• Amit Visapurkar 5
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When a case is created from email to case i want to find the from which routing address was the case created. Is it possible to do that. If yes please do let me know how to do that.

I have a lightning component that displays a list of contacts with a show more button.However i want to have the lazy loading functionality for it the same as we can have for visualforce. Is this possible. 

If yes can anybody share some relevant content.

Amit Visapurkar
Hi all,

I want to handle the violation condition in milestone in apex instead of configuration. Is there any way i can do that. Is there any way we can know when the milestone is violated in apex.

Please help. It's urgent.

Hi ,
 I have a org with multi currencies enabled. 
I have a custom object with curreny field which is a child of opportunity. I have dated exhange rates enabled and it is showing correct value on opportunity amount however the currency field on custom object is showing incorrect value.

Do we need to change the dated exchange rates and currency field on custom object so that the opportunity amount field and custom object currency field reflect the same values.



Can anybody please tell me how i can serialize and deserialize aggregate result list.


 List<AggregateResult> g = [SELECT AVG(A) CurrentM) FROM Customer_Object __c WHERE  custom_field INCLUDES (:fleetM) GROUP BY custom_field];
fleetM  is a String whose values is like this -  'A','B' 
The question is when i use fleetM the query does not return anything however when i use INCLUDES ('A','B' ) it gives correct result.

Can anyone tell me whats the problem. The query is returning correct results when the second approach is used and no result with first appraoch.

I want to populate apex:datatable with value returned by javascript remoting.

Javascript remoting is returning a list of sobject and i want to populate the apex:datatable with that list.

Its urgent
                        <apex:commandButton value="SDS Account" action="{!fetchSDSAccountDetails}" styleClass="btn btn-primary btn-sm" reRender="pbstracc,pbssdsacc" status="sdsAccButton"/> 

<apex:outputPanel id="pbssdsacc">
                            <apex:pageBlockSection rendered="{!sdsAccount}" columns="2" >
                                <apex:outputText label="Customer" value="{!customerDetails.Name}"/>
                                <apex:outputText label="Customer Code" value="{!customerDetails.KUNNR__c}"/>
                                <apex:outputText label="Address" value="{!customerDetails.Street_1__c} {!customerDetails.Street_1__c} {!customerDetails.Street_2__c} {!customerDetails.Town__c} {!customerDetails.State__c} {!customerDetails.District__c} {!customerDetails.PIN_code__c}"/><br/>
                                <apex:input type="date" label="From Date " value="{!accountFromDate}" style="width:120px;font-size:12px" />
                                <apex:input type="date" label="To Date " value="{!accountToDate}" style="width:120px;font-size:12px" />
                                <apex:commandButton value="Generate Report" action="{!generateSDSAccountDetails}" styleClass="btn btn-primary btn-sm" reRender="pbssdsacc"/>
                                    <apex:pageBlockSection rendered="{!sdsAccountGenerateReport}">
                                        Customer Name
Onclick of SDS Account button i want to rerender pbssdsacc which is working fine. But on click of Generate Report i want to show the pageblock section which is not displayed on click of SDS Account button but displayed on click of Generate Report button
I have a professional edition org and i want to set sharing rules on Opportunity Object  which is not available. Hence i am looking to go for Apex Managed Sharing. Would it work . If yes please help me with the solution.

Its urgent
I am creating a rest webservice which accepts userId and Object parameters and should return the default layout associated with that Object for that particular user.

