• mhitt
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Does anyone know of a way to add e-commerce functionality to experience cloud?

We are wanting to give the ability for our customers to register for continuing education classes with payment integration for how many tickets/seats they're purchasing, but have only found full-blown event management systems and component packs on the AppExchange costing upwards of $30,000.

Any help is appreciated.
  • October 20, 2021
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We have 2 classes that exist with the same name - one is custom class and the other from a managed package (and has namespace).  How can I tell the code I want the class with the namespace?  System appears to be linking to the other one and I'm having trouble 'selecting' which one I want to reference to.

  • September 02, 2021
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I am trying to add the currently assigned approver to a field on the record to add the user to list views, but am unable to find how to do this. I am also having trouble relating the Approval Processes to our custom object to grab this info in Flows.

Any help is appreciated.
  • May 21, 2021
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I am getting these errors in my test class, can I please have some help fixing the issues?

public class convToCst {
    public DateTime dateField{
    public string dateFormat {
    public string dateTimeZone {
    public string output {
        get {return dateField.format(this.dateFormat,this.dateTimeZone);}

Test class
private class TestConvToCst {
    static void setupTestData()
        Account acc = new Account(
            Name = 'Test Account');
        insert acc;
        Contact con = new Contact(
            FirstName = 'Test', LastName = 'Contact', AccountId = acc.Id  );
        insert con;
        eVolve_Service_Request__c ESR = new eVolve_Service_Request__c(Signing_Party_Type__c = 'Seller',
                                                                      Signing_Date_Requested_Start__c = system.today()+5, Status__c = 'New', 
                                                                      Contact_Name__c = con.Id );
        insert ESR;
    static void validateconvToCst()
        ConvToCst cst = new ConvToCst();
        cst.ConvToCstId = [Select Id from eVolve_Service_Request__c limit 1].Id;
        List<ESR_Signing_Party__c> esp = cst.getConvToCst();
        system.assertEquals('Test Party', esp[0].Name__c);

line 24: Variable does not exist: ConvToCstId
line 26: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void getConvToCst() from the type convToCst

I tried to copy the code from this but for some reason it is producing errors on this test class: https://developer.salesforce.com/forums/ForumsMain?id=9062I000000ISkfQAG

  • November 02, 2020
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Hi friends,

I am trying to deploy code to prod, but I am running into issues getting my test class to reference my code to provide the required coverage to deploy.  Can I please have some help?  When I run the test, it passes in Apex Test Execution, but the code coverage is still showing 0%.  It's like I'm missing something to connect the Test to the Class.

Apex Class
public class eVolveServiceRequestClass {

    public id eVolveServiceRequestId {get;set;}
    public List<ESR_Signing_Party__c> geteVolveServiceRequestComp(){
        List<ESR_Signing_Party__c> esp;
        esp = [SELECT Name__c, Phone__c, Email__c, Country__c, Time_Zone_PL__c FROM ESR_Signing_Party__c 
               WHERE eVolve_Service_Request__c =: eVolveServiceRequestId AND RecordTypeId =: '0122C00000091NsQAI'];
        return esp;


Test Class
private class TestEvolveServiceRequest {
    @isTest static void setupTestData()
        Account acc = new Account(
            Name = 'Test Account');
        insert acc;
        Contact con = new Contact(
            FirstName = 'Test', LastName = 'Contact', AccountId = acc.Id  );
        insert con;
        eVolve_Service_Request__c esr = new eVolve_Service_Request__c(
            Signing_Party_Type__c = 'Seller', Status__c = 'New', Contact_Name__c = con.Id, Signing_Date_Requested_Start__c = system.today()+5);
        insert esr;
        ESR_Signing_Party__c sp = new ESR_Signing_Party__c(Name__c = 'Test Party',
                                                           Phone__c = '123-456-7890', Email__c = 'test@email.com', 
                                                           Country__c = 'United States of America', State__c = 'TX',
                                                           Time_Zone_PL__c = 'Acre Time (UTC-5)', eVolve_Service_Request__c = esr.Id, RecordTypeId = '0122C00000091NsQAI');
        insert sp;
    static void testcheckeVolveServiceRequestClass()
        ESR_Signing_Party__c sp = [select id from ESR_Signing_Party__c where Phone__c = '123-456-7890'][0];
            insert   sp;
        catch(Exception ex)
            system.assert(ex.getMessage().contains('The ID is already attached to the record via GAB connector'));

Thank you in advance,
  • October 31, 2020
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I am trying to write my first VF email template, but I am running into an error and not sure what's causing it..  Please see below, any help is appreciated.

