• eyekamey
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Is it possible to use apex manged sharing for calls and meetings if we set the OWD for them to private? Does apex manged sharing support these objects? I know this works for custom objects and account/contacct/case.
I need to create a custom mass upload tool that allows a user to upload a csv file and create contacts and leads based on some logic. The file can have up to 100,000 rows. This tool needs to be a real time, meaning once the user uploads the file, the records need to be created and the user cannot wait. What would be the best way to do this with Apex code? Can databse.insert handle inserting upto 100k records?
Hello, I have a requirement to build a lightning component to allow users upload csv files. These files have 100k rows and multiple users can upload large files at the same time. It's possible to have 15 files uploaded at the same time each with 100k rows. I need to have an apex class that processes these files and creates either leads or contacts from the rows based on some business logic. 
My first thought was to run an apex batch to process the files, but only up to 5 queued or active batch jobs are allowed. Any thoughts or recommendations? Thanks in advance!
I need to upload a file in Salesforce and then move it to a network drive so it can be picked up by another application (Informatica) to be processed. I know how to store files in Salesforce using Apex, but I cannot find a way to send the file to a network drive. Is this possible or what are other options?
I would like to configure SSO (Federated Authentication) with a Ping Idp for users on our company network only, but allow people who want to login to our salesforce org to be able to do so by entering salesforce user name and password. What is the best way to do this?
I need to create a custom mass upload tool that allows a user to upload a csv file and create contacts and leads based on some logic. The file can have up to 100,000 rows. This tool needs to be a real time, meaning once the user uploads the file, the records need to be created and the user cannot wait. What would be the best way to do this with Apex code? Can databse.insert handle inserting upto 100k records?
Hello, I have a requirement to build a lightning component to allow users upload csv files. These files have 100k rows and multiple users can upload large files at the same time. It's possible to have 15 files uploaded at the same time each with 100k rows. I need to have an apex class that processes these files and creates either leads or contacts from the rows based on some business logic. 
My first thought was to run an apex batch to process the files, but only up to 5 queued or active batch jobs are allowed. Any thoughts or recommendations? Thanks in advance!
I would like to configure SSO (Federated Authentication) with a Ping Idp for users on our company network only, but allow people who want to login to our salesforce org to be able to do so by entering salesforce user name and password. What is the best way to do this?
I have a custom formula field called Way__c in custom object(Abc__c) . On UI this field is displayed as a hyperlink.When u click on this link it takes you to a particular folder in Sharepoint. Now i want to send an email to the user using apex code(without using email template) including this field as hyperlink in the body of my email. so that user can click on the hyperlink which navigates to the folder directly in sharepoint. Here is my code...

I am actually getting the path(folder path to sharepoint) here in apex class in variable called Path. Now i have to make this path a hyperlink so that users can click and directly go to sharepoint.

Can someone please help me with this.

                 for(string s: foldermap.keyset())
                    Messaging.SingleEmailMessage message = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();

                    message.toAddresses = emailslist;
                    message.subject = 'Alert';
                    message.plainTextBody = 'Dear User\n';
                    message.plaintextbody+= '\n\n'+foldermap.get(s)+'\n\n';
                    message.plainTextBody+= '\nPlease click the following URL which directs you to sharepoint folder and take appropriate action \n';
                    message.plainTextBody+= '\nThanks\n';