Its very urgent.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 
public class leadConvert{

public Lead convertLead{get;set;}

    public leadConvert(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
        convertLead = new Lead();        
    String leadId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
    String oppName = '';
    String oppC = '';   

    Lead e = [SELECT Id,FirstName,LastName,Opportunity_Name__c,Street__c,City__c,States_Provinces__c,Zip_PostalCode__c,Country__c,Description,DoNotCall,Email,HasOptedOutOfEmail,Fax,HasOptedOutOfFax,LeadSource,MobilePhone,Phone,Title,OwnerId,Lead_Converted__c,Region__c,Enter_State_if_not_able_to_find_above__c,Status,Lead_Record_Type__c FROM Lead WHERE Id=:leadId];

    public pageReference Convert(){ 
       boolean sendEmail = convertLead.Send_Email_to_the_Owner__c; 
       String baseUrl = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() +'/';

       if(e.Lead_Converted__c == true || e.Status != 'Qualified'){
            e.adderror('Lead is either already Converted or Lead Status is not Qualified.');
            return null ;

        String leadOwnerId = convertLead.Opportunity_Owner__c;

        User leadOwner = [SELECT Id,Email FROM User WHERE Id =: leadOwnerId];
        String accId = convertLead.Account__c;
        //system.debug('The Owner Id is ' + leadOwnerId);
        Account s = [SELECT Id,Name,Description FROM Account WHERE Id=:accId];
        String accName = s.Name;
        //system.debug('The Account Name is ' + s.Name);

        String OppName = convertLead.Opportunity_Name__c;
        Integer Year = Date.Today().Year();       
        Date OppCloseDate = null;
        Opportunity v = new Opportunity();        
        v.AccountId = s.Id;
        v.Name = OppName;
        v.StageName = 'Qualification';
        v.OwnerId = leadOwnerId;
        v.Opportunity_Record_Type__c = e.Lead_Record_Type__c;
        List<FiscalYearSettings> Oppfy = [SELECT EndDate,IsStandardYear,StartDate,YearType FROM FiscalYearSettings];
            for(FiscalYearSettings h:Oppfy){
                if(h.IsStandardYear == true){
                    Date e = h.EndDate;
                    Integer g = e.Year();
                    system.debug('The current year is ' + g);
                        if(g == Year){
                            OppCloseDate = [Select EndDate From Period Where type = 'Quarter' and StartDate = THIS_FISCAL_QUARTER].EndDate;
            v.CloseDate = OppCloseDate;
            insert v;
            system.debug('The Opportunity close date is ' + v.closeDate);
            Contact j; 
            List<Contact> leadC = [SELECT Id,AccountId,FirstName,LastName FROM Contact WHERE AccountId=:s.Id AND FirstName=:e.FirstName AND LastName=:e.LastName];
            system.debug('The Contacts of account are ' + leadC);
            String param_value = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('param1');
                    j = new Contact();
                    j.OwnerId = leadOwnerId;                   
                    j.FirstName = e.FirstName;
                    j.LastName = e.LastName;
                    j.AccountId = s.Id;                    
                    j.Street__c= e.Street__c;
                    j.City__c = e.City__c;
                    j.States_Provinces__c = e.States_Provinces__c;
                    j.Zip_PostalCode__c = e.Zip_PostalCode__c;
                    j.Country__c = e.Country__c;
                    j.Enter_State_if_not_able_to_find_above__c =  e.Enter_State_if_not_able_to_find_above__c;
                    j.Region__c = e.Region__c;                   
                    j.Description= e.Description;
                    j.DoNotCall = e.DoNotCall;                    
                    j.Email = e.Email;                    
                    j.HasOptedOutOfEmail = e.HasOptedOutOfEmail;                    
                    j.Fax = e.Fax;                    
                    j.HasOptedOutOfFax = e.HasOptedOutOfFax;                 
                    j.LeadSource = e.LeadSource;                    
                    j.MobilePhone = e.MobilePhone;                   
                    j.Phone = e.Phone;                    
                    j.Title = e.Title;
                    insert j;
                    List<Opportunity> leadOpp = [SELECT Id,Name FROM Opportunity WHERE Id=:v.Id];
                    if(leadOpp.size() == 0){
                         oppName = '';
                         oppC = '';
                         oppName = leadOpp[0].Name;
                         oppC = leadOpp[0].Id;
                    if(SendEmail == true){
                        Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
                        mail.setToAddresses(new String[] {leadOwner.Email});
                        mail.setSenderDisplayName('Goss International');
                        mail.setSubject('A Lead has been converted');                 
                        //mail.setPlainTextBody('Your salesforce.com request to convert a lead into the following records has successfully completed:' );
                        String body = 'Your salesforce.com request to convert a lead into the following records has successfully completed:'+'<br/>'+'<br/>';
                        body += 'Account: '+ s.Name +'<br/>'+'<br/>' ;                                               
                        body += '<a href=' +baseUrl+'/'+s.Id+' >'+baseUrl+s.Id+'</a> <br/><br/>';
                        body += 'Contact : '+ j.FirstName+j.LastName+'<br/><br/>';
                        body += '<a href=' +baseUrl+'/'+j.Id+' >'+baseUrl+j.Id+'</a> <br/><br/>';                       
                        body += 'Opportunity : '+oppName+'<br/>'+'<br/>';
                        body += '<a href=' +baseUrl+'/'+oppC+' >'+baseUrl+oppC+'</a> <br/><br/>';                         
                        body += 'Thank You,'+'<br/>'+'<br/>';
                        body += 'Goss International'+'<br/>'+'<br/>'+'<br/>'+'<br/>';  

