lookup box, no data is returned.  If I remove the filter from the field, I do get results back.

Here is my lightning component.
<aura:component controller="LocationController" >
    <aura:handler event="c:newClassCodePayrollEvent" action="{!c.showModal}"/>

    <aura:attribute name="classCodePayroll" type="ClassCodePayroll__c" default="{ 'sobjectType': 'ClassCodePayroll__c' }"/>
    <aura:attribute name="locationId" type="String" default=""/>
    <aura:attribute name="state" type="String" default=""/>

    <force:outputField aura:id="locationId" value="{!v.classCodePayroll.Location__c}" class="slds-hide"/>
    <div class="slds">
        <div aria-hidden="true" role="dialog" class="slds-modal slds-fade-in-hide" aura:id="newClassCodePayrollDialog">
            <div class="slds-modal__container">
                <div class="slds-modal__header">
                    <h2 class="slds-text-heading--medium">New Class Code Payroll</h2>
                    <lightning:buttonIcon class="slds-button slds-button--icon-inverse slds-modal__close" iconName="utility:close" alternativeText="Close" onclick="{!c.hideModal}"/>
                <div class="slds-modal__content slds-p-around--medium">
                    <div class="slds-grid slds-grid--pull-padded-medium">
                        <div class="slds-col slds-p-horizontal--medium">
                            <ui:outputText class="slds-form-element__label" value="State"/>
						    <force:inputField aura:id="stateInput" value="{!v.classCodePayroll.State__c}"/>
                            <ui:outputText class="slds-form-element__label" value="Class Code"/>
                            <force:inputField aura:id="classCode" value="{!v.classCodePayroll.ClassCodeT__c}"/>
                        <div class="slds-col slds-p-horizontal--medium">
                            <lightning:input label="Estimated Payroll" name="estimatedPayroll" value="{!v.classCodePayroll.EstimatedPayroll__c}"/>
                <div class="slds-modal__footer">
                    <button class="slds-button slds-button--neutral" onclick="{!c.hideModal}">Cancel</button>
                    <button class="slds-button slds-button--brand" onclick="{!c.save}">Save</button>
        <div class="slds-backdrop slds-backdrop--hide" aura:id="backdrop"></div>	

The lookup field is:
<force:inputField aura:id="classCode" value="{!v.classCodePayroll.ClassCodeT__c}"/>

And the filter field is:
<force:inputField aura:id="stateInput" value="{!v.classCodePayroll.State__c}"/>

Here is an image of the component WITHOUT the filter on the field - which does return results. (Notice two "5552" results for different states)
No Filter Applied

Here is what it looks like when I apply the filter:
With Filter

And finally, here is the standard salesforce create window. Note that the filter is applied correctly.
Standard Create