• shiv shankar 18
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I am struggling to add custom field to NetworkMember Object can any one tell me how to do it ??
Hi all,

can any one tell me how we can integrate Sage x3 ERP with salesforce to have Live Synchronisation between them.??
I want to give access of my visualforce page, Who doesnot have salesforce loginID. he has to access through  site
how can i  achive this,please help me regarding this

HI All, I do not have much experience in Salesforce but i am learning and i came acroos this statement "You can use an object to change its own field values using trigger.new, but only in before triggers. In all after triggers, trigger.new is not saved, so a runtime exception is thrown"

I have two issue now 
a)  As it is mentioned we can not update Object in After Trigger but we can update it like below 
trigger AccountNumberUpdate on Account (before insert,after insert) {
list<Account> up = new list<Account>();

for (Account c : Trigger.new)
if (Trigger.isBefore)
if (String.isBlank(c.AccountNumber))
 c.AccountNumber.addError('Account Number Can not be bLanks');

if (Trigger.isAfter)

 Account a = [Select Id,AccountNumber from Account where id = :c.id];
 a.AccountNumber = NULL;

update up;

b) (Refre Above Code)Second issue with order of execution lets say i have custom validation on field here AccountNumber and in all after trigger again i am making AccountNumber blank in that  case error will not throw because custom validation does not takes place after trigger . Is it limitation of salesforce ?

I am struggling to add custom field to NetworkMember Object can any one tell me how to do it ??
Hi all,

can any one tell me how we can integrate Sage x3 ERP with salesforce to have Live Synchronisation between them.??