• Keith Patella
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  • Member since 2018

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I'm trying to conolidate some of our Quick Actions into group categories to reduce the number of quick action buttons. The only way I know how to do this is to have a Quick Action Button that pops up a lightning dialog that you then have a selection menu that then navigates to the lightning component selected. I'd like to skip this step if possible and have the button itself be a menu.

Is there a way to make a Lightning Quick Action be a button drop down menu without popping up a UI dialog?

If not is there other ways to do this without writing a custom navigation lightning quick action component.

I have a lightning component that is used to automate Apex Managed Sharing on our custom objects. The controller that the lightning component calls and any other apex class that is referenced does not have "without sharing" defined. The problem is the user is still not allowed to change anything with the apex sharing object and I'm getting the following when trying to recreate the information. I've read in many places that my apex code should be running in "System Mode" so I can't figure out why we're getting this error even though the user does not have "Modify All Data" permission enabled.

Line 2024: 15:06:37.0 (480072354)|USER_DEBUG|[25]|INFO|@@@@ Manual Share Deleting 6 objects
    Line 2057: 15:06:37.0 (501762950)|USER_DEBUG|[25]|INFO|@@@@ Manual Share Delete failed with error of insufficient access rights on object id
    Line 2080: 15:06:37.0 (502077538)|USER_DEBUG|[25]|INFO|@@@@ Manual Share Delete failed with error of insufficient access rights on object id
    Line 2103: 15:06:37.0 (502347060)|USER_DEBUG|[25]|INFO|@@@@ Manual Share Delete failed with error of insufficient access rights on object id
    Line 2126: 15:06:37.0 (502614504)|USER_DEBUG|[25]|INFO|@@@@ Manual Share Delete failed with error of insufficient access rights on object id
    Line 2149: 15:06:37.0 (502888465)|USER_DEBUG|[25]|INFO|@@@@ Manual Share Delete failed with error of insufficient access rights on object id
    Line 2172: 15:06:37.0 (503167671)|USER_DEBUG|[25]|INFO|@@@@ Manual Share Delete failed with error of insufficient access rights on object id
    Line 2414: 15:06:37.0 (506037542)|USER_DEBUG|[25]|INFO|@@@@ Manual Share Inserting 12 objects
    Line 2446: 15:06:37.0 (514618945)|USER_DEBUG|[25]|INFO|@@@@ Insert failed with error of invalid row cause
    Line 2469: 15:06:37.0 (514999746)|USER_DEBUG|[25]|INFO|@@@@ Insert failed with error of invalid row cause
    Line 2492: 15:06:37.0 (515396674)|USER_DEBUG|[25]|INFO|@@@@ Insert failed with error of invalid row cause
    Line 2515: 15:06:37.0 (515790526)|USER_DEBUG|[25]|INFO|@@@@ Insert failed with error of invalid row cause
    Line 2538: 15:06:37.0 (516183906)|USER_DEBUG|[25]|INFO|@@@@ Insert failed with error of invalid row cause
    Line 2561: 15:06:37.0 (516583554)|USER_DEBUG|[25]|INFO|@@@@ Insert failed with error of invalid row cause
    Line 2584: 15:06:37.0 (517032424)|USER_DEBUG|[25]|INFO|@@@@ Insert failed with error of invalid row cause
    Line 2607: 15:06:37.0 (517461139)|USER_DEBUG|[25]|INFO|@@@@ Insert failed with error of invalid row cause
    Line 2630: 15:06:37.0 (517884833)|USER_DEBUG|[25]|INFO|@@@@ Insert failed with error of invalid row cause
    Line 2653: 15:06:37.0 (518296367)|USER_DEBUG|[25]|INFO|@@@@ Insert failed with error of invalid row cause
    Line 2676: 15:06:37.0 (518721551)|USER_DEBUG|[25]|INFO|@@@@ Insert failed with error of invalid row cause
    Line 2699: 15:06:37.0 (519123861)|USER_DEBUG|[25]|INFO|@@@@ Insert failed with error of invalid row cause

If it's not possible to have this user update the object I'm looking for suggestions on how to get the data updated when the user modifies the Account Team without me turning on Modify All Data. The best suggestion I've read about so far is to use the Salesforce REst API as another user to make the modification.

