• ayvak
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Hii Guys ...

pls give me some example ... Thanx in advance

Apex class:
 public String getSuggestedServiceDay(GetInstalledServiceWebService.InstalledServiceRecord lst)
        string retVal='';        
        lstRoute = new LIST<GetInstalledServiceWebService.Route>();
            lstRoute = lst.ISRoutes;                
            for (GetInstalledServiceWebService.Route r : lst.ISRoutes)
                if(r.routeDayOfWeek != null && !(r.routeDayOfWeek).equalsIgnoreCase('INVALID'))  
                    if (retVal != null && retVal.length() > 0)
                        retVal += ';' + r.routeDayOfWeek.toUpperCase();
                        retVal = r.routeDayOfWeek.toUpperCase();
  • January 13, 2017
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  public List<OpportunityLineItem>createservicelist(Id contractId, Id OpportunityId)
        List<OpportunityLineItem> proposedserviceList = new List<OpportunityLineItem>();
         String psc = '';
            if(!lstLineItems.isEmpty() || testFlag)
                List<GetInstalledServiceWebService.InstalledServiceRecord> instSvcList = new List<GetInstalledServiceWebService.InstalledServiceRecord>();
                System.debug('contractObj.Sub_Line_of_Business__c '+contractObj.Sub_Line_of_Business__c);
                if(contractObj.Sub_Line_of_Business__c == 'Roll Off')
                    instSvcList = lstLineItems;
                    psc = 'Rolloff';
                else if (contractObj.Sub_Line_of_Business__c == 'Commercial')
                    instSvcList = lstNonRecurringLineItems;
                    psc = 'Commercial';
                system.debug('instSvcList---' + instSvcList);
                system.debug('size---' + instSvcList.size());
                Map<Id, Fee_Table__c> feeMap = getFees(contractObj.Line_of_Business__c, contractObj.Sub_Line_of_Business__c, contractObj.Market_Area__c, contractObj.Zip_Code_Table__c);
                system.debug('### maped successfully ###');
                Set<Id> prodIds = new Set<Id>();
                for (Product2 svc : lstProd)
                Map<Id, Id> prodPEMap = new Map<Id, Id>();
                if(prodIds.size() > 0)
                    List<PriceBookEntry> peList = [select Id, Product2Id from PriceBookEntry where Product2Id IN: prodIds];
                    for(PriceBookEntry pe: peList)
                        prodPEMap.put(pe.Product2Id, pe.Id);
                Map<String, Id> rtMapFee = rtMap('Fee_Table__c'); 
                for (GetInstalledServiceWebService.InstalledServiceRecord lst : instSvcList)
                    OpportunityLineItem proposedservices = new OpportunityLineItem();
                    System.debug('**** lst.equipmentCount = ' + lst.equipmentCount);
                    proposedservices.Quantity__c = ((lst.equipmentCount == null || Decimal.valueOf(lst.equipmentCount) == 0) ? 1 : Decimal.valueOf(lst.equipmentCount));
                    System.debug('*** proposedservices.Quantity__c = ' + proposedservices.Quantity__c);
                    proposedservices.Qty_for_Delivery__c = proposedservices.Quantity__c;
                    proposedservices.Qty_WM_Owns_Container__c = proposedservices.Quantity__c;
                    proposedservices.Product_Service_Type__c = psc;
                    proposedservices.Estimated_Value__c = lst.extCostAmount;
                    proposedservices.Type__c = lst.TPType;