VF Template
<messaging:emailTemplate subject="Pending RON eClosing for {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.GF_Number__c}" 
<messaging:htmlEmailBody >
        <!--Begin body of email. -->
        Your request for a {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.RecordType} has been received and is currently Pending. <br/><br/>
        The eVolve Closer assigned to your request is {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.eVolve_Closer__c}. <br/><br/>
        The next steps that will be taken, will be to begin the vetting process to determine if all signing parties meet the minimum requirements to conduct a Remote Online Notarization. <br/><br/>
       The details of your request are listed below. <br/><br/>
       <b>Signing Service Type:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.RecordType} <br/><br/>
       <b>Contact Information</b> <br/><br/>
       <b>Requestor Name:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Contact_Name__c} <br/>
       <b>Requestor Phone:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Contact_Phone__c} <br/>
       <b>Requestor E-mail:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Contact_Email__c} <br/><br/>
       <b>Transaction Details</b> <br/><br/>
       <b>GF#:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.GF_Number__c} <br/>
       <b>Transaction Property Address:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Transaction_Property_Address__c} <br/>
       <b>Signing Window Requested:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Signing_Date_Requested__c} <br/>
       <b>Estimated Closing Date:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Estimated_Closing_Date__c} <br/><br/>
       <b>Signing Party Information</b> <br/><br/>
       <apex:repeat value="{!eVolveServiceRequestComp}" var="sp">
       <c:eVolveServiceRequestComp ESRId="{!relatedTo.Id}" /><br/><br/>
       <b>Service Request Notes:</b> insert Service Request Notes <br/><br/>
       If you have any questions regarding this request please contact eVolve at 214-556-0400 and reference {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Name}.

<apex:component controller="eVolveServiceRequestClass" access="global">
    <apex:attribute name="ESRId" type="Id" description="Id of the Service Request" assignTo="{!eVolveServiceRequestId}"/>

        <apex:repeat value="{!eVolveServiceRequestComp}" var="sp">

public class eVolveServiceRequestClass {

    public id eVolveServiceRequestId {get;set;}
    public List<ESR_Signing_Party__c> geteVolveServiceRequestComp(){
        List<ESR_Signing_Party__c> esp;
        esp = [SELECT Name__c, Phone__c, Email__c, Country__c, Time_Zone__c FROM ESR_Signing_Party__c WHERE eVolve_Service_Request__c =: eVolveServiceRequestId];
        return esp;


Thank you!
  • August 25, 2020
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I am new to coding, and I was wondering if I could have some help writing a custom controller for a VF email.  This is the class I created, but I'm not sure how to do the component for this class.  (I get an unknown property error)

public class eVolveServiceRequestClass {
    private final List<eVolve_Service_Request__c> requests;
    public eVolveServiceRequestClass() {
        requests = [select Id from eVolve_Service_Request__c ];
    public List<eVolve_Service_Request__c> geteVolveServiceRequestComp() {
        return requests;

<apex:component controller="eVolveServiceRequestClass" access="global">
	<apex:dataTable value="{!SR_Parties}" var="srp">
			<apex:facet name="header">Party Name</apex:facet>

