• Chandra S Kumar
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I need to add "Trail Data Manager" app in my existing dev edition to learn analytics from trailhead. 
Plz let me know the steps to follow.

I am new to Salesforce. I wan to self-learn and write Salesfroce Admin 201 certification in next month. Plz suggest me relavant links for reading, watcvhing videos etc. If you have any selfmade materials plz send it to my emailid chandra.skumar@outlook.com
Any advice based on your experience would be appreciated :) 


So ive signed up for the dev edition org. Ive tried using my playgrounds. What am i missing? No matter what i do I keep getting the error "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Trailhead_Data_Manager' app was not found. Please follow the requirements and ensure the wave enabled org is setup correctly." Where do i get this app? I assumed it came already installed when you signed up for the dev org. Can anyone please help, this is the last module i need to complete the trail. Thanks in advance. 

I am new to Salesforce. I wan to self-learn and write Salesfroce Admin 201 certification in next month. Plz suggest me relavant links for reading, watcvhing videos etc. If you have any selfmade materials plz send it to my emailid chandra.skumar@outlook.com
Any advice based on your experience would be appreciated :) 