                        Messaging.SendEmailResult[] emailresult = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });
                    update e;              
                    PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('https://cs20.salesforce.com/'+s.Id);
                    // Contact fields                 
                    return pageRef;

                        string value = leadC[0].Id;
                        system.debug('The lead Id is ' + value);
                        string url;
                        url = '/apex/LeadContact?param1='+value+'&leadId='+e.Id+'&oId='+leadOwnerId+'&param2='+sendEmail+'&param3='+v.Id; 

                        PageReference pageRef = new PageReference(url);
                        return pageRef;                                 
I have a text field which i am updating through trigger.

I want to highlight certain area of text bold using a trigger.

I want to populate data from visualforce page in a particular column in excel for example column D

Its urgent
String 1

String 2

I want to remove the blank line between String 1 and String 2.

Please help its urgent 
Below is my code

<apex:page standardController="Order" extensions="selectProduct" docType="html-5.0" >
   <apex:form >    
        <apex:pageBlock >        
            <apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages>
                <apex:pageBlockButtons >
         <!--   <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!Save}"/> -->
                <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!Submit}"/>
                <apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!Cancel}"/>
         <apex:pageblockSection >
             <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!selectP}" var="q">
                 <apex:column value="{!q.Name} " HeaderValue="Product"/>
                 <apex:column value="{!q.UnitPrice} " HeaderValue="Unit Price(USD)"/>
                  <apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages>
                 <apex:column headerValue="Quantity">
                         <apex:inputText value="{!q.Order_Quantity__c}"/>



public class selectProduct{

String OrderSelect = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('param2');
public List<PricebookEntry> selectP{get;set;}

public selectProduct(ApexPages.StandardController stdController) {
       String OrderId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('param1');
       String selectedString = string.valueOf(OrderId);             
       selectedString = string.valueOf(selectedString.substring(1,selectedString.length() - 1));     
       selectedString = selectedString.replace(' ',''); 
       String[] strList = selectedString.split(','); 
       selectP = new  List<PricebookEntry>();       
       selectP = [SELECT Id,Name,UnitPrice,Order_Quantity__c FROM PricebookEntry WHERE Id In :strList  AND CurrencyIsoCode='USD'];
     public pageReference Cancel(){
      PageReference h = new PageReference('/'+OrderSelect);
      return h;
      public pageReference Submit(){

        for(PricebookEntry e:selectP){
           if(e.Order_Quantity__c==null || e.Order_Quantity__c==0 || e.Order_Quantity__c<0.0){
               ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.WARNING,'Please enter a positive Value.'));
               return null;
    for(PricebookEntry r:selectP){
     Orderitem t = new OrderItem();
     t.OrderId = OrderSelect;
     t.UnitPrice = r.UnitPrice;
     t.PricebookEntryId = r.Id;
     t.Quantity = r.Order_Quantity__c;
    PageReference d = new PageReference('/'+OrderSelect);
    return d;