The route I originally took was to set a dirty flag and was then going to use a Scheduled class but these classes can only be scheduled weekly and I would want something that would work at least daily.
All the examples for Salesforce show ways with the Napalli(Customer Support) Communities template to use the Search, Navigation, etc... items in a Custome Theme layout like here: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.communities_dev.meta/communities_dev/communities_dev_example_structure.htm

<aura:component implements="forceCommunity:themeLayout" access="global" description="Sample Custom Theme Layout">
    <aura:attribute name="search" type="Aura.Component[]" required="false"/>
    <aura:attribute name="profileMenu" type="Aura.Component[]" required="false"/>
    <aura:attribute name="navBar" type="Aura.Component[]" required="false"/>
    <aura:attribute name="newHeader" type="Aura.Component[]" required="false"/>
        <div class="searchRegion">
        <div class="profileMenuRegion">
        <div class="navigation">
        <div class="newHeader">
        <div class="mainContentArea">

We are using the Citizen Template and we want to create a CustomThemeLayout that uses the CompactHeader lightning component that is used on all our other pages. Is there a way to do this in my aura component with something like this.

<aura:component implements="forceCommunity:themeLayout" access="global" description="Sample Custom Theme Layout">
    <aura:attribute name="compactHeader" type="Aura.Component[]" required="false"/>
        <div class="compactHeader">
        <div class="mainContentArea">

Doing it this way just defines a section called "compactHeader" it doesn't actually drop in the compactHeader Temaplate, so we're trying to find out what the syntax is to do this.
I'm using the Citizen template in communities. We want to create a custom theme that uses the "Compact Header" lightning component but have not been able to find a way to do so. All the documentation I find is for the Customer Service(Napalli) Template and if I use that template I can get the nav bar, search bar, etc.. to show up just like the code examples but I can't figure out the Syntax needed for the "Compact Header" of the citizen template.

Thanks for any help.
I'm programmically adding sharing customizations to our Custom Objects. This is working and I can verify it by logging in with specific users and seeing what objects they can view. 

What I'm wondering is there a place in Salesforce that I can view these programmically added sharing rules I can't seem to find them anywhere.
I have a Community in Sandbox and I'm trying to embed a visual force page into my lightning component. The rendering works fine but I can't interact with the component the most it will do is select the IFrame. Anyone know why this is?

I've tried this with 2 custom VF pages and the HeatMap Visual Force page

I'm using the lightning tree component and I'm trying to dynamically select an item after Init through an event and want all parent nodes expanded. I have a separte lighting component that the user selects and item and then an event is passed to my component with the Tree containing the Tree Node Name I want to select. This is all working fine but I can't get the lighting:tree component to work.

The expanded issue:
My java script code works to the point of setting all the expanded=true flags for all parent items of the item I want selected but it never renders the children. I can see the expanded icon changed but none of the children are rendered. If I expand everything in the Init handler it displays the tree correctly but on the event java script to change the selected item it just changes the expanded icon and all text is the same.

The Selection Issue: I'm not sure how to select an Item in the tree or what java script I need to make this happen. Any help would be appreciated.

All the examples for Salesforce show ways with the Napalli(Customer Support) Communities template to use the Search, Navigation, etc... items in a Custome Theme layout like here: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.communities_dev.meta/communities_dev/communities_dev_example_structure.htm

<aura:component implements="forceCommunity:themeLayout" access="global" description="Sample Custom Theme Layout">
    <aura:attribute name="search" type="Aura.Component[]" required="false"/>
    <aura:attribute name="profileMenu" type="Aura.Component[]" required="false"/>
    <aura:attribute name="navBar" type="Aura.Component[]" required="false"/>
    <aura:attribute name="newHeader" type="Aura.Component[]" required="false"/>
        <div class="searchRegion">
        <div class="profileMenuRegion">
        <div class="navigation">
        <div class="newHeader">
        <div class="mainContentArea">

We are using the Citizen Template and we want to create a CustomThemeLayout that uses the CompactHeader lightning component that is used on all our other pages. Is there a way to do this in my aura component with something like this.

<aura:component implements="forceCommunity:themeLayout" access="global" description="Sample Custom Theme Layout">
    <aura:attribute name="compactHeader" type="Aura.Component[]" required="false"/>
        <div class="compactHeader">
        <div class="mainContentArea">

Doing it this way just defines a section called "compactHeader" it doesn't actually drop in the compactHeader Temaplate, so we're trying to find out what the syntax is to do this.
I'm using the lightning tree component and I'm trying to dynamically select an item after Init through an event and want all parent nodes expanded. I have a separte lighting component that the user selects and item and then an event is passed to my component with the Tree containing the Tree Node Name I want to select. This is all working fine but I can't get the lighting:tree component to work.

The expanded issue:
My java script code works to the point of setting all the expanded=true flags for all parent items of the item I want selected but it never renders the children. I can see the expanded icon changed but none of the children are rendered. If I expand everything in the Init handler it displays the tree correctly but on the event java script to change the selected item it just changes the expanded icon and all text is the same.

The Selection Issue: I'm not sure how to select an Item in the tree or what java script I need to make this happen. Any help would be appreciated.