• Zeeshan Hussain
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Hi guys,

I'll give you a little background information of what I am trying to achieve and maybe some experienced developers here could help to explain the error of my ways.

Aim of the future class
I have a 'Contract' object and a 'Contract Participant' object that is related to the contract. 
When a field called 'Contract_To__c' (The contract end date) is changed on the contract, the future class is called by a trigger and then the contract participant end date on the contract participant is updated automatically to the same value to reflect the change if the contract end date was originally the same as the contract participant end date

What I am doing
I have a test class set up with test data. And then within the Test.StartTest() and StopTest() methods, I call the future method, passing in the parameter values after updating the contract end date. After the stopTest() method, I am logging the participant end date to see if the future class has updated this to reflect the contract end date. This does not happen.

Below is the code for my test class and the class for my future method.

Test class:
public class TestClassZee {

    public static testMethod void test_ContractParticipant(){
       Date sys_lastYearStart = Date.newInstance(Date.Today().Year()-1,1,1);
       Date sys_nextYearEnd = Date.newInstance(Date.Today().Year()+1,12,31);
         //Dynamically obtain the first value from the global division picklist
           Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = Portfolio__c.Team__c.getDescribe();
           List<Schema.PicklistEntry> ple = fieldResult.getPicklistValues();
           String firstValue = ple[0].getLabel(); 
        //Insert a workstream
        List<Portfolio__c> wsToInsert = UtilityClass.getWorkstreams(1, 'Agreement', firstValue);
        insert wsToInsert;
        //Insert a supplier
        List<Account> supplierToInsert = UtilityClass.getSuppliers(2);
        insert supplierToInsert;
        //Create a contract
        List<HTE_Contract__c> conToInsert = UtilityClass.getContracts(2, 'valid', supplierToInsert[0].Id, wsToInsert[0].Id);
        insert conToInsert;
        //Create an opportunity
        List<Opportunity> oppToInsert = UtilityClass.getOpportunities(2, supplierToInsert[0].Id, wsToInsert[0].Id,    'Discussion Required');
        insert oppToInsert;
        //Create a contract participant
        List<Contract_Participant__c> cpToInsert = UtilityClass.getParticipants(1, conToInsert[0].Id, supplierToInsert[0].Id, oppToInsert[0].Id, sys_lastYearStart, sys_nextYearEnd);
        insert cpToInsert;

        /*System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, 'Checking workstream id ' + wsToInsert[0].Id);
        System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, 'Checking account id ' + supplierToInsert[0].Id);
        System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, 'Checking opp id ' + oppToInsert[0].Id);
        System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, 'Checking contract id ' + conToInsert[0].Id);
        System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, 'Checking contract participant id ' + cpToInsert[0].Id);*/
        //Change the to date
        Date oldDate = conToInsert[0].Contract_To__c;
        conToInsert[0].Contract_To__c = Date.valueof('2020-01-01');
        conToInsert[0].Latest_Modification__c = 'Changing contract To date';
        update conToInsert;
        Date newDate = conToInsert[0].Contract_To__c;
        System.assertEquals(Date.valueof('2020-01-01'), conToInsert[0].Contract_To__c);
        //Call the future class
        FutureCPDateUpdate.updateParticipantEndDates(conToInsert[0].Id, oldDate, newDate);
        System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, 'Logging cp end date ' + cpToInsert[0].Participant_To__c);

Future Method/Class
public class FutureCPDateUpdate {
	@future(callout = true)
	public static void updateParticipantEndDates(Id contractId, Date oldDate, Date newDate) {

		List<Contract_Participant__c> cp = [SELECT Id, Participant_To__c, Participant_From__c FROM Contract_Participant__c WHERE HTE_Contract__c =:contractId ];
        for(Contract_Participant__c cp2 : cp) {
            if(cp2.Participant_To__c == oldDate) {
                cp2.Participant_To__c = newDate;     
        update cp;
When I make this change myself without running the code, I have a trigger which calls the future method and it updates the participant end dates just fine. In the future method, it performs a SOQL query for a Contract Participant record. Could it be because It cannot query for test data? I don't see a way around this. I appreciate that I am new to this.

Sorry if this was too much information or if anything was not clearly explained, I am more than happy to explain things further.

