• Sandy Comeau 5
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I do not have any coding experience but hoping someone can help me write the code to Print to PDF from a Custom Object.  We have a Custom Object called "Executive Summary" and I would like to print to PDF when a button is clicked.  I was able to create the button but I can not get it to do anything.  Help Please?  Below is a Screen Shot of my custom object.
User-added image
When a user creates a "New" Opportunity I want a VF Page to Display asking the user if he has satisfied a requirement.  I need two options "Yes" to go forward, or "No" to go back.  I have the "No" part...but I can't figure out how to add another "Yes" button to proceed to be able to create a New Opportunity.
This is the first part of my code:

<apex:page standardController="Opportunity">

<p>This Opportunity MUST be Qualified to Proceed!</p>
<apex:form >
<apex:commandbutton action="{!cancel}" value="Go Back" rerender=""/>
When a user creates a "New" Opportunity I want a VF Page to Display asking the user if he has satisfied a requirement.  I need two options "Yes" to go forward, or "No" to go back.  I have the "No" part...but I can't figure out how to add another "Yes" button to proceed to be able to create a New Opportunity.
This is the first part of my code:

<apex:page standardController="Opportunity">

<p>This Opportunity MUST be Qualified to Proceed!</p>
<apex:form >
<apex:commandbutton action="{!cancel}" value="Go Back" rerender=""/>