                    for (Product2 svc : lstProd)
                        if ((svc.Conversion_Source_ID__c == lst.RserviceGUID && svc.Type__c == 'Service') || testFlag)//Example 3149
                            proposedservices.Quantity = ((lst.equipmentCount == null || Decimal.valueOf(lst.equipmentCount) == 0) ? 1 : Decimal.valueOf(lst.equipmentCount));
                            proposedservices.PriceBookEntryId = prodPEMap.get(svc.Id);
                            if(proposedservices.Type__c == 'Permanent') 
                                system.debug('===in Permanent=='+lst.extCostAmount);
                                proposedservices.UnitPrice = lst.extCostAmount;
                                system.debug('===in Temporary/Not permanent=='+lst.extCostAmount);
                                proposedservices.UnitPrice = 0.0;
                            proposedservices.Service__c = svc.Id; 
                            if(svc.Product_Service_Categories__c != null)
                                System.debug('********* svc.Product_Service_Categories__c = ' + svc.Product_Service_Categories__c);
                                String[] values = svc.Product_Service_Categories__c.split(';');
                                System.debug('********* values = ' + values);
                                proposedservices.Product_Service_Type__c = values[0];
                            proposedservices.Material_Description__c = svc.Material__c;
                            if (svc.Material__c != null)
                                Material2CategoryMapping__c matcat = Material2CategoryMapping__c.getInstance(svc.Material__c);
                                if(matcat != null) 
                                    proposedservices.Material_Category__c = matcat.Material_Category__c;
                            Fee_Table__c fee = null;
                            if(feeMap != null && feeMap.size() > 0 && rtMapFee.size() > 0 && rtMapFee.get(proposedservices.Product_Service_Type__c) != null)
                               fee = feeMap.get(rtMapFee.get(proposedservices.Product_Service_Type__c));
                            System.debug('Fee increateservicelist' + fee);
                            if(contractObj.Sub_Line_of_Business__c == 'Commercial' && fee != null)
                                proposedservices.Extra_Pickup_Fee_Type__c = 'Yard';
                                Decimal prodSize = 0;
                                if(svc.Size__c != null && svc.Size__c != 'NOT APPLICABLE')
                                     prodSize = Decimal.valueOf(svc.Size__c);
                                if( prodSize >= 2 && prodSize <= 10)
                                   if(fee.Extra_Pickup_Fee__c != null && fee.Extra_Pickup_Fee_per_yard__c != null)
                                        proposedservices.Extra_Pickup_Fee__c = fee.Extra_Pickup_Fee__c + (fee.Extra_Pickup_Fee_per_yard__c * prodSize);
                                    if(fee.Extra_Pickup_Fee__c != null)
                                        proposedservices.Extra_Pickup_Fee__c = fee.Extra_Pickup_Fee__c;
                                proposedservices.Extra_Pickup_Fee__c = fee == null ? null : fee.Extra_Pickup_Fee__c;
                                proposedservices.Extra_Pickup_Fee_Type__c = fee == null ? null : fee.Extra_Pickup_Fee_Type__c;
                    proposedservices.OpportunityId = OpportunityId;
                    proposedservices.Suggested_Service_Day__c = getSuggestedServiceDay(lst);
                    proposedservices.Frequency__c = lst.serviceCount;
                    proposedservices.Occurs__c = Utility.TransformOccursValue(lst.serviceOccursCd);
                    proposedservices.Auto__c = lst.autoCd;
                    if(contractObj.Sub_Line_of_Business__c == 'Commercial'&&(lst.autoCd=='N'||lst.autoCd=='T'))
                          proposedservices.Occurs__c='On Call';
                    if(lst.applyRatePerContainer != null)
                        proposedservices.Apply_Rate_Per_Container__c  = lst.applyRatePerContainer; //OR
                    if(lst.MASContractLineId != null)
                        proposedservices.MAS_Contract_Line_ID__c = lst.MASContractLineId; //OR
                    proposedservices.Rate__c = lst.extCostAmount;//TODO
                    proposedservices.Haul_Rate__c = lst.extCostAmount;
                    proposedservices.Configured__c = true;
                    if(proposedservices.Service__c != null && proposedservices.Product_Service_Type__c != null && proposedservices.Product_Service_Type__c != '')
                   insert proposedserviceList;
                   system.debug('!!!proposed service list is inserted!!!');
        return proposedserviceList; 
  • January 12, 2017
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How to cover below lines in testclass???

 List<Fee_Table__c> feeList = database.query(feeQueryStr);
                    for(Fee_Table__c fee: feeList)
                       feeRecordTypeMap.put(fee.RecordTypeId, fee);
                    system.debug('### feerecordtypemap is created ###');                    
                    return feeRecordTypeMap;  
 Set<Id> prodIds = new Set<Id>();
                for (Product2 svc : lstProd)
 Map<Id, Id> prodPEMap = new Map<Id, Id>();
                if(prodIds.size() > 0)
                    List<PriceBookEntry> peList = [select Id, Product2Id from PriceBookEntry where Product2Id IN: prodIds];
                    for(PriceBookEntry pe: peList)
                        prodPEMap.put(pe.Product2Id, pe.Id);
                Map<String, Id> rtMapFee = rtMap('Fee_Table__c');

thank you
  • January 11, 2017
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  Contract contractObj2 = new Contract(StartDate=System.today(),ContractTerm=5,Status='Draft',RetentionOpportunityCreateFlag__c = false,AccountId = accountObj1.Id);
        insert contractObj2; 
            ApexPages.StandardController sc2 = new ApexPages.StandardController(accountObj1);
            Retention_Opportunity_Extension_Acc oppered2 = new Retention_Opportunity_Extension_Acc (sc2);
           // oppered2.recTypesForOpp1 = RecordTypeId;
            oppered2.testFlag = false;
            oppered2.lstLineItems = lstLineItems;
            oppered2.lstNonRecurringLineItems = lstNonRecurringLineItems;
            oppered2.lstProd = lstProd;
            oppered2.getFees('Collections', 'Commercial', oMAT.Id, null);
            oppered2.refOppty = contractObj1 ;
              for (GetInstalledServiceWebService.InstalledServiceRecord ir : lstLineItems)
  • January 10, 2017
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How to cover below lines in testclass???

 List<Fee_Table__c> feeList = database.query(feeQueryStr);
                    for(Fee_Table__c fee: feeList)
                       feeRecordTypeMap.put(fee.RecordTypeId, fee);
                    system.debug('### feerecordtypemap is created ###');                    
                    return feeRecordTypeMap;  
 Set<Id> prodIds = new Set<Id>();
                for (Product2 svc : lstProd)
 Map<Id, Id> prodPEMap = new Map<Id, Id>();
                if(prodIds.size() > 0)
                    List<PriceBookEntry> peList = [select Id, Product2Id from PriceBookEntry where Product2Id IN: prodIds];
                    for(PriceBookEntry pe: peList)
                        prodPEMap.put(pe.Product2Id, pe.Id);
                Map<String, Id> rtMapFee = rtMap('Fee_Table__c');

thank you
  • January 11, 2017
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Hi Everyone,

I run my test class in salesforce user interface and I opened my developer console to see the code coverage of related Apex class. In the overall code coverage section, i am able to see my Apex class and it shows percentage and lines covered (78, 114/130)

When i clicked the class in code coveage section, it is not showing the information like what are the lines of covered (in Blue color), what are all lines are not covered (in Red). Instead of the it shows as Code coverage : none in the drop down.

Much appreciated if anyone share your thoughts or if you come across similar issue.