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I am working on a Salesforce to Salesforce integration within the same company to share cases and knowledge articles. What is the best tool to use? Salesforce Connect, Salesforce to Salesforce (only available in classic) or API? We have ruled out Mulesoft for now. If API, which? Any advise?
I am using an existing developer org(could this be an issue?). I am not using the exercise lab files as I don't have access to them (so maybe missing something). The code is:
public class BankAcc {
    private integer balance=0;
    public string acctName;
    public void makeDeposit(integer deposit); {
                 balance = balance + deposit;
I would like the user to see the number of notifications sent and the latest date. The date stamp is working fine but the number stamp isn't working. I have set the default value to 0 for the number field on case and the field update formula calls the field and adds 1 -  PRIORVALUE (Number_of_Dealer_Reminders_Sent__c) + 1. The problem is that the number field does not update nor does it show the default (0). Please help - is it maybe the way formula when setting the default? Basically I have 0 in the formula field - custom.
I am new to Apex triggers and trying to create a trigger to update lead owner when lead status is changed & when country is Germany or UK only and partner user is active. 
Not sure how to set variable for CountryCode

Trigger UpdateLeadOwner on Lead (before insert, before update) {
String userName = UserInfo.getUserId();
User activeUser = [SELECT Id, Contact.AccountId,FROM User WHERE Id=:UserInfo.getUserId LIMIT 1];

Account pAcc = [SELECT Id, Dealer_User_ID__c, District_Manager_Bobcat__c, District_Manager_Bobcat_Agri__c WHERE id = :mylead.Dealer__c];

for (Lead myLead : Trigger.new) {
    if (myLead.Brand__c != Null && myLead.Dealer != Null) {
      if (pAcc.Dealer_User_ID__c != Null && myLead.Status == "Dealer Follow-up" && myLead.CountryCode = "UK, DE"){
         myLead.OwnerId = Dealer.Dealer_User_ID__c;
          else if (Dealer.Dealer_User_ID__c = Null && myLead.Status == "Dealer Follow-up" && myLead.CountryCode = "UK, DE"){
          myLead.OwnerId = myLead.District_Manager_DM__c;
          else {
          myLead.OwnerId = myLead.District_Manager_DM__c;
I would like the user to see the number of notifications sent and the latest date. The date stamp is working fine but the number stamp isn't working. I have set the default value to 0 for the number field on case and the field update formula calls the field and adds 1 -  PRIORVALUE (Number_of_Dealer_Reminders_Sent__c) + 1. The problem is that the number field does not update nor does it show the default (0). Please help - is it maybe the way formula when setting the default? Basically I have 0 in the formula field - custom.
Hi all, I am trying to customize sales processes based on different profiles. I see where I can create additional sales processes but I would like to be able to set different values in the available values selection box. How would I go about doing this? 
I am new to Apex triggers and trying to create a trigger to update lead owner when lead status is changed & when country is Germany or UK only and partner user is active. 
Not sure how to set variable for CountryCode

Trigger UpdateLeadOwner on Lead (before insert, before update) {
String userName = UserInfo.getUserId();
User activeUser = [SELECT Id, Contact.AccountId,FROM User WHERE Id=:UserInfo.getUserId LIMIT 1];

Account pAcc = [SELECT Id, Dealer_User_ID__c, District_Manager_Bobcat__c, District_Manager_Bobcat_Agri__c WHERE id = :mylead.Dealer__c];

for (Lead myLead : Trigger.new) {
    if (myLead.Brand__c != Null && myLead.Dealer != Null) {
      if (pAcc.Dealer_User_ID__c != Null && myLead.Status == "Dealer Follow-up" && myLead.CountryCode = "UK, DE"){
         myLead.OwnerId = Dealer.Dealer_User_ID__c;
          else if (Dealer.Dealer_User_ID__c = Null && myLead.Status == "Dealer Follow-up" && myLead.CountryCode = "UK, DE"){
          myLead.OwnerId = myLead.District_Manager_DM__c;
          else {
          myLead.OwnerId = myLead.District_Manager_DM__c;