• Giovanna Perretta
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we have enabled snap-in omni-channel in production. We are experiencing a disconnection when users click on the Submit custom button. You can see an user screenshot below. As you can see the red message we are receiving is: "you have been disconnected from Omni-channel. to reconnect refresh this page".

Additional informations:
  • We were not experiencing such a behaviour using the classic Live Agent functionality.
  • The users are not refreshing the page from the web browser.
  • The Submit button doesn't direct any url, it set the order status on the order and automatize record creation in Salesforce across different tables. 
  • In the Log I read the following error: "(anonymous) @ aura_proddebug.js:33160
    co9k.la1-c1-par.salesforceliveagent.com/chat/rest/System/Messages?ack=3&pc=16:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 409 (Conflict)
    service_presence.js:22 CDM Error: https://co9k.la1-c1-par.salesforceliveagent.com/chat/rest/System/Messages?ack=3&pc=16 (409)
    service_presence.js:22 Out of sync. Cancelling connection.
    service_presence.js:22 Cancelling connection"
Did someone face the same issue? 

Thanks in advance for your help

User-added image
I have configured a Field Service Mobile flow that should help technicians in managing their Service appointments. Among the actions to perform they need to update multiple contacts information during the service visit. So basically the users can update email and name of multiple contacts in the same flow.
Using iOS phones I'm facing issues running this service mobile flow that have been successfully tested in sandbox and it's properly working in android. When moving from a screen to another one the app goes black and then quit (crash).

Below some device details:
  • Device name: iPhone 8
  • OS type and version: 11.2.2
  • Salesforce App version v4.0.2 Build #1054
I'm attaching a copy of my flow. Below the step description:
1- Trough record lookups I'm getting the Service appointment, Work Order and Account Details
2- In the first screen I'm displaying the Account data (standard and customs field). The flow crashes just before without displaying this screen in all the iOS devices.
3- The technician can decide to modify the Account data and in case access a screen to update the Account
4- The technician than should display the contacts and he can decide if he wants to update existing contacts or create a new one. Trough a dynamic record choice I'm letting user to pick to contact to modify and I have a screen "Screen Update" where I'm asking if the user wants to update a second contact or not
5- At the end the technician can decide to create an Inside Lead (custom object)

In the flow you can see that there are steps named "Tracking". The goal is to track on the Service appointment what has been done during the flow so if an Account field has been modified on the Service appointment I set that the field has been modified and which is the value that has been set.

I have already Purge Cached Metadata. I got the log file when I can read the following error: "2018/05/14 11:40:36.143 FieldServiceApp[2074:e103] ERROR com.salesforce.ServiceCloudKit.FieldService.Core <SCFieldServiceCoreAction.m:60 -[SCFieldServiceCoreAction completeOperationWithError:]>: Network request error, action /query, error The token refresh process timed out."

Any suggestions on the cause and how to solve it?


Service Mobile flow
I have configured a Field Service Mobile flow that should help technicians in managing their Service appointments.
Among the actions to perform they need to update multiple contacts information during the service visit. So basically the users can update email and name of multiple contacts in the same flow. In field service mobile I'm facing some issues with default values while the same flow (copied and saved as a screen flow) it's properly working on Salesforce classic.

I'm attaching a copy of my flow. Below the step description:
1- Trough a dynamic record choice I'm letting user to pick to contact to modify
2- For testing purpose I'm displaying the contact Id related to selection performed in step 1
3- Screen where I let the users to modify the data. I would like to display by default the existing information related to contact selected in step 1. I have set a default value. This is not properly working in case of second run because I'm displaying as default the data related to the first selected contact.
4- Screen where I'm asking if the user wants to update a second contact or not

Do you know if there is any limitation on that? How can achieve such a goal?

Moreover in Step 5 I'm facing a similar limitation. Here I want to update information related to Account displaying the existing value. I have a drop-down list choice were I can't set a default value. I would like to display the current value by default allowing the user to edit the information.

I’m using Android Galaxy S6 edge and I have installed Field Service Lightning Version v3.0.3

User-added image
I have configured a Field Service Mobile flow that should help technicians in managing their Service appointments.
Among the actions to perform they need to update multiple contacts information during the service visit. So basically the users can update email and name of multiple contacts in the same flow. In field service mobile I'm facing some issues with default values while the same flow (copied and saved as a screen flow) it's properly working on Salesforce classic.

I'm attaching a copy of my flow. Below the step description:
1- Trough a dynamic record choice I'm letting user to pick to contact to modify
2- For testing purpose I'm displaying the contact Id related to selection performed in step 1
3- Screen where I let the users to modify the data. I would like to display by default the existing information related to contact selected in step 1. I have set a default value. This is not properly working in case of second run because I'm displaying as default the data related to the first selected contact.
4- Screen where I'm asking if the user wants to update a second contact or not

Do you know if there is any limitation on that? How can achieve such a goal?

Moreover in Step 5 I'm facing a similar limitation. Here I want to update information related to Account displaying the existing value. I have a drop-down list choice were I can't set a default value. I would like to display the current value by default allowing the user to edit the information.

I’m using Android Galaxy S6 edge and I have installed Field Service Lightning Version v3.0.3

User-added image