<messaging:emailTemplate subject="Pending RON eClosing for {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.GF_Number__c} " recipientType="Contact" relatedToType="eVolve_Service_Request__c">
<messaging:htmlEmailBody >
        <!--Begin body of email. -->
        Your request for a {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.RecordType} has been received and is currently Pending.<br/><br/>
        The eVolve Closer assigned to your request is {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.eVolve_Closer__c}. <br/><br/>
        The next steps that will be taken, will be to begin the vetting process to determine if all signing parties meet the minimum requirements to conduct a Remote Online Notarization.<br/><br/>
       The details of your request are listed below.<br/><br/>
       <b>Signing Service Type:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.RecordType} <br/><br/>
       <b>Contact Information</b> <br/><br/>
       <b>Requestor Name:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Contact_Name__c} <br/>
       <b>Requestor Phone:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Contact_Phone__c}<br/>
       <b>Requestor E-mail:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Contact_Email__c}<br/><br/>
       <b>Transaction Details</b> <br/><br/>
       <b>GF#:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.GF_Number__c}<br/>
       <b>Transaction Property Address:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Transaction_Property_Address__c}<br/>
       <b>Signing Window Requested:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Signing_Date_Requested__c} <br/>
       <b>Estimated Closing Date:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Estimated_Closing_Date__c}<br/><br/>
       <b>Signing Party Information</b> <br/><br/>
   <apex:repeat var="sp" value="{!relatedTo.ESR_Signing_Parties__r}">
       <b>Signing Party Type:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Signing_Party_Type__c}<br/>
       <b>Name:</b> {!sp.Name__c} <br/>
       <b>Phone:</b> {!sp.Phone__c} <br/>
       <b>Email:</b> {!sp.Email__c} <br/>
       <b>Country:</b> {!sp.Country__c} <br/>
       <b>Time Zone:</b> {!sp.Time_Zone__c} <br/><br/>
       <b>Service Request Notes:</b> [insert Service Request Notes] <br/><br/>
       If you have any questions regarding this request please contact xxxxxxxxx and reference {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Name}.


Thank you!
  • August 23, 2020
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Hi friends,

We have a date field on the Web to Case form, but it isn't populating in SFDC when the form is submitted.  I have referenced this article (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_asynch.meta/api_asynch/datafiles_date_format.htm#:~:text=Valid%20Date%20Format%20in%20Records) and we have tried all of the formats recommended, however the date still doesn't want to populate in SFDC.  I have opened a case with SFDC and they said this is out of scope for support since this "isn't official salesforce documentation" and I must contact the webmaster to correct the format.  Our webmaster is in-house and we've tried all formats mentioned. 

Here is the code on the form:
the control that calls the addDateNeeded function:
        <input id="00N23000000k2js" name="00N23000000k2js" type="hidden" />
        Date Needed:&nbsp;
        <telerik:RadDatePicker ID="AppNeededByRdp" Culture="en-Us" PopupDirection="BottomRight" runat="server" Width="100px">
          <Calendar ID="Calendar3" EnableWeekends="false" runat="server"></Calendar>
          <DateInput ID="DateInput2" DateFormat="MM/dd/yyyy" OnClientDateChanged="appDateNeeded" runat="server"></DateInput>

javascript function:
function appDateNeeded(sender, args) {
    var d = args.get_newDate(); 

    if (d) {
        if (d.getDay() === 0 || d.getDay() === 6) {
            sender.set_value(""); //do not allow user to enter Sunday nor Saturday
            document.getElementById("00N23000000k2js").value = "";
        else {
            var sd = args.get_newValue().split('/');

            document.getElementById("00N23000000k2js").value = sd[2] + "-" + sd[0] + "-" + sd[1];
            document.getElementById("requireappdate").style.display = "none";
        }  //
    else { document.getElementById("00N23000000k2js").value = ""; }

Can I please have some help with finding where these don't line up?  Please let me know if you need to see more of the referenced code.

Any help is appreciated. ☺

Thank you,
  • June 24, 2020
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I have been using Salesforce for a couple of years now, but I am starting to dip my toes in Apex.  In the past we have utalized offshore resources, but to make a long story short we don't want to soely rely on them for coding and instead call them for larger projects.  I've found where the new condition needs to be added, but I'm not 100% sure what needs to be done.  Basically, I want to say "if custom checkbox = true, dont update the owner field".  Could I please have some help adding the new condition?

Thanks a bunch!

