• Artem Ivashchenko
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My questions are related to Salesforce Status Rest API.

0) General question:
Does incidents (with incidentImpacts and incidentEvents) and maintenance  (with maintenanceImpacts) can be updated after they are initially created?
I suppose incidentEvents can be added/updated after the original incident was created. Am I right?
What about the rest incident/maintenance data?

1) metricValues API

It seems Metric values must be per instance but currently the link with instance is broken (metric shows instanceKey=All instead of distinct instance)
Every entry in API response has such value: "instanceKey": "All"

Is this a bug? Would metricValues be linked to distinct instances?

2) GeneralMessages as part of instance/status API
https://api.status.salesforce.com/v1/instances/[instanceKey]/status   e.g. https://api.status.salesforce.com/v1/instances/NA24/status

These APIs have GeneralMessages collection/array as part of theirs response model but there is no such data in responses.
I see GeneralMessages come only with separate API without links to instances.

Is there any link between instance and generalMessage?
Would this data be present in instancces/status API responses?

3) incidents API

this API has startTime as an input parameter - [startTime].

I'm trying to figure out what filter it applies on incidents.
My guess is the following (I've tried to write it in some sort of pseudocode):

trunc([startTime] to date) <= ANY trunc("IncidentImpacts"."startTime" to date)

Am I right?

4) maintenances API

this API has startTime as an input parameter - [startTime].

I'm trying to figure out what filter it applies on incidents.
My two guesses are as followed (I've tried to write it in some sort of pseudocode):

   a) trunc([startTime] to date) <= trunc("plannedStartTime" to date)
   b) trunc([startTime] to date) <= ANY trunc("MaintenanceImpacts"."startTime" to date)

Which one filter is the right one?

My questions are related to Salesforce Status Rest API.

0) General question:
Does incidents (with incidentImpacts and incidentEvents) and maintenance  (with maintenanceImpacts) can be updated after they are initially created?
I suppose incidentEvents can be added/updated after the original incident was created. Am I right?
What about the rest incident/maintenance data?

1) metricValues API

It seems Metric values must be per instance but currently the link with instance is broken (metric shows instanceKey=All instead of distinct instance)
Every entry in API response has such value: "instanceKey": "All"

Is this a bug? Would metricValues be linked to distinct instances?

2) GeneralMessages as part of instance/status API
https://api.status.salesforce.com/v1/instances/[instanceKey]/status   e.g. https://api.status.salesforce.com/v1/instances/NA24/status

These APIs have GeneralMessages collection/array as part of theirs response model but there is no such data in responses.
I see GeneralMessages come only with separate API without links to instances.

Is there any link between instance and generalMessage?
Would this data be present in instancces/status API responses?

3) incidents API

this API has startTime as an input parameter - [startTime].

I'm trying to figure out what filter it applies on incidents.
My guess is the following (I've tried to write it in some sort of pseudocode):

trunc([startTime] to date) <= ANY trunc("IncidentImpacts"."startTime" to date)

Am I right?

4) maintenances API

this API has startTime as an input parameter - [startTime].

I'm trying to figure out what filter it applies on incidents.
My two guesses are as followed (I've tried to write it in some sort of pseudocode):

   a) trunc([startTime] to date) <= trunc("plannedStartTime" to date)
   b) trunc([startTime] to date) <= ANY trunc("MaintenanceImpacts"."startTime" to date)

Which one filter is the right one?