Not able to get why this error is coming.Please help its urgent
trigger ChatterGroupM on CollaborationGroup (after insert) {

       for(CollaborationGroup e:Trigger.New){

        List<User> users=[select id, Username from User where CompanyName='Bodhtree' AND IsActive=true];   
        e = [select id, OwnerId,Name from CollaborationGroup where Id=:Trigger.New];
        List<CollaborationGroupMember> ChatterM = new List<CollaborationGroupMember>();
        //List<CollaborationGroupMember> ChatterM = [SELECT MemberId FROM CollaborationGroupMember WHERE CollaborationGroupId='0F9m00000004K33'];
         for(User user:users){

          system.debug('The Group Name is ' + e.Name);

         CollaborationGroupMember CollMember= new CollaborationGroupMember(CollaborationGroupId=e.id,MemberId = user.Id);
         system.debug('The memberId is ' + CollMember.MemberId);
         system.debug('The ownerId is ' + e.OwnerId);
         system.debug('The users are ' + ChatterM);

        insert ChatterM;


How to write the test class for the CollaborationGroup. Its urgent
Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY, invalid cross reference id: []

User-added image

User-added image

When I click on save I get the above mentioned error. This is a custom process for adding products to order. Its urgent
User-added image

When i click on the preview button the id of the associated record id should get passed to the controller. Its urgent
There is a input field on the page which is not appearing for the community user even though it is appearing for internal users.

User-added image
Internal User

User-added image

Community User

I have given all the permissions for the community user still it is not appearing for the community user. Its urgent
User-added image
If unit price for a product is not present and user clicks the associated product checkbox a popup should appear.
I have a professional edition org and i want to set sharing rules on Opportunity Object  which is not available. Hence i am looking to go for Apex Managed Sharing. Would it work . If yes please help me with the solution.

Its urgent
public class leadConvert{

public Lead convertLead{get;set;}

    public leadConvert(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
        convertLead = new Lead();        
    String leadId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
    String oppName = '';
    String oppC = '';   

    Lead e = [SELECT Id,FirstName,LastName,Opportunity_Name__c,Street__c,City__c,States_Provinces__c,Zip_PostalCode__c,Country__c,Description,DoNotCall,Email,HasOptedOutOfEmail,Fax,HasOptedOutOfFax,LeadSource,MobilePhone,Phone,Title,OwnerId,Lead_Converted__c,Region__c,Enter_State_if_not_able_to_find_above__c,Status,Lead_Record_Type__c FROM Lead WHERE Id=:leadId];

    public pageReference Convert(){ 
       boolean sendEmail = convertLead.Send_Email_to_the_Owner__c; 
       String baseUrl = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() +'/';

       if(e.Lead_Converted__c == true || e.Status != 'Qualified'){
            e.adderror('Lead is either already Converted or Lead Status is not Qualified.');
            return null ;

        String leadOwnerId = convertLead.Opportunity_Owner__c;

        User leadOwner = [SELECT Id,Email FROM User WHERE Id =: leadOwnerId];
        String accId = convertLead.Account__c;
        //system.debug('The Owner Id is ' + leadOwnerId);
        Account s = [SELECT Id,Name,Description FROM Account WHERE Id=:accId];
        String accName = s.Name;
        //system.debug('The Account Name is ' + s.Name);