Here is the current code block:
//Set the Order Owner with Order Sales Rep
    public static void UpdateOrderOwner(list<Order> listNew, map<id,Order> mapOld){
        RTT_Setting__mdt DefOwnSett = [SELECT Id, DeveloperName, Value__c FROM 
                                       RTT_Setting__mdt where DeveloperName='Default_Residential_Order_Owner' limit 1];
        for(Order rec: listNew ){
                if(mapOld.isEmpty() ||rec.Primary_Sales_Rep__c <> mapOld.get(rec.Id).Primary_Sales_Rep__c){
                    if(rec.Primary_Sales_Rep__c == null ){
                    else {
  • May 04, 2020
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Hi friends,

I am trying to build a lightning component that launches a flow to create a new Order record, and then redirects the user to that new Order when they click finish.  Since I am new at writing components I copied the code from here, but when I save I am getting this parsing error 
Failed to save LaunchOpenOrderController.js: ESLINT_ERROR: {c:LaunchOpenOrder - CONTROLLER} line:col [7:39] --> Parsing error: Unexpected token ( : Source

Here is my component
<aura:component implements="force:lightningQuickAction,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global">
    <aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.init}" />
    <lightning:flow aura:id="flowData" onstatuschange="{!c.handleStatusChange}"/>

And the controller 
    init : function (component) {
        // Find the component whose aura:id is "flowData"
        var flow = component.find("flowData");
        // In that component, start your flow. Reference the flow's Unique Name.
        handleStatusChange : function (component, event) {
            if(event.getParam("status") === "FINISHED") {
                var outputVariables = event.getParam("outputVariables");
                var outputVar;
                for(var i = 0; i < outputVariables.length; i++) {
                    outputVar = outputVariables[i];
                    if(outputVar.name === "redirect") {
                        var urlEvent = $A.get("e.force:navigateToSObject");
                            "recordId": outputVar.value,
                            "isredirect": "true"

Could I please have some help? :)
Thank you!
  • November 02, 2018
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I have a custom button in a login flow that needs to navigate to an external website. Below is the code I have for the component and controller, but I think the button needs to redirect to a new tab and open the URL there (the button doesn't navigate the user anywhere). 

<aura:component implements="lightning:availableForFlowScreens" access="global">

    <lightning:button variant="brand" label="Find My Closer" title="Find My Closer" onclick="{! c.navigate }" />

    navigate  : function(component, event, helper) {
        var urlEvent = $A.get("e.force:navigateToURL");
            "url": 'https://www.google.com'
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance!​
  • July 10, 2018
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I have a custom button in a login flow that needs to navigate to an external website. Below is the code I have for the component and controller, but I think the button needs to redirect to a new tab and open the URL there (the button doesn't navigate the user anywhere). 

<aura:component implements="lightning:availableForFlowScreens" access="global">

    <lightning:button variant="brand" label="Find My Closer" title="Find My Closer" onclick="{! c.navigate }" />

    navigate  : function(component, event, helper) {
        var urlEvent = $A.get("e.force:navigateToURL");
            "url": 'https://www.google.com'
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance!​
  • July 10, 2018
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  • 2
I have a Increment__c custom field with data type number(15, 0) and it has a values of 2

I am trying to fetch and display the value 2 in standard datatable under "Increment" column.
{ label: 'Increment', fieldName: 'Increment__c', type: 'percent', cellAttributes: {alignment: 'center'}}

But my datatable showing value as 200% instead of 2%, which is multiplying the value with 100.

If i give type: 'number' in JS my datatable playground is displaying correct value like 2 but i want to display the % symbol for each value in the "Increment" column like 2%.

Please give me suggestions to achieve this.


I am getting these errors in my test class, can I please have some help fixing the issues?

public class convToCst {
    public DateTime dateField{
    public string dateFormat {
    public string dateTimeZone {
    public string output {
        get {return dateField.format(this.dateFormat,this.dateTimeZone);}

Test class
private class TestConvToCst {
    static void setupTestData()
        Account acc = new Account(
            Name = 'Test Account');
        insert acc;
        Contact con = new Contact(
            FirstName = 'Test', LastName = 'Contact', AccountId = acc.Id  );
        insert con;
        eVolve_Service_Request__c ESR = new eVolve_Service_Request__c(Signing_Party_Type__c = 'Seller',
                                                                      Signing_Date_Requested_Start__c = system.today()+5, Status__c = 'New', 
                                                                      Contact_Name__c = con.Id );
        insert ESR;
    static void validateconvToCst()
        ConvToCst cst = new ConvToCst();
        cst.ConvToCstId = [Select Id from eVolve_Service_Request__c limit 1].Id;
        List<ESR_Signing_Party__c> esp = cst.getConvToCst();
        system.assertEquals('Test Party', esp[0].Name__c);

line 24: Variable does not exist: ConvToCstId
line 26: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void getConvToCst() from the type convToCst

