• Alisha Mehta 9
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Hi All 

I have a batch class as follows 
Integer FiscalYear = getCurrentFY();
    Integer FYPlusOne = FiscalYear - 1;

    global database.querylocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){   
        Integer lmt = Limits.getLimitQueryRows();
        String query = 'Select Org_SFID__r.Fiscal_Year_SFID__c,fAccount_Brand_ID__c,Id,CFY_Dealer_Account_SFID__r.Brand_Group_Name__c,Integration_Key__c,';     
        query += 'Org_SFID__c,Org_SFID__r.Fiscal_Year_SFID__r.Year__c,Sales_Focus_Descr__c';
        query += ' FROM Account_Org_Relationship__c';
        query += ' WHERE Sales_Focus_Descr__c =\'Assigned\' and is_Active__c = True and fFiscal_Year__c = False and fAccount_Brand_Name__c =: National';

I need to add a condition to the query like Inte__key__c like 'FYPlusOne%' 

Intekey field value will be in the format of 2017|39238shdshdhkjsoskok. I have to fetch the records of the previous fiscal year so the inteley should contain 2017(Currentfiscalyear - 1) 

Please help me how to achieve this in where condition. I have a declared a variable on top 

Sangeetha T

Hi People,
I am writing a simple code to refrain the user from deleting a record if it's active but getting the below error:

 Error: There were custom validation error(s) encountered while saving the affected record(s). The first validation error encountered was "Cannot Delete".

Here is my code:
trigger DontDeleteIfActive on Position__c (before delete) {

for (Position__c pos : trigger.old)


    if(pos.Active__c != null || pos.Active__c == True)
        pos.addError('Cannot Delete');


AggregateResult[] groupedResults = [SELECT AVG(Amount)aver FROM Opportunity]; Object avgAmount = groupedResults[0].get('aver');
in this code why aver from groupedResult is not accessed directly as
avgAmount = groupedResult.get('aver');

and what is the purpose of casting aggregateresult values.

Following error is coming when JS function performing some calculations. 
User-added image

and I have following JS code 
User-added image

Where the value of unitprice is coming as undefined which nothing but a currency type of field. 

can anyone please help me out with this. ? 

Thanks & Regards,
While saving the below code, Following Error Occurs: "Variable does not exist: DeveloperName"
List<Dashboard> listAllDashboards = [SELECT DeveloperName,Type,FolderName,Folder.DeveoperName FROM Dashboard];
for(Dashboard d1 : listAllDashboards){

Hi all,

I am trying to save controller.js file,then i am getting the following error.Can any one help me to solve this.User-added image
Any valuble suggestions.
Why I am getting this error--
"Executing the 'insertNewAccount' method failed. Either the method does not exist, is not static, or does not insert the proper account."
my code--

public class AccountHandler {

     public static Account insertNewAccount(String name){
          Account a = new Account();
          a.Name = 'name';
            insert a;
        catch(Exception e){
            return null;
       return a;
<apex:page standardController="Business_Contract_to_Account__c"  standardStylesheets="false"> 
<apex:sectionHeader title="Account Hierarchy" subtitle="{!Business_Contract_to_Account__c.Name}"/> 
        <!--<c:HierarchyTreeDragAndDrop currentRecId="{!Account.id}" sObjectTypeName="Account" sObjectFieldsAPINames="Type,Industry" parentIdFieldAPI="parentId" numOfLevels="5"/>
        --->     "{!Business_Contract_to_Account__c.AccountId__c}"
            <apex:pageBlock >
       <c:HeirarchyJBTreeV2 currentRecId="{!Business_Contract_to_Account__c.Customer__c}" sObjectTypeName="Business_Contract_to_Account__c" sObjectFieldsAPINames="Customer__r.AccountNumber,Customer__r.SAP_Partner_Functions__c,Customer__r.Store_Number__c,Customer__r.State_City_Country__c,Customer__r.Customer_Reporting_Group__c,Customer__r.Customer_Facing_Parent_Type__c" parentIdFieldAPI="Customer_Facing_Parent__c" displayListSize="700" numOfLevels="5"/> 

and the component line is

<apex:attribute name="currentRecId" description="This is the Record Id for displaying Hierarchy" type="String" required="true" assignTo="{!currentId}"/>
Error in Data Import Wizard Trailhead Challenge
trigger validationPrimarycontact1 on Contact (after insert,after update) {
List<Contact> acclist = new List<Contact>();
set<Id> accIdSet = new set<Id>();
Set<Id> ContactIds = new Set<Id>();
for ( Contact s : trigger.new ){
        if(s.AccountId != null)
        Contact oldcon = Trigger.oldMap.get(s.Id);       
        if(oldcon.id != null)

acclist=[select id, name,Account.name,Primary_Contact__c from Contact where AccountId IN : accIdSet AND Id NOT IN : ContactIds];


