• Chris Sweet
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  • Member since 2015
  • Manager, Salesforce.com Development

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Hi, I am an administrator and not a developer. I am exporting data from Price Book Entry with DataLoader, but it exports prices in text format. Is there a SOQL code to convert them into numbers? 

For this superbadge in the given entity relation diagram there is no connection that depicts the direct relation between Maintenance Request (case) and Equipment (Product). It is very confusing looking at the diagram given to understand this. Earlier in my solution to challenge 1 I assumed that there is no direct relation between the said objects and that I need to access the Equipment data by traversing the junction object (Work Part). Solution became much simpler when I swa that there is already a direct relation between Maintenance Request (case) and Equipment (Product).
Please look into this. Correct me I am wrong. Thank you.

 User-added image

We got one notification that Salesforce Client Certificate will be  Impacted by Upcoming Microsoft Windows Update in this link :https://help.salesforce.com/apex/HTViewSolution?urlname=Salesforce-Client-Certificate-Impacted-by-Upcoming-Microsoft-Windows-Update&language=en_US&?d=701300000021Jky&eid=ss-tc 

And have some questions

questions  for the impact :
Delegated authentication – how to know if we are using this feature ? from which page we can check if we are using this feature ?

2. SAML with default certificate – How to know if we are using this feature ? from which page we can check if we are using this feature ?
 We implemented SSO in Remedyforce ,  so if we don't updated the certificate , the users will noe be able to login to Remedyforce via SSO link ,right? 
Workflow outbound messages  - how to know if we are using this feature ? so if we don't update , all the notification emials  sent  by the workflow rule , email alert will not be able to send to the  users , right?
AJAX proxy - how to know if we are using this feature ?   this is called by some applicaitons created on our side ,right? 
5.PageReference.getContent() and PageReference.getContentAsPDF() - how to know if we are using this feature ?   this is called by some applicaitons created on our side ,right? 

Questions for the Action :

1.we already have one Salesforce self-signed client certificate which is created at 2/2/2015 and used in our SSO link  , not sure if we need created another one and set it as the API Client Certificate in the API Client Certificate section in the Certificate and Key Management page  ?
2. In the Single Sign-On Settings page , We can't find the Enable Multiple Configs button , and in the  SAML Single Sign-On Settings  , we used the self-signed client certificate we created above as the Assertion Decryption Certificate, not sure if we need to change it ? 


I want to have a 2 custom field in Accounts called "Percentile" and "Probablility". The "percentile" is a picklist which has value like 10% - Deal upfront 20% - MoU etc and when ever a value is selected from "percentile" field I want to auto populate or auto fill the percentage value alone in the custom field "percentage". how to apprach this? pls advise.
  • September 23, 2015
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Roll ups are disabled in our org due to advanced currency.

Can a trigger be used to count opportunities associated to each contact?
Hi All,

I have writtern an apex code which is scheduled to run on daily basis at 6:00 am IST. From the Apex Jobs list page, I can see that my last request was submitted on 16th-Sept-2015 but still (today: 21th-Sept-2015) its present in the Queue to run (Completion date is empty). Not sure why this job is waiting for so long in the Queue and unable to run. Below is the screenshot for the same:

User-added image

Ironically the below scheduled jobs snapshot suggest that the schedule code was started on 21th-Sept-2015 and next scheduled run is on 22th-Sept-2015.

User-added image

Could you please help me out to understand this behavior of Schedule Apex code?

Thanks in advance for your time & help!!!

Lokendra Sharma.
trigger Sales_Invoice_Custom_Trigger on c2g__codaInvoice__c (before insert, before update) {
    // if this SIN is getting inserted
    if( Trigger.isInsert ) {
        for(c2g__codaInvoice__c SIN : Trigger.new)
    // if this SIN is getting updated
    if( Trigger.isUpdate ) {
        for(c2g__codaInvoice__c SIN : Trigger.new)
            //check that it has a Sales Order*
            if(SIN.Sales_Order__c != null)
            //get the SIN Outstanding Value
            decimal SINov = SIN.c2g__OutstandingValue__c;
            //query and update the Sales Order*
            Sales_Order__c SalesO = [SELECT Id FROM Sales_Order__c WHERE Id = :SIN.Sales_Order__r].Id;
            SalesO.Outstanding_Value__c = SINov;

I am having a problem with the acutal update of the Sales_Order__c record.  Any advice is appreciated, still learning APEX.
Hi Experts,

I have a requirement in which when I am creating a new record, I will do one validation in trigger and if the validation failed, I need to add error and fail that record. And I need to send an email to the account owner informing about the error. But when I tried when the add error is getting executed, email notification is not send. Is there any way that we can execute both?

  • September 23, 2014
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I want to automatically convert new leads into contacts. I have a trigger on Lead after update that will bulk convert 100 leads at a time. The problem I have  is that my marketing automation tool pushes new leads into Salesforce in batches of 200 at a time. When I try to import 200 leads, the bulk convert fails due to a too many DML 151 error.


I read that the convertlead function can only handle 100 records at a time. How can I edit the code to handle 200 imports at a time? Is it possible?


Thanks in advance.


trigger AutoConvert on Lead (after update) {

for(Lead myLead: Trigger.new){ if(Trigger.new[0].isConverted == false) { Database.LeadConvert lc = new database.LeadConvert(); lc.setLeadId(myLead.Id); lc.convertedStatus = 'Qualified'; //Database.ConvertLead(lc,true); lc.setDoNotCreateOpportunity(true); Database.LeadConvertResult lcr = Database.convertLead(lc); System.assert(lcr.isSuccess()); }}}