I tried to copy the code from this but for some reason it is producing errors on this test class: https://developer.salesforce.com/forums/ForumsMain?id=9062I000000ISkfQAG

  • November 02, 2020
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Hi friends,

I am trying to deploy code to prod, but I am running into issues getting my test class to reference my code to provide the required coverage to deploy.  Can I please have some help?  When I run the test, it passes in Apex Test Execution, but the code coverage is still showing 0%.  It's like I'm missing something to connect the Test to the Class.

Apex Class
public class eVolveServiceRequestClass {

    public id eVolveServiceRequestId {get;set;}
    public List<ESR_Signing_Party__c> geteVolveServiceRequestComp(){
        List<ESR_Signing_Party__c> esp;
        esp = [SELECT Name__c, Phone__c, Email__c, Country__c, Time_Zone_PL__c FROM ESR_Signing_Party__c 
               WHERE eVolve_Service_Request__c =: eVolveServiceRequestId AND RecordTypeId =: '0122C00000091NsQAI'];
        return esp;


Test Class
private class TestEvolveServiceRequest {
    @isTest static void setupTestData()
        Account acc = new Account(
            Name = 'Test Account');
        insert acc;
        Contact con = new Contact(
            FirstName = 'Test', LastName = 'Contact', AccountId = acc.Id  );
        insert con;
        eVolve_Service_Request__c esr = new eVolve_Service_Request__c(
            Signing_Party_Type__c = 'Seller', Status__c = 'New', Contact_Name__c = con.Id, Signing_Date_Requested_Start__c = system.today()+5);
        insert esr;
        ESR_Signing_Party__c sp = new ESR_Signing_Party__c(Name__c = 'Test Party',
                                                           Phone__c = '123-456-7890', Email__c = 'test@email.com', 
                                                           Country__c = 'United States of America', State__c = 'TX',
                                                           Time_Zone_PL__c = 'Acre Time (UTC-5)', eVolve_Service_Request__c = esr.Id, RecordTypeId = '0122C00000091NsQAI');
        insert sp;
    static void testcheckeVolveServiceRequestClass()
        ESR_Signing_Party__c sp = [select id from ESR_Signing_Party__c where Phone__c = '123-456-7890'][0];
            insert   sp;
        catch(Exception ex)
            system.assert(ex.getMessage().contains('The ID is already attached to the record via GAB connector'));

Thank you in advance,
  • October 31, 2020
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I am trying to write my first VF email template, but I am running into an error and not sure what's causing it..  Please see below, any help is appreciated.

VF Template
<messaging:emailTemplate subject="Pending RON eClosing for {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.GF_Number__c}" 
<messaging:htmlEmailBody >
        <!--Begin body of email. -->
        Your request for a {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.RecordType} has been received and is currently Pending. <br/><br/>
        The eVolve Closer assigned to your request is {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.eVolve_Closer__c}. <br/><br/>
        The next steps that will be taken, will be to begin the vetting process to determine if all signing parties meet the minimum requirements to conduct a Remote Online Notarization. <br/><br/>
       The details of your request are listed below. <br/><br/>
       <b>Signing Service Type:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.RecordType} <br/><br/>
       <b>Contact Information</b> <br/><br/>
       <b>Requestor Name:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Contact_Name__c} <br/>
       <b>Requestor Phone:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Contact_Phone__c} <br/>
       <b>Requestor E-mail:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Contact_Email__c} <br/><br/>
       <b>Transaction Details</b> <br/><br/>
       <b>GF#:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.GF_Number__c} <br/>
       <b>Transaction Property Address:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Transaction_Property_Address__c} <br/>
       <b>Signing Window Requested:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Signing_Date_Requested__c} <br/>
       <b>Estimated Closing Date:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Estimated_Closing_Date__c} <br/><br/>
       <b>Signing Party Information</b> <br/><br/>
       <apex:repeat value="{!eVolveServiceRequestComp}" var="sp">
       <c:eVolveServiceRequestComp ESRId="{!relatedTo.Id}" /><br/><br/>
       <b>Service Request Notes:</b> insert Service Request Notes <br/><br/>
       If you have any questions regarding this request please contact eVolve at 214-556-0400 and reference {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Name}.