Thank you for your time. 
Hi guys,

I'll give you a little background information of what I am trying to achieve and maybe some experienced developers here could help to explain the error of my ways.

Aim of the future class
I have a 'Contract' object and a 'Contract Participant' object that is related to the contract. 
When a field called 'Contract_To__c' (The contract end date) is changed on the contract, the future class is called by a trigger and then the contract participant end date on the contract participant is updated automatically to the same value to reflect the change if the contract end date was originally the same as the contract participant end date

What I am doing
I have a test class set up with test data. And then within the Test.StartTest() and StopTest() methods, I call the future method, passing in the parameter values after updating the contract end date. After the stopTest() method, I am logging the participant end date to see if the future class has updated this to reflect the contract end date. This does not happen.

Below is the code for my test class and the class for my future method.

Test class:
public class TestClassZee {

    public static testMethod void test_ContractParticipant(){
       Date sys_lastYearStart = Date.newInstance(Date.Today().Year()-1,1,1);
       Date sys_nextYearEnd = Date.newInstance(Date.Today().Year()+1,12,31);
         //Dynamically obtain the first value from the global division picklist
           Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = Portfolio__c.Team__c.getDescribe();
           List<Schema.PicklistEntry> ple = fieldResult.getPicklistValues();
           String firstValue = ple[0].getLabel(); 
        //Insert a workstream
        List<Portfolio__c> wsToInsert = UtilityClass.getWorkstreams(1, 'Agreement', firstValue);
        insert wsToInsert;
        //Insert a supplier
        List<Account> supplierToInsert = UtilityClass.getSuppliers(2);
        insert supplierToInsert;
        //Create a contract
        List<HTE_Contract__c> conToInsert = UtilityClass.getContracts(2, 'valid', supplierToInsert[0].Id, wsToInsert[0].Id);
        insert conToInsert;
        //Create an opportunity
        List<Opportunity> oppToInsert = UtilityClass.getOpportunities(2, supplierToInsert[0].Id, wsToInsert[0].Id,    'Discussion Required');
        insert oppToInsert;
        //Create a contract participant
        List<Contract_Participant__c> cpToInsert = UtilityClass.getParticipants(1, conToInsert[0].Id, supplierToInsert[0].Id, oppToInsert[0].Id, sys_lastYearStart, sys_nextYearEnd);
        insert cpToInsert;

        /*System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, 'Checking workstream id ' + wsToInsert[0].Id);
        System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, 'Checking account id ' + supplierToInsert[0].Id);
        System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, 'Checking opp id ' + oppToInsert[0].Id);
        System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, 'Checking contract id ' + conToInsert[0].Id);
        System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, 'Checking contract participant id ' + cpToInsert[0].Id);*/
        //Change the to date
        Date oldDate = conToInsert[0].Contract_To__c;
        conToInsert[0].Contract_To__c = Date.valueof('2020-01-01');
        conToInsert[0].Latest_Modification__c = 'Changing contract To date';
        update conToInsert;
        Date newDate = conToInsert[0].Contract_To__c;
        System.assertEquals(Date.valueof('2020-01-01'), conToInsert[0].Contract_To__c);
        //Call the future class
        FutureCPDateUpdate.updateParticipantEndDates(conToInsert[0].Id, oldDate, newDate);
        System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, 'Logging cp end date ' + cpToInsert[0].Participant_To__c);

Future Method/Class
public class FutureCPDateUpdate {
	@future(callout = true)
	public static void updateParticipantEndDates(Id contractId, Date oldDate, Date newDate) {

		List<Contract_Participant__c> cp = [SELECT Id, Participant_To__c, Participant_From__c FROM Contract_Participant__c WHERE HTE_Contract__c =:contractId ];
        for(Contract_Participant__c cp2 : cp) {
            if(cp2.Participant_To__c == oldDate) {
                cp2.Participant_To__c = newDate;     
        update cp;
When I make this change myself without running the code, I have a trigger which calls the future method and it updates the participant end dates just fine. In the future method, it performs a SOQL query for a Contract Participant record. Could it be because It cannot query for test data? I don't see a way around this. I appreciate that I am new to this.

Sorry if this was too much information or if anything was not clearly explained, I am more than happy to explain things further.

Thank you for your time.