• beingofhabits
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I am adopting sfdx. And development was quite easy and straightforward. But the problem take it place when I've started to use packages. A version and package itself are both created successfully as well as deployed and executed. But I'm not able to make any change in my production org even though the package's type is Unlocked. An error message saying me that "managed installed class cannot be saved"

So..What's my problem and what's my option to do here?

So, we are able to do something like this
Map<String, AggregateResult> aggregations =  new Map<String, AggregateResult> ([SELECT  Status Id, COUNT(Id)QTY FROM Case GROUP BY Status   ]);
But is there any options to do the same with at least 2 aggregated and  grouped fields?
I mean something like the following
Map<String, Map<String,AggregateResult>> aggregations =  new Map<String, Map<String, AggregateResult>> ([SELECT  Status Id, Department__c dId, COUNT(Id)QTY FROM Case GROUP BYStatus, Department__c  ]);
And if not, is the manually written parser the only solution?

Have a nice day!

So, as Salesforce doesn't provide us with any way to delete custom metadata type record via Metadata API, am I able to delete it by Tooling, REST or Soap APIs? If so, I please you to provide me with links or code samples

Have a nice day


I have 2 picklists values on my custom object with filed dependency. So, I have to create a component to contain info about its record without "master" of the dependency. I've decided to use lightning:recordForm, but the problem is that I can't change its value without placing "master" field. So, is this any workaround? Like as prepopulating the field? Or it's better to use recordEditForm and recordViewForm both?

I want to use <lightning:recordEditForm/> with communities to avoid all that crazy logic with field dependencies. But, as I understand, guest user has no way to see those inputFields (or he does?). So.. I've decided to try to use something like a stage on an opportunity object with several data per picklist row. And I know that it's configured in the 'Sales Processes' tab, but may I use my own values like that?
Best regards and good day
Attempted to solve this, using the following code:

but it returns an empty array insted. Is there any beautiful solution, 'cause the only one I think about right now, is to use html classes and it seems to be a bad idea.

Any ideas, please

I've tried this in two ways:
            {label:'', fieldName:'edit', type:'action', class: 'cols', cellAttributes: { iconName: { fieldName: 'utility:custom_apps' }}},
<lightning:datatable data="{! v.data }"
        columns="{! v.columns }"

But neither of it works. Is it possible at all?
If needed, I here is my CSS as well
.THIS .cols {
    background-color: #16325c;
    color: white;


Hi! Attempting to solve this trailhead project, but the following error was received.

User-added image

Can you help me, please?



I am adopting sfdx. And development was quite easy and straightforward. But the problem take it place when I've started to use packages. A version and package itself are both created successfully as well as deployed and executed. But I'm not able to make any change in my production org even though the package's type is Unlocked. An error message saying me that "managed installed class cannot be saved"

So..What's my problem and what's my option to do here?

Hi! Attempting to solve this trailhead project, but the following error was received.

User-added image

Can you help me, please?