<apex:component controller="eVolveServiceRequestClass" access="global">
    <apex:attribute name="ESRId" type="Id" description="Id of the Service Request" assignTo="{!eVolveServiceRequestId}"/>

        <apex:repeat value="{!eVolveServiceRequestComp}" var="sp">

public class eVolveServiceRequestClass {

    public id eVolveServiceRequestId {get;set;}
    public List<ESR_Signing_Party__c> geteVolveServiceRequestComp(){
        List<ESR_Signing_Party__c> esp;
        esp = [SELECT Name__c, Phone__c, Email__c, Country__c, Time_Zone__c FROM ESR_Signing_Party__c WHERE eVolve_Service_Request__c =: eVolveServiceRequestId];
        return esp;


Thank you!
  • August 25, 2020
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I am new to coding, and I was wondering if I could have some help writing a custom controller for a VF email.  This is the class I created, but I'm not sure how to do the component for this class.  (I get an unknown property error)

public class eVolveServiceRequestClass {
    private final List<eVolve_Service_Request__c> requests;
    public eVolveServiceRequestClass() {
        requests = [select Id from eVolve_Service_Request__c ];
    public List<eVolve_Service_Request__c> geteVolveServiceRequestComp() {
        return requests;

<apex:component controller="eVolveServiceRequestClass" access="global">
	<apex:dataTable value="{!SR_Parties}" var="srp">
			<apex:facet name="header">Party Name</apex:facet>

<messaging:emailTemplate subject="Pending RON eClosing for {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.GF_Number__c} " recipientType="Contact" relatedToType="eVolve_Service_Request__c">
<messaging:htmlEmailBody >
        <!--Begin body of email. -->
        Your request for a {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.RecordType} has been received and is currently Pending.<br/><br/>
        The eVolve Closer assigned to your request is {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.eVolve_Closer__c}. <br/><br/>
        The next steps that will be taken, will be to begin the vetting process to determine if all signing parties meet the minimum requirements to conduct a Remote Online Notarization.<br/><br/>
       The details of your request are listed below.<br/><br/>
       <b>Signing Service Type:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.RecordType} <br/><br/>
       <b>Contact Information</b> <br/><br/>
       <b>Requestor Name:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Contact_Name__c} <br/>
       <b>Requestor Phone:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Contact_Phone__c}<br/>
       <b>Requestor E-mail:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Contact_Email__c}<br/><br/>
       <b>Transaction Details</b> <br/><br/>
       <b>GF#:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.GF_Number__c}<br/>
       <b>Transaction Property Address:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Transaction_Property_Address__c}<br/>
       <b>Signing Window Requested:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Signing_Date_Requested__c} <br/>
       <b>Estimated Closing Date:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Estimated_Closing_Date__c}<br/><br/>
       <b>Signing Party Information</b> <br/><br/>
   <apex:repeat var="sp" value="{!relatedTo.ESR_Signing_Parties__r}">
       <b>Signing Party Type:</b> {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Signing_Party_Type__c}<br/>
       <b>Name:</b> {!sp.Name__c} <br/>
       <b>Phone:</b> {!sp.Phone__c} <br/>
       <b>Email:</b> {!sp.Email__c} <br/>
       <b>Country:</b> {!sp.Country__c} <br/>
       <b>Time Zone:</b> {!sp.Time_Zone__c} <br/><br/>
       <b>Service Request Notes:</b> [insert Service Request Notes] <br/><br/>
       If you have any questions regarding this request please contact xxxxxxxxx and reference {!eVolve_Service_Request__c.Name}.


Thank you!
  • August 23, 2020
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I have been using Salesforce for a couple of years now, but I am starting to dip my toes in Apex.  In the past we have utalized offshore resources, but to make a long story short we don't want to soely rely on them for coding and instead call them for larger projects.  I've found where the new condition needs to be added, but I'm not 100% sure what needs to be done.  Basically, I want to say "if custom checkbox = true, dont update the owner field".  Could I please have some help adding the new condition?

Thanks a bunch!

