• John Worth
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  • Member since 2018

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The standard web to case logic to match to a contact is email; I'm not confident in the quality of the email addresses we'll get on our cases, and accounts are matched via the contact. We would like to use a custom field to associate a case with an account: NPI number. We can force that into the web to case HTML and we know it's a one-to-one match. I've never written a trigger and would like some guidance on the best way to appraoch this.
The standard web to case logic to match to a contact is email; I'm not confident in the quality of the email addresses we'll get on our cases, and accounts are matched via the contact. We would like to use a custom field to associate a case with an account: NPI number. We can force that into the web to case HTML and we know it's a one-to-one match. I've never written a trigger and would like some guidance on the best way to appraoch this.