List<Contact> conlist=new List<Contact>();
Contact c1=new Contact();
        for ( Contact s : Trigger.new)

            if(s.Primary_Contact__c ==true)
                  for(Contact a :acclist)
                         a.Primary_Contact__c =false;
                    update c1; 
           update acclist;
                for ( Contact s : trigger.new ){
                        if(s.AccountId != null)
                        Contact oldcon = Trigger.newMap.get(s.Id);       
                        if(oldcon.id != null)

acclist=[select id, name,Account.name,Primary_Contact__c from Contact where AccountId IN : accIdSet AND Id NOT IN : ContactIds];


List<Contact> conlist=new List<Contact>();
Contact c1=new Contact();

for ( Contact s : Trigger.new)
            if(s.Primary_Contact__c ==true)
                  for(Contact a :acclist)
                             a.Primary_Contact__c =false;
                     update c1; 
       update acclist;

I am getting error that "Variable does not exist: checkRecursive",how to fix
Hi All 

I have a batch class as follows 
Integer FiscalYear = getCurrentFY();
    Integer FYPlusOne = FiscalYear - 1;

    global database.querylocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){   
        Integer lmt = Limits.getLimitQueryRows();
        String query = 'Select Org_SFID__r.Fiscal_Year_SFID__c,fAccount_Brand_ID__c,Id,CFY_Dealer_Account_SFID__r.Brand_Group_Name__c,Integration_Key__c,';     
        query += 'Org_SFID__c,Org_SFID__r.Fiscal_Year_SFID__r.Year__c,Sales_Focus_Descr__c';
        query += ' FROM Account_Org_Relationship__c';
        query += ' WHERE Sales_Focus_Descr__c =\'Assigned\' and is_Active__c = True and fFiscal_Year__c = False and fAccount_Brand_Name__c =: National';

I need to add a condition to the query like Inte__key__c like 'FYPlusOne%' 

Intekey field value will be in the format of 2017|39238shdshdhkjsoskok. I have to fetch the records of the previous fiscal year so the inteley should contain 2017(Currentfiscalyear - 1) 

Please help me how to achieve this in where condition. I have a declared a variable on top 

Sangeetha T
Controller class.

 public class SetVFPage {
   public Set<Group__c>acc { get; set; }
     public string keyword{get;set;}
     List<Group__c > accList{get;set;}
      Set<Group__c > accSET = new Set<Group__c >();                
     public pagereference Search(){    
       accList =[SELECT Name, id,Course_Name__c FROM Group__c where Name Like: '%'+keyword+'%'];
       for(Group_c gp : accList){
           return null;

VF Page
<apex:page controller="SetVFPage ">
    <apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock >
            <!--<apex:inputField value="{!keyword}"/>-->
            <apex:commandButton value="Search" action="{!Search}" />
            <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!acc}" var="s">
                <apex:column value="{!s.name}"/>
                <apex:column value="{!s.Course_Name__c} "/>

Error: Task08 Compile Error: Invalid type: Group_c at line 12 column 12
Request your comments for solution.

Hi People,
I am writing a simple code to refrain the user from deleting a record if it's active but getting the below error:

 Error: There were custom validation error(s) encountered while saving the affected record(s). The first validation error encountered was "Cannot Delete".

Here is my code:
trigger DontDeleteIfActive on Position__c (before delete) {

for (Position__c pos : trigger.old)


    if(pos.Active__c != null || pos.Active__c == True)
        pos.addError('Cannot Delete');


Can anyone please tell me that how can we display a visualforce page on clicking a button that is on accounts object's detail page?
AggregateResult[] groupedResults = [SELECT AVG(Amount)aver FROM Opportunity]; Object avgAmount = groupedResults[0].get('aver');
in this code why aver from groupedResult is not accessed directly as
avgAmount = groupedResult.get('aver');

and what is the purpose of casting aggregateresult values.

Following error is coming when JS function performing some calculations. 
User-added image

and I have following JS code 
User-added image

Where the value of unitprice is coming as undefined which nothing but a currency type of field. 

can anyone please help me out with this. ? 

Thanks & Regards,
I am not able to see Challenge section under Admin Beginner > Lightning Experience Customization > Create and Customize List Views.
Please take a look.
Thank you in advance !

User-added image