Here is the current code block:
//Set the Order Owner with Order Sales Rep
    public static void UpdateOrderOwner(list<Order> listNew, map<id,Order> mapOld){
        RTT_Setting__mdt DefOwnSett = [SELECT Id, DeveloperName, Value__c FROM 
                                       RTT_Setting__mdt where DeveloperName='Default_Residential_Order_Owner' limit 1];
        for(Order rec: listNew ){
                if(mapOld.isEmpty() ||rec.Primary_Sales_Rep__c <> mapOld.get(rec.Id).Primary_Sales_Rep__c){
                    if(rec.Primary_Sales_Rep__c == null ){
                    else {
  • May 04, 2020
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Hi friends,

I am trying to build a lightning component that launches a flow to create a new Order record, and then redirects the user to that new Order when they click finish.  Since I am new at writing components I copied the code from here, but when I save I am getting this parsing error 
Failed to save LaunchOpenOrderController.js: ESLINT_ERROR: {c:LaunchOpenOrder - CONTROLLER} line:col [7:39] --> Parsing error: Unexpected token ( : Source

Here is my component
<aura:component implements="force:lightningQuickAction,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global">
    <aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.init}" />
    <lightning:flow aura:id="flowData" onstatuschange="{!c.handleStatusChange}"/>

And the controller 
    init : function (component) {
        // Find the component whose aura:id is "flowData"
        var flow = component.find("flowData");
        // In that component, start your flow. Reference the flow's Unique Name.
        handleStatusChange : function (component, event) {
            if(event.getParam("status") === "FINISHED") {
                var outputVariables = event.getParam("outputVariables");
                var outputVar;
                for(var i = 0; i < outputVariables.length; i++) {
                    outputVar = outputVariables[i];
                    if(outputVar.name === "redirect") {
                        var urlEvent = $A.get("e.force:navigateToSObject");
                            "recordId": outputVar.value,
                            "isredirect": "true"

Could I please have some help? :)
Thank you!
  • November 02, 2018
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I have a custom button in a login flow that needs to navigate to an external website. Below is the code I have for the component and controller, but I think the button needs to redirect to a new tab and open the URL there (the button doesn't navigate the user anywhere). 

<aura:component implements="lightning:availableForFlowScreens" access="global">

    <lightning:button variant="brand" label="Find My Closer" title="Find My Closer" onclick="{! c.navigate }" />

    navigate  : function(component, event, helper) {
        var urlEvent = $A.get("e.force:navigateToURL");
            "url": 'https://www.google.com'
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance!​
  • July 10, 2018
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we have enabled snap-in omni-channel in production. We are experiencing a disconnection when users click on the Submit custom button. You can see an user screenshot below. As you can see the red message we are receiving is: "you have been disconnected from Omni-channel. to reconnect refresh this page".

Additional informations:
  • We were not experiencing such a behaviour using the classic Live Agent functionality.
  • The users are not refreshing the page from the web browser.
  • The Submit button doesn't direct any url, it set the order status on the order and automatize record creation in Salesforce across different tables. 
  • In the Log I read the following error: "(anonymous) @ aura_proddebug.js:33160
    co9k.la1-c1-par.salesforceliveagent.com/chat/rest/System/Messages?ack=3&pc=16:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 409 (Conflict)
    service_presence.js:22 CDM Error: https://co9k.la1-c1-par.salesforceliveagent.com/chat/rest/System/Messages?ack=3&pc=16 (409)
    service_presence.js:22 Out of sync. Cancelling connection.
    service_presence.js:22 Cancelling connection"
Did someone face the same issue? 

Thanks in advance for your help

User-added image

On the Account tab there is a new button which allows a user to create an account, then selecting an Account Record Type, according to there profile. I'm trying to limit a few profiles from creating a certain type of account record type, how can I go about this? OR is can this rule be written so that only the System Admin can create these types of Account record types? I want to ensure the profiles are still able to create Accounts from the other numbers account record types we've setup without any interruption. Thanks in advance. 

Object: Account

Record Type ID: 012d0000000WFah

Profile ID's needing to block from creating the Account - Interior Record Type: 00ed0000000iCZS, 00ed0000000ie5Z, 00ed0000000jaFj

System Admin Profile ID (if needed): 00ed0000000vi78