• AkhileshSingh
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  • Cognizant

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Hi ,

I am using address field on lightning page .when user used Enter key inside Street field of Address  my call-out get failed.
Hi ,
I  am using custom account lookup on lightning  page (this look up is using inside quick action of opportunity page.).I have another standard account lookup on opportunity detail page. I want to prepopulate the value of standard acccount look up   on custom  account lookup  on lightning  page.
so whenever i change the value of standard account look up on opportunity  detail page .that value is reflect on custom lightning look up.

I am using code for custom account  lookup 

Hi All,

I am getting the error"Uncaught Error in $A.getCallback() [Cannot read property 'Partner__r' of undefined]
Callback failed: apex://PartnerConsoleCallout/ACTION$leaddetails".

Partner__r is the custom  look up field with Account on lead .
and Account has lookup relationship with another custom object .(partner portal)

i have two field on lightning form;
1)partner name = partner__r.name
2)partnerid = partner__r. partner_portal__r.orgid

when there is value in the  field name "partner name",then it prepopulate the value.that is ok  but if there is no value present in partner name, then it throw the error
"Uncaught Error in $A.getCallback() [Cannot read property 'Partner__r' of undefined]
Callback failed: apex://PartnerConsoleCallout/ACTION$leaddetails".

I am using !$A.util.isUndefinedOrNull inside if condition to prevent null or indefined value but i am still facing the same error .

Hi ,

I am using address field on lightning page .when user used Enter key inside Street field of Address  my call-out get failed.
Hi ,
I  am using custom account lookup on lightning  page (this look up is using inside quick action of opportunity page.).I have another standard account lookup on opportunity detail page. I want to prepopulate the value of standard acccount look up   on custom  account lookup  on lightning  page.
so whenever i change the value of standard account look up on opportunity  detail page .that value is reflect on custom lightning look up.

I am using code for custom account  lookup 

Hi All,

I am getting the error"Uncaught Error in $A.getCallback() [Cannot read property 'Partner__r' of undefined]
Callback failed: apex://PartnerConsoleCallout/ACTION$leaddetails".

Partner__r is the custom  look up field with Account on lead .
and Account has lookup relationship with another custom object .(partner portal)

i have two field on lightning form;
1)partner name = partner__r.name
2)partnerid = partner__r. partner_portal__r.orgid

when there is value in the  field name "partner name",then it prepopulate the value.that is ok  but if there is no value present in partner name, then it throw the error
"Uncaught Error in $A.getCallback() [Cannot read property 'Partner__r' of undefined]
Callback failed: apex://PartnerConsoleCallout/ACTION$leaddetails".

I am using !$A.util.isUndefinedOrNull inside if condition to prevent null or indefined value but i am still facing the same error .