        String OppName = convertLead.Opportunity_Name__c;
        Integer Year = Date.Today().Year();       
        Date OppCloseDate = null;
        Opportunity v = new Opportunity();        
        v.AccountId = s.Id;
        v.Name = OppName;
        v.StageName = 'Qualification';
        v.OwnerId = leadOwnerId;
        v.Opportunity_Record_Type__c = e.Lead_Record_Type__c;
        List<FiscalYearSettings> Oppfy = [SELECT EndDate,IsStandardYear,StartDate,YearType FROM FiscalYearSettings];
            for(FiscalYearSettings h:Oppfy){
                if(h.IsStandardYear == true){
                    Date e = h.EndDate;
                    Integer g = e.Year();
                    system.debug('The current year is ' + g);
                        if(g == Year){
                            OppCloseDate = [Select EndDate From Period Where type = 'Quarter' and StartDate = THIS_FISCAL_QUARTER].EndDate;
            v.CloseDate = OppCloseDate;
            insert v;
            system.debug('The Opportunity close date is ' + v.closeDate);
            Contact j; 
            List<Contact> leadC = [SELECT Id,AccountId,FirstName,LastName FROM Contact WHERE AccountId=:s.Id AND FirstName=:e.FirstName AND LastName=:e.LastName];
            system.debug('The Contacts of account are ' + leadC);
            String param_value = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('param1');
                    j = new Contact();
                    j.OwnerId = leadOwnerId;                   
                    j.FirstName = e.FirstName;
                    j.LastName = e.LastName;
                    j.AccountId = s.Id;                    
                    j.Street__c= e.Street__c;
                    j.City__c = e.City__c;
                    j.States_Provinces__c = e.States_Provinces__c;
                    j.Zip_PostalCode__c = e.Zip_PostalCode__c;
                    j.Country__c = e.Country__c;
                    j.Enter_State_if_not_able_to_find_above__c =  e.Enter_State_if_not_able_to_find_above__c;
                    j.Region__c = e.Region__c;                   
                    j.Description= e.Description;
                    j.DoNotCall = e.DoNotCall;                    
                    j.Email = e.Email;                    
                    j.HasOptedOutOfEmail = e.HasOptedOutOfEmail;                    
                    j.Fax = e.Fax;                    
                    j.HasOptedOutOfFax = e.HasOptedOutOfFax;                 
                    j.LeadSource = e.LeadSource;                    
                    j.MobilePhone = e.MobilePhone;                   
                    j.Phone = e.Phone;                    
                    j.Title = e.Title;
                    insert j;
                    List<Opportunity> leadOpp = [SELECT Id,Name FROM Opportunity WHERE Id=:v.Id];
                    if(leadOpp.size() == 0){
                         oppName = '';
                         oppC = '';
                         oppName = leadOpp[0].Name;
                         oppC = leadOpp[0].Id;
                    if(SendEmail == true){
                        Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
                        mail.setToAddresses(new String[] {leadOwner.Email});
                        mail.setSenderDisplayName('Goss International');
                        mail.setSubject('A Lead has been converted');                 
                        //mail.setPlainTextBody('Your salesforce.com request to convert a lead into the following records has successfully completed:' );
                        String body = 'Your salesforce.com request to convert a lead into the following records has successfully completed:'+'<br/>'+'<br/>';
                        body += 'Account: '+ s.Name +'<br/>'+'<br/>' ;                                               
                        body += '<a href=' +baseUrl+'/'+s.Id+' >'+baseUrl+s.Id+'</a> <br/><br/>';
                        body += 'Contact : '+ j.FirstName+j.LastName+'<br/><br/>';
                        body += '<a href=' +baseUrl+'/'+j.Id+' >'+baseUrl+j.Id+'</a> <br/><br/>';                       
                        body += 'Opportunity : '+oppName+'<br/>'+'<br/>';
                        body += '<a href=' +baseUrl+'/'+oppC+' >'+baseUrl+oppC+'</a> <br/><br/>';                         
                        body += 'Thank You,'+'<br/>'+'<br/>';
                        body += 'Goss International'+'<br/>'+'<br/>'+'<br/>'+'<br/>';  

                        Messaging.SendEmailResult[] emailresult = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });
                    update e;              
                    PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('https://cs20.salesforce.com/'+s.Id);
                    // Contact fields                 
                    return pageRef;

