• Cathy Postmus
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We are using Salesforce CPQ. I have a record triggered flow with no criteria for running. We are using Percent-of-Total pricing for Orders/OrderProducts and all the zero quantity line items on the order product are being ignored by the flow. It doesn't seem to recognize those line items.

How do I get the record triggered flow to run on zero quantity line items?
Hello all!  I have created a record triggered flow on the Order object, on creation only. This RTF has 3 (auto launched) subflows. 

When I debug the entire RTF, everything works great.
When I debug the 3rd subflows itself, everything works great.

However, when I actually create the Order record, the first two subflows work great but the 3rd subflow just isn't updating the record. I am the admin with access to the object and all the fields.  What could possibly be going wrong here? 

Hello, wondering if anyone has some suggestions for me.

I have an auto-launched flow (ALF) which contains some subflows. In the main ALF, basically checks "does it have non-inventory parts" then run subflow "non inventory parts".  Next, it runs an "order deadline" subflow.

The current "stage" field is "needs parts ordered".

The first subflow is set to change the stage to "waiting on 3rd party" and then update the order.

The second subflow doesn't affect the stage field.

But, when running the second flow, it sets the stage back to "needs parts ordered" which is where it was before.  

BUT, on the first subflow, in the same assignment where the stage is updated, I am also updating "stage reason" field, and that field will be updated by the first flow.  It makes no sense!

It seems the first subflow didn't actually update the "stage" field on the order.  But it will update a different field.  I'm really confused why this refuses to update.

Does anyone know why the "enable new order save behavior" would stop a flow from updating an asset collection?  

We use orders in our org. When contracting the order, the contract, subscription, and assets should be created. However, I have some flows that run "contracted" being checked. One of the flows takes the assets and updates them via an update collection. The flow always failes when "enable new order save behavior" is on. Any thoughts?

Hi All, 

I wrote a new auto launched flow (API Version 50). It's a pretty simple flow. Get Order, get Order Products, Loop Order Products, get Product, assign Order Product Fields, Update Order Products.

When I run the flow, I get the following error message: INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE: Unable to create/update fields: Product2Id.

However I'm not trying to update Product2ID. 


Hi All, 

I wrote a new auto launched flow (API Version 50). It's a pretty simple flow. Get Order, get Order Products, Loop Order Products, get Product, assign Order Product Fields, Update Order Products.

When I run the flow, I get the following error message: INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE: Unable to create/update fields: Product2Id.

However I'm not trying to update Product2ID. 


Hey all!
I have an issue that I can't figure out at all. 
I have a simple flow. It takes an Order record as an input, finds the related OrderItems, and loops through them to update a record on them with a currency value. 

But, when I run the flow, the Update Record node is failing. The Loop collection variable looks like it has the right collection, but the Update tries to "update records: null", which makes the Flow loop endlessly and eventuallly hit max flow depth. 

The Flow is invoked by a Process, when the status of the order changes. 

The Flow debug log is as follows: 

FAST LOOKUP: Get_NS_OrderItems
Find all OrderItem records where:
Product2Id Does not equal {!FTK_Prod2Id} (01t2M000005o9eQQAQ)
Serialized_Item__c Equals false
OrderId Equals {!Active_Order.Id} (8012M000008Po5cQAC)
Store the values of these fields in Get_NS_OrderItems: Unit_COGS__c, Product2Id, Id
Successfully found records.

Loop Through: [8022M00000CUp3SQAT]
Iteration: 0
Current iteration item: 8022M00000CUp3SQAT

Find all Asset records where:
Product2Id Equals {!NS_Loop.Product2Id} (01t2M000005oOVYQA2)
Store the values of these fields in Get_NS_Asset_COGS: Unit_COGS__c, Id
Successfully found records.

ASSIGNMENT: Assign_COGS_to_OrderItem
{!NS_Loop.Unit_COGS__c} Equals {!Get_NS_Asset_COGS.Unit_COGS__c}
{!NS_Loop.Unit_COGS__c} = "11.48"

Find all OrderItem records where:
Id Equals {!NS_Loop.Id} (8022M00000CUp3SQAT)
Update the records’ field values.
Unit_COGS__c = {!NS_Loop.Unit_COGS__c} (11.48)
Failed to update records that meet the filter criteria.

The error message is here: 
Error Occurred: The flow tried to update these records: null. This error occurred: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER: We can't save this record because the “Write COGS to Order Products” process failed

Unfortunately, I've already reached out to SF Support and they cannot help, as Flows support is not included in our current support package. 

So I have created a Process Builder that when Status = Shipdate on the Order Update all Order producs Shipped = true 

Should be pretty simple as I have made many many proccess builders but I keep getting.

Maximum Depth Exceeded and I have no Idea why.  It is the only process builder in the org so why is recursion happening? 
How to know the API names of fields of a Standard Objects like Accounts, Contacts etc & what's the navigation to view the API names of fields of standard objects

HI Board,


   could any one help from a situation . The Situation is I do have two Check boxes (Checkbox A & Checkbox B).And My condition is to allow any one of the check box is true ,not the two at a time.


If checkbox A is true , Check box B should be False  and IF Checkbox B is true , Check box  B should be False , Both should not be TRUE.





Tarun(Dark Knight)


Hi All,

I had a requirement of adding the oppporunity amount to all of its contact roles. if the contact role added the opportunity, the amount of opportunity has be added to a field "Achieved" on contact Object. The contact might be a contact role on multiple opportunities. If the contact role has been removed from td the opportunity, the respective amount to be subtracted from Achieved field of Opportunity object.

Please do let me know how can i get the solution. I appreciate all of your responses with code or any recommendations.



Using the formula editor, how do i round up (or down) a number to x decimal places. eg:- I would like 1.239 rounded up to 2 decimal places to get the result 1.24. thanks!