• Venkata Suresh Kumar Araveeti 11
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When laoding my custom field Multi-Select Pickist Values from the IDE I receive the follwoing erorr: Picklist Value too long for the max size 40


Is there a way to increase the length of the Multi-Select Picklist values? (Considering I do not get the same length restriction for my picklist values)

  • April 25, 2011
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Hi all, I have developed an apex class and trigger to automatically deploy echoSign agreements based on a criteria that is met in the trigger. However, it appears a web service is being called when I design the class, and implement a test class. 

The goal with this trigger is to automate the sending of agreement templates from echoSign to the contact who will sign the agreement. 
With the @future callout the trigger creates the object but does not run. However without it, it does. Needless to say without the @future callout the test class fails with the Methods defined as TestMetod do not support web service.

Are there any steps I should take.

Here's the class
public class AutoSendAdobeSign { 
    public static void sendAgreement(Id temId, Id mteId) { 
    try {
           System.debug('Calling AgreementTemplateService.load: ' + temid + ' - ' + mteid); 
           echosign_dev1.AgreementTemplateService.load( temid , mteid );        
    } catch (Exception E) { System.debug('Exception: ' + e.getStackTraceString());}       

The Trigger with the specified crtieria to run
trigger SendMTEviaAdobeSign on Member_Term_Evaluation__c (after update) {
        //This Class Automatically Sends an Adobe Sign Agreement for the Member_Term_Evaluation Custom Object

        //For the PY17 Member Term Evaluation, this variable can be updated according to Program Year
    String templateId; 
           templateId = [SELECT Id FROM echosign_dev1__Agreement_Template__c WHERE Name = 'Evaluation' ].Id;
    //Only send when the Signed By Supervisor field is checked off
            for(Member_Term_Evaluation__c mte: Trigger.new) {
                if(mte.Id != NULL && mte.Date_of_Review__c != NULL && mte.Signed_by_Supervisor__c != Trigger.oldMap.get(mte.Id).Signed_by_Supervisor__c ){
                        String masterId = mte.Id;
                        AutoSendAdobeSign.sendAgreement(templateId, masterId);
                        system.debug(mte.Service_Member__r.FirstName + ' and ' + mte.Lead_Supervisor__r.LastName + ' will be getting their member term evaluation on ' + mte.Date_of_Review__c.format() + ' .');

Here is my Test Class
private class SendMTEviaAdobeSignTest {

static testMethod void insertNewmasterId() {

RecordType servicememberRT = [SELECT Id from RecordType WHERE sObjectType = 'Contact' AND Name = 'Service Member' LIMIT 1];

    Echosign_dev1__SIGN_Merge_Mapping__c adobemm = new Echosign_dev1__SIGN_Merge_Mapping__c();
     adobemm.Name                                = 'masterId';
     adobemm.echosign_dev1__Default__c           = FALSE;
     insert adobemm;                 

    Echosign_dev1__Agreement_Template__c adobeat = new Echosign_dev1__Agreement_Template__c();
     adobeat.Name                                   = 'PY17 Service Member Term Evaluation';
     adobeat.Echosign_dev1__Auto_Send__c            = TRUE;
     adobeat.Echosign_dev1__Name__c                 = 'Adobe Sign Agreement';
     adobeat.Echosign_dev1__Signature_Type__c       = 'e-Signature';
     adobeat.Echosign_dev1__Language__c             = 'English (United States)';
     adobeat.Echosign_dev1__Merge_Mapping__c        = adobemm.id;
     insert adobeat;

    Account servicesite = new Account();
     servicesite.Name                           = 'Cheesy Does It';
     servicesite.Type                           = 'Education';
     servicesite.BillingStreet                  = '704 NE Sample Street';
     servicesite.BillingCity                    = 'Portland';
     servicesite.BillingState                   = 'Oregon';
     servicesite.BillingPostalCode              = '97212';
     servicesite.Organization_Sub_type__c       = 'School';
     servicesite.Service_Site_Status__c         = 'Active';
     servicesite.School_Status__c               = 'Active';
     insert servicesite;

    Contact servicemember = new Contact();
     servicemember.FirstName                    = 'Macaroni';
     servicemember.LastName                     = 'Cheese';
     servicemember.Npe01__HomeEmail__c          = 'macandcheese@aolol.com';
     servicemember.RecordTypeId                 =  servicememberRT.Id;
     insert servicemember;

    Contact leadsupervisor = new Contact();
     leadsupervisor.FirstName                   = 'Head';
     leadsupervisor.LastName                    = 'Cheese';
     leadsupervisor.Npe01__HomeEmail__c         = 'saycheese@aolol.com';
     leadsupervisor.Service_Site_Supervisor2__c = 'Active, Primary';
     insert leadsupervisor;

    Member_Term__c mt = new Member_Term__c();
     mt.Service_Member__c                       = servicemember.Id;
     mt.Service_Site__c                         = servicesite.Id;
     mt.Lead_Supervisor__c                      = leadsupervisor.Id;
     mt.Date_Contract_Signed__c                 = date.today();
     mt.Date_Enrolled__c                        = date.today();
     mt.School_1__c                             = 'Cheesy Does It';
     mt.Healthy_Progress_Report_Area_1__c       = 'B - Field trips, farmer and chef visits';
     mt.Healthy_Progress_Report_Goal_1__c       = 'Win a Million Bucks';
     mt.Goal_1_Resources_Needed__c              = 'A Million Bucks';
     insert mt;

    Member_Term_Evaluation__c mte = new Member_Term_Evaluation__c();
     mte.Member_Term__c                         = mt.Id;
     mte.Service_Member__c                      = servicemember.Id;
     mte.Lead_Supervisor__c                     = leadsupervisor.Id;
     mte.Date_of_Review__c                      = date.today();
     mte.Signed_by_Service_Member__c            = TRUE;
     mte.Signed_by_Supervisor__c                = FALSE;
     insert mte;

     mte.Signed_by_Supervisor__c                = TRUE;
     update mte;
    echosign_dev1__SIGN_Agreement__c e = new echosign_dev1__SIGN_Agreement__c();
     e.Name                                    = 'Service Member Term Evaluation';
     e.ECHOSIGN_DEV1__AGREEMENTLOCALE__C       = 'English (United States)';
     e.ECHOSIGN_DEV1__SIGNATURETYPE__C           = 'e-Signature';
     e.ECHOSIGN_DEV1__STATUS__C                  = 'Out for Signature';
     insert e; 