                        string value = leadC[0].Id;
                        system.debug('The lead Id is ' + value);
                        string url;
                        url = '/apex/LeadContact?param1='+value+'&leadId='+e.Id+'&oId='+leadOwnerId+'&param2='+sendEmail+'&param3='+v.Id; 

                        PageReference pageRef = new PageReference(url);
                        return pageRef;                                 
trigger CheckValidationonCaseClose on Case (after update) {     
for(Case e:Trigger.New){          
Case d=Trigger.oldMap.get(e.Id);         
if(d.Signature_Required__c==true && d.Customer_Signature_Status__c!='Completed' && e.IsClosed==true)
e.adderror('Cannot Close Case');

its urgent
 List<AggregateResult> g = [SELECT AVG(A) CurrentM) FROM Customer_Object __c WHERE  custom_field INCLUDES (:fleetM) GROUP BY custom_field];
fleetM  is a String whose values is like this -  'A','B' 
The question is when i use fleetM the query does not return anything however when i use INCLUDES ('A','B' ) it gives correct result.

Can anyone tell me whats the problem. The query is returning correct results when the second approach is used and no result with first appraoch.
                        <apex:commandButton value="SDS Account" action="{!fetchSDSAccountDetails}" styleClass="btn btn-primary btn-sm" reRender="pbstracc,pbssdsacc" status="sdsAccButton"/> 

<apex:outputPanel id="pbssdsacc">
                            <apex:pageBlockSection rendered="{!sdsAccount}" columns="2" >
                                <apex:outputText label="Customer" value="{!customerDetails.Name}"/>
                                <apex:outputText label="Customer Code" value="{!customerDetails.KUNNR__c}"/>
                                <apex:outputText label="Address" value="{!customerDetails.Street_1__c} {!customerDetails.Street_1__c} {!customerDetails.Street_2__c} {!customerDetails.Town__c} {!customerDetails.State__c} {!customerDetails.District__c} {!customerDetails.PIN_code__c}"/><br/>
                                <apex:input type="date" label="From Date " value="{!accountFromDate}" style="width:120px;font-size:12px" />
                                <apex:input type="date" label="To Date " value="{!accountToDate}" style="width:120px;font-size:12px" />
                                <apex:commandButton value="Generate Report" action="{!generateSDSAccountDetails}" styleClass="btn btn-primary btn-sm" reRender="pbssdsacc"/>
                                    <apex:pageBlockSection rendered="{!sdsAccountGenerateReport}">
                                        Customer Name
Onclick of SDS Account button i want to rerender pbssdsacc which is working fine. But on click of Generate Report i want to show the pageblock section which is not displayed on click of SDS Account button but displayed on click of Generate Report button
String 1

String 2

I want to remove the blank line between String 1 and String 2.

Please help its urgent 
User-added image

When i click on the preview button the id of the associated record id should get passed to the controller. Its urgent
There is a input field on the page which is not appearing for the community user even though it is appearing for internal users.

User-added image
Internal User

User-added image

Community User

I have given all the permissions for the community user still it is not appearing for the community user. Its urgent
User-added image
If unit price for a product is not present and user clicks the associated product checkbox a popup should appear.
I have a trigger on dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c object which updates the status field on case object.  The trigger is firing when i use the send with docusign from another object. i want to know how to make sure that trigger fires only for case and not for any other object.

Below is the trigger

trigger signatureStatus on dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c (after insert,after update) {

Case t=new Case();

    for(dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c d:Trigger.New){
                d=[SELECT Id,dsfs__Case__r.Signature_Required__c,dsfs__Case__r.Id,dsfs__Case__r.Status,dsfs__Envelope_Status__c FROM dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c WHERE Id=:Trigger.New];
                String e=d.dsfs__Case__r.Id;
                t=[SELECT ID,Signature_Required__c,Customer_Signature_Status__c,Status FROM CASE WHERE Id=:e];     
                update t